
Compass - Java Search Engine Framework

Reference Documentation


Shay Banon (kimchy), Alan Hardy

2.2.0 GA

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. I use ...
1.2.1. ... Lucene
1.2.2. ... Domain Model
1.2.3. ... Xml Model
1.2.4. ... No Model
1.2.5. ... ORM Framework
1.2.6. ... Spring Framework
I. Compass Core
2. Introduction
2.1. Overview
2.2. Session Types
2.3. Session Lifecycle
2.4. Template and Callback
3. Configuration
3.1. Programmatic Configuration
3.2. XML/JSON Configuration
3.2.1. Schema Based Configuration
3.2.2. JSON Based Configuration
3.2.3. DTD Based Configuration
3.3. Obtaining a Compass reference
3.4. Rebuilding Compass
3.5. Configuring Callback Events
4. Connection
4.1. File System Store
4.2. RAM Store
4.3. Jdbc Store
4.3.1. Managed Environment
4.3.2. Data Source Provider Driver Manager Jakarta Commons DBCP c3p0 JNDI External
4.3.3. File Entry Handler
4.3.4. DDL
4.4. Lock Factory
4.5. Local Directory Cache
4.6. Lucene Directory Wrapper
4.6.1. SyncMemoryMirrorDirectoryWrapperProvider
4.6.2. AsyncMemoryMirrorDirectoryWrapperProvider
5. Search Engine
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Alias, Resource and Property
5.2.1. Using Resource/Property
5.3. Analyzers
5.3.1. Configuring Analyzers
5.3.2. Analyzer Filter
5.3.3. Handling Synonyms
5.4. Similarity
5.5. Query Parser
5.6. Index Structure
5.7. Transaction
5.7.1. Locking
5.7.2. Transaction Processors read_committed lucene async mt (Multi Threaded) search tc (Terracotta) Custom
5.8. All Support
5.9. Sub Index Hashing
5.9.1. Constant Sub Index Hashing
5.9.2. Modulo Sub Index Hashing
5.9.3. Custom Sub Index Hashing
5.10. Optimizers
5.11. Merge
5.11.1. Merge Policy
5.11.2. Merge Scheduler
5.12. Index Deletion Policy
5.13. Spell Check / Did You Mean
5.13.1. Spell Index
5.14. Direct Lucene
5.14.1. Wrappers
5.14.2. Searcher And IndexReader
6. OSEM - Object/Search Engine Mapping
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Searchable Classes
6.2.1. Alias
6.2.2. Root
6.2.3. Sub Index
6.3. Searchable Class Mappings
6.3.1. Searchable Id and Searchable Meta Data
6.3.2. Searchable Id Component
6.3.3. Searchable Parent
6.3.4. Searchable Property and Searchable Meta Data
6.3.5. Searchable Dynamic Property
6.3.6. Searchable Constant
6.3.7. Searchable Dynamic Meta Data
6.3.8. Searchable Reference
6.3.9. Searchable Component Component Prefix
6.3.10. Searchable Cascade
6.3.11. Searchable Analyzer
6.3.12. Searchable Boost
6.4. Specifics
6.4.1. Handling Collection Types
6.4.2. Managed Id
6.4.3. Handling Inheritance
6.4.4. Polymorphic Relationships
6.4.5. Cyclic Relationships
6.4.6. Annotations and Xml Combined
6.4.7. Support Unmarshall
6.4.8. Configuration Annotations
6.5. Searchable Annotations Reference
6.6. Searchable Xml Reference
6.6.1. compass-core-mapping
6.6.2. class
6.6.3. contract
6.6.4. id
6.6.5. property
6.6.6. analyzer
6.6.7. boost
6.6.8. meta-data
6.6.9. dynamic-meta-data
6.6.10. component
6.6.11. reference
6.6.12. parent
6.6.13. constant
7. XSEM - Xml to Search Engine Mapping
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Xml Object
7.3. Xml Content Handling
7.4. Raw Xml Object
7.5. Mapping Definition
7.5.1. Converters
7.5.2. xml-object
7.5.3. xml-id
7.5.4. xml-property
7.5.5. xml-analyzer
7.5.6. xml-boost
7.5.7. xml-content
8. JSEM - JSOM to Search Engine Mapping
8.1. Introduction
8.2. JSON API Abstraction
8.3. Content Mapping
8.4. Raw Json Object
8.5. Mapping Definitions
8.5.1. root-json-object
8.5.2. json-id
8.5.3. json-property
8.5.4. json-object
8.5.5. json-array
8.5.6. json-content
8.5.7. json-boost
8.5.8. json-analyzer
9. RSEM - Resource/Search Engine Mapping
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Mapping Declaration
9.2.1. resource
9.2.2. resource-contract
9.2.3. resource-id
9.2.4. resource-property
9.2.5. resource-analyzer
9.2.6. resource-boost
10. Common Meta Data
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Commnon Meta Data Definition
10.3. Using the Definition
10.4. Commnon Meta Data Ant Task
11. Transaction
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Session Lifecycle
11.3. Local Transaction
