Game Simulation sample bucket

The Game Simulation sample bucket is designed to showcase a typical gaming application that combines records showing individual gamers, game objects and how this information can be merged together and then reported on using views.

For example, a typical game player record looks like the one below:

    "experience": 14248,
    "hitpoints": 23832,
    "jsonType": "player",
    "level": 141,
    "loggedIn": true,
    "name": "Aaron1",
    "uuid": "78edf902-7dd2-49a4-99b4-1c94ee286a33"

A game object, in this case an Axe, is shown below:

   "jsonType" : "item",
   "name" : "Axe_14e3ad7b-8469-444e-8057-ac5aefcdf89e",
   "ownerId" : "Benjamin2",
   "uuid" : "14e3ad7b-8469-444e-8057-ac5aefcdf89e"

In this example, you can see how the game object has been connected to an individual user through the ownerId field of the item JSON.

Monsters within the game are similarly defined through another JSON object type:

    "experienceWhenKilled": 91,
    "hitpoints": 3990,
    "itemProbability": 0.19239324085462631,
    "jsonType": "monster",
    "name": "Wild-man9",
    "uuid": "f72b98c2-e84b-4b17-9e2a-bcec52b0ce1c"

For each of the three records, the jsonType field is used to define the type of the object being stored.

leaderboard view

The leaderboard view is designed to generate a list of the players and their current score:

function (doc) {
  if (doc.jsonType == "player") {
  emit(doc.experience, null);

The view looks for records with a jsonType of “player”, and then outputs the experience field of each player record. Because the output from views is naturally sorted by the key value, the output of the view will be a sorted list of the players by their score. For example:

   "total_rows" : 81,
   "rows" : [
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Bob0",
         "key" : 1
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Dustin2",
         "key" : 1
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Frank0",
         "key" : 26

To get the top 10 highest scores (and ergo players), you can send a request that reverses the sort order (by using descending=true, for example:

Which generates the following:

   "total_rows" : 81,
   "rows" : [
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Tony0",
         "key" : 23308
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Sharon0",
         "key" : 20241
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Damien0",
         "key" : 20190
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Srini0",
         "key" :9
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Aliaksey1",
         "key" : 17263

playerlist view

The playerlist view creates a list of all the players by using a map function that looks for “player” records.

function (doc, meta) {
  if (doc.jsonType == "player") {
    emit(, null);

This outputs a list of players in the format:

   "total_rows" : 81,
   "rows" : [
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Aaron0",
         "key" : "Aaron0"
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Aaron1",
         "key" : "Aaron1"
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Aaron2",
         "key" : "Aaron2"
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Aliaksey0",
         "key" : "Aliaksey0"
         "value" : null,
         "id" : "Aliaksey1",
         "key" : "Aliaksey1"