Getting all bucket information

To retrieve all bucket information for a cluster use the GET /pools/default/buckets HTTP method and URI.


To create an SDK for Couchbase, use either the proxy path or the direct path to connect to Couchbase Server. If the SDK uses the direct path, the SDK is not insulated from most reconfiguration changes to the bucket. This means that the SDK needs to either poll the bucket’s URI or connect to the streaming URI to receive updates when the bucket configuration changes. Bucket configuration changes occur under the follow circumstances:
  • Nodes are added.
  • Nodes are removed.
  • Nodes fail.

HTTP method and URI

GET /pools/default/buckets


Curl request syntax to retrieve information for all buckets in a cluster:

curl -u [admin]:[password] 

Raw HTTP request syntax:

GET /pools/default/buckets
Host: localhost:8091
Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Accept: application/json
X-memcachekv-Store-Client-Specification-Version: 0.1


Curl request example:

curl -u admin:password

Raw HTTP request example:

GET /pools/default/buckets
Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Accept: application/json
X-memcachekv-Store-Client-Specification-Version: 0.1


Host: localhost:8091
Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Accept: application/json
X-memcachekv-Store-Client-Specification-Version: 0.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Couchbase Server 1.6.0
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 18:12:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: nnn
Cache-Control: no-cache no-store max-age=0
        "name": "default",
        "bucketType": "couchbase",
        "authType": "sasl",
        "saslPassword": "",
        "proxyPort": 0,
        "uri": "/pools/default/buckets/default",
        "streamingUri": "/pools/default/bucketsStreaming/default",
        "flushCacheUri": "/pools/default/buckets/default/controller/doFlush",
        "nodes": [
                "uptime": "784657",
                "memoryTotal": 8453197824.0,
                "memoryFree": 1191157760,
                "mcdMemoryReserved": 6449,
                "mcdMemoryAllocated": 6449,
                "clusterMembership": "active",
                "status": "unhealthy",
                "hostname": "",
                "version": "1.6.0",
                "os": "windows",
                "ports": {
                    "proxy": 11211,
                    "direct": 11210
        "stats": {
            "uri": "/pools/default/buckets/default/stats"
        "nodeLocator": "vbucket",
        "vBucketServerMap": {
            "hashAlgorithm": "CRC",
            "numReplicas": 1,
            "serverList": [
      "vBucketMap": [ [ 0, -1 ], [ 0, -1 ], [ 0, -1 ], [ 0, -1 ], [ 0, -1 ], [ 0, -1 ]]
        "replicaNumber": 1,
        "quota": {
            "ram": 104857600,
            "rawRAM": 104857600
        "basicStats": {
            "quotaPercentUsed": 24.360397338867188,
            "opsPerSec": 0,
            "diskFetches": 0,
            "itemCount": 0,
            "diskUsed": 0,
            "memUsed": 25543728
        "name": "test-application",
        "bucketType": "memcached",
        "authType": "sasl",
        "saslPassword": "",
        "proxyPort": 0,
        "uri": "/pools/default/buckets/test-application",
        "streamingUri": "/pools/default/bucketsStreaming/test-application",
        "flushCacheUri": "/pools/default/buckets/test-application/controller/doFlush",
        "nodes": [
                "uptime": "784657",
                "memoryTotal": 8453197824.0,
                "memoryFree": 1191157760,
                "mcdMemoryReserved": 6449,
                "mcdMemoryAllocated": 6449,
                "clusterMembership": "active",
                "status": "healthy",
                "hostname": "",
                "version": "1.6.0",
                "os": "windows",
                "ports": {
                    "proxy": 11211,
                    "direct": 11210
        "stats": {
            "uri": "/pools/default/buckets/test-application/stats"
        "nodeLocator": "ketama",
        "replicaNumber": 0,
        "quota": {
            "ram": 67108864,
            "rawRAM": 67108864
        "basicStats": {
            "quotaPercentUsed": 4.064150154590607,
            "opsPerSec": 0,
            "hitRatio": 0,
            "itemCount": 1385,
            "diskUsed": 0,
            "memUsed": 2727405