
Logger: W3C

This logger produces logfiles conformant to the World Wide Web Consortium standard. This standard defines lines that may contain either a directive or an entry.

  1. Entries contain fields relating to a single HTTP transaction, separated by white spaces. Unused fields in any particular entry will simply be replace by hyphens ("-").

  2. Directives register information about the logging process. If a line starts with the # character, it contains a directive. The ones of interest for Cherokee are:

    Version: <integer>.<integer>::
     The version of the extended log file format used (1.0 in our case).
    Date:<date> <time>::
     The date and time at which the entry was added.
    Fields: [<specifier>...]::
     lists a sequence of field identifiers specifying the information recorded in each entry.

An example of log file in this format is this:

Can you improve this entry?