File Events

For each listener you have to specify event type, which you are interested in.

Please note that since CloverETL 4.2, the grouping mode may be enabled for the file listener, so all file changes detected by single check produce just one "grouped" file event. Otherwise each single file produces its own event.

There are four types of file events:

File added

Event of this type occurs, when the observed file is created or copied from another location between two checks. Please keep in mind, that event of this type occurs immediately when a new file is detected, regardless it is complete or not. Thus task which may need a complete file is executed when file is still incomplete. Recommended approach is to save the file to a different location and when it is complete, rename it or move it to an observed location where CloverETL Server may detect it. File moving/renaming should be atomic operation.

Event of this type does not occur when the file has been updated (change of timestamp or size) between two checks. Appearance means that the file didn't exist during the previous check and it exists now, during the current check.

File removed

Event of this type occurs, when observed file is deleted or moved to another location between two checks.

File size changed

Event of this type occurs when the size of the observed file has changed between two checks. Event of this type is never produced when file is created or removed. The file must exist during both checks.

File timestamp changed

Event of this type occurs, when change time of the observed file has changed between two checks. Event of this type is never produced when the file is created or removed. The file must exist during both checks.