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Other: Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions. Please refer to the appropiate section of the documentation for more details.

How to compile it

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var

How to create dynamic modules

It's the default way.

How to configure the module xyz to be linked statically

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
  --localstatedir=/var                      \

How to build everything statically

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
  --localstatedir=/var                      \

How to create a self signed certificate for TLS

openssl req -days 1000 -new -x509 -nodes    \
  -out /etc/cherokee/ssl/cherokee.pem       \
  -keyout /etc/cherokee/ssl/cherokee.pem

How to access cherokee-admin from a remote machine

cherokee-admin binds only to local loopback by default. There are some workarounds:

  • Create an SSH tunnel. This is the recommended way. In order to do so you must issue the following command:

    ssh -L 9090:localhost:9090 remote_IP

    After that you can access the remote interface through http://localhost:9090 and every request will be forwarded to the remote IP running cherokee-admin.

  • Launch cherokee-admin with the -b parameter in order to force it to listen to all the network interfaces.

  • Finally you could always install cherokee on your local host, configure it there and then copy the generated cherokee.conf file to the device running the cherokee instance you wanted to set up.

How to manually write configuration files without cherokee-admin

The configuration file is a plain text file and its syntax is well documented. Check the cherokee.conf internal format information. Notice that manually editing the configuration is not the recommended method, but the format will always be kept updated to facilitate scripting tasks, working with embedded devices and other similar situations.

Does Cherokee speak WSGI natively like mod_wsgi does?

In short: no. We believe that we should not implement anything like mod_wsgi for a number of reasons.

  • First, and purely from an architectural point, embedding an interpreter into the web server doesn't feel quite right. Be it a huge interpreter linked against dozens of libraries or be it something using Python's shared libraries, it doesn't fit with the design principles applied throughout Cherokee's code base.

  • Second, it sounds hard to believe that mod_wsgi is faster than a plain and simple SCGI application writing to a Unix socket: WSGI applications can also use FastCGI and SCGI backends, which are fully supported by Cherokee.

We believe Cherokee should be as fast, light, clean and secure as possible, and to this end we tend to disregard bulky and monolithic solutions. At least until we are given very, VERY, good reasons to give it further consideration.

Give Cherokee (SCGI|FastCGI) a try with your WSGI application. We believe that besides fixing both the architectural and security flaws you will improve performance.

I need to make an administration script: What signals are supported by Cherokee?

The list is documented in the Signals entry.

Is there a clean way of switching Cherokee to Maintenance mode?

Check the Cookbook, there is a recipe on the subject.

What licensing is used by the Cherokee web server?

Cherokee is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, which can be found in the file COPYING distributed with the source code. For more details, read the full license in the project's SVN repository.

If for whatever reason this license does not suit your needs, other licensing schemes can be negotiated on a particular basis. Contact Octality if this is your case.

And what about the documentation?

The documentation is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (by) license, which is the most accommodating in terms of what others can do with it. It lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially.

How can I contribute contents to the documentation?

The documentation is written and maintained using AsciiDoc, a text document format for writing short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages that can be easily translated to HTML and DocBook markups. It is really easy to get the hang of it, so if you want to contribute, please take a look at the AsciiDoc Cheatsheet and start editing the documentation sources right ahead. They are distributed with the source code and are located under ./doc of the source tree. If you don't have SVN access, simply mail your contributions to [email protected].

Can encoders be set for specfic file types?

Yes. Since content encoding is set on a per-rule basis, simply add a rule at the beginning of the virtual server that matches the specific file extensions and has the encoding enabled. Set the rule to be non-final. That should do the trick.

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