11.4. JTA Synchronization Transaction
11.5. XA Transaction
12. Working with objects
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Making Object/Resource Searchable
12.3. Loading an Object/Resource
12.4. Deleting an Object/Resource
12.5. Searching
12.5.1. Query String Syntax
12.5.2. Query String - Range Queries Extensions
12.5.3. CompassHits, CompassDetachedHits & CompassHitsOperations
12.5.4. CompassQuery and CompassQueryBuilder
12.5.5. Terms and Frequencies
12.5.6. CompassSearchHelper
12.5.7. CompassHighlighter
II. Compass Vocabulary
13. Introduction
14. Dublin Core
III. Compass Gps
15. Introduction
15.1. Overview
15.2. CompassGps
15.2.1. SingleCompassGps
15.2.2. DualCompassGps
15.3. CompassGpsDevice
15.3.1. MirrorDataChangesGpsDevice
15.4. Programmatic Configuration
15.5. Parallel Device
15.6. Building a Gps Device
16. JDBC
16.1. Introduction
16.2. Mapping
16.2.1. ResultSet Mapping
16.2.2. Table Mapping
16.3. Mapping - MirrorDataChanges
16.3.1. ResultSet Mapping
16.3.2. Table Mapping
16.3.3. Jdbc Snapshot
16.4. Resource Mapping
16.5. Putting it All Together
17. Embedded Hibernate
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Configuration
17.3. Transaction Management
18. Hibernate
18.1. Introduction
18.2. Configuration
18.2.1. Deprecated Hibernate Devices Configuration
18.3. Index Operation
18.4. Real Time Data Mirroring
18.5. HibernateSyncTransaction
18.6. Hibernate Transaction Interceptor
19. JPA (Java Persistence API)
19.1. Introduction
19.2. Configuration
19.3. Index Operation
19.4. Real Time Data Mirroring
20. Embedded OpenJPA
20.1. Introduction
20.2. Configuration
20.3. Index Operation
20.4. Real Time Data Mirroring
20.5. OpenJPA Helper
21. Embedded TopLink Essentials
21.1. Introduction
21.2. Configuration
21.3. Transaction Management
22. Embedded EclipseLink
22.1. Introduction
22.2. Configuration
22.3. Transaction Management
23. iBatis
23.1. Introduction
23.2. Index Operation
23.3. Configuration
IV. Compass Spring
24. Introduction
24.1. Overview
24.2. Compass Definition in Application Context
25. DAO Support
25.1. Dao and Template
26. Spring Transaction
26.1. Introduction
26.2. LocalTransaction
26.3. JTASyncTransaction
26.4. SpringSyncTransaction
26.5. CompassTransactionManager
27. Hibernate 3 Gps Device Support
27.1. Deprecation Note
27.2. Introduction
27.3. SpringHibernate3GpsDevice
28. Jdbc Gps Device Support
28.1. Introduction
28.2. ResultSet Mapping
28.3. Table Mapping
29. Spring AOP
29.1. Introduction
29.2. Advices
29.3. Dao Sample
29.4. Transactional Serivce Sample
30. Spring MVC Support
30.1. Introduction
30.2. Support Classes
30.3. Index Controller
30.4. Search Controller
V. Compass Needle
31. GigaSpaces
31.1. Overview
31.2. Lucene Directory
31.3. Compass Store
31.4. Searchable Space (Using Mirror Service)
31.5. Searchable Space (Using Embedded Service)
32. Coherence
32.1. Overview
32.2. Lucene Directory
32.3. Compass Store
32.4. Compass Cache Store
33. Terracotta
33.1. Overview
33.2. Lucene Directory
33.3. Compass Store
33.4. Transaction Processor
VI. Compass Samples
34. Library Sample
34.1. Introduction
34.2. Running The Sample
35. Petclinic Sample
35.1. Introduction
35.2. Running The Sample
35.3. Data Model In Petclinic
35.3.1. Common Meta-data (Optional)
35.3.2. Resource Mapping
35.3.3. OSEM
35.4. Data Access In Petclinic
35.4.1. Hibernate
35.4.2. JDBC
35.5. Web (MVC) in Petclinic
VII. Appendixes
A. Configuration Settings
A.1. Compass Configuration Settings
A.1.1. compass.engine.connection
A.1.2. JNDI
A.1.3. Property
A.1.4. Transaction Level
A.1.5. Transaction Strategy
A.1.6. Property Accessor
A.1.7. Converters
A.1.8. Search Engine
A.1.9. Search Engine Jdbc
A.1.9.1. Data Source Providers
A.1.9.2. File Entry Handlers
A.1.10. Search Engine Analyzers
A.1.11. Search Engine Analyzer Filters
A.1.12. Search Engine Highlighters
A.1.13. Other Settings
B. Lucene Jdbc Directory
B.1. Overview
B.2. Performance Notes
B.3. Transaction Management
B.3.1. Auto Commit Mode
B.3.2. DataSource Transaction Management
B.3.3. Using External Transaction Manager
B.3.4. DirectoryTemplate
B.4. File Entry Handler
B.4.1. IndexInput Types
B.4.2. IndexOutput Types