
Validator: Mysql

The MySQL validator allows you to authenticate a user against a MySQL database.

Table: Parameters
Parameter Description
host Optional. The server that is running the MySQL database server. Default: localhost.
port Optional. The port that MySQL is listening on. Default: 3306.
unix_socket Optional. A Unix socket.
user The MySQL user to authenticate as.
passwd The MySQL user password to use.
database Required. The MySQL database to select upon connection.
query Required. The query to execute to authenticate the HTTP user.
use_md5_passwd Optional. The passwords in the database table are hashed with MD5. Default: 0.

The query parameter is given an argument ${user} so you can query against it.

Example: Sample query
    SELECT password FROM auth_users WHERE username = '${user}'

The query must return one row with one column as the password. The name of the column does not matter.


This validator is compatible with both basic and digest schemes.

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