Retrieving cluster information

HTTP method and URI

One of the first ways to discover the URI endpoints for the REST API is to find the available clusters. To find the available clusters, provide the Couchbase Server IP address, port number, and append /pools.

GET /pools     


Curl request syntax:

curl -u [admin]:[password] http://[localhost]:8091/pools

The admin, password, and localhost variables are replaced with your actual values.

HTTP request syntax:

GET /pools
Host: localhost:8091
Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Accept: application/json
X-memcachekv-Store-Client-Specification-Version: 0.1

While the specified server is a member of one cluster, a server can also be aware of other pools. The Client-Specification-Version is optional in the request, but advised. It enables implementations to adjust representation and state transitions to the client, if backward compatibility is desirable.


To send a request for cluster information using curl:

curl -u Administrator:password        


Couchbase Server returns only one cluster per group of systems and the cluster typically has a default name. Couchbase Server returns the build number for the server in implementationVersion and the specifications supported are in componentsVersion.

The corresponding HTTP response contains a JSON document describing the cluster configuration.

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1037  100  1037    0     0  64294      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 69133
    "componentsVersion": {
        "ale": "3.0.0-1209-rel-enterprise", 
        "asn1": "2.0.4", 
        "compiler": "4.9.4", 
        "couch": "2.1.1r-432-gc2af28d", 
        "couch_index_merger": "2.1.1r-432-gc2af28d", 
        "couch_set_view": "2.1.1r-432-gc2af28d", 
        "couch_view_parser": "1.0.0", 
        "crypto": "3.2", 
        "inets": "5.9.8", 
        "kernel": "2.16.4", 
        "lhttpc": "1.3.0", 
        "mapreduce": "1.0.0", 
        "mochiweb": "2.4.2", 
        "ns_server": "3.0.0-1209-rel-enterprise", 
        "oauth": "7d85d3ef", 
        "os_mon": "2.2.14", 
        "public_key": "0.21", 
        "sasl": "2.3.4", 
        "ssl": "5.3.3", 
        "stdlib": "1.19.4", 
        "syntax_tools": "1.6.13", 
        "xmerl": "1.3.6"
    "implementationVersion": "3.0.0-1209-rel-enterprise", 
    "isAdminCreds": true, 
    "isEnterprise": true, 
    "isROAdminCreds": false, 
    "pools": [
            "name": "default", 
            "streamingUri": "/poolsStreaming/default?uuid=995618a6a6cc9ac79731bd13240e19b5", 
            "uri": "/pools/default?uuid=995618a6a6cc9ac79731bd13240e19b5"
    "settings": {
        "maxParallelIndexers": "/settings/maxParallelIndexers?uuid=995618a6a6cc9ac79731bd13240e19b5", 
        "viewUpdateDaemon": "/settings/viewUpdateDaemon?uuid=995618a6a6cc9ac79731bd13240e19b5"
    "uuid": "995618a6a6cc9ac79731bd13240e19b5"