XDCR architecture
There are a number of key elements in Couchbase Server’s XDCR architecture including:
Continuous Replication. XDCR in Couchbase Server provides continuous replication across geographically distributed datacenters. Data mutations are replicated to the destination cluster after they are written to disk. There are multiple data streams (32 by default) that are shuffled across all shards (called vBuckets in Couchbase Server) on the source cluster to move data in parallel to the destination cluster. The vBucket list is shuffled so that replication is evenly load balanced across all the servers in the cluster. The clusters scale horizontally, more the servers, more the replication streams, faster the replication rate.
Cluster Aware. XDCR is cluster topology aware. The source and destination clusters could have different number of servers. If a server in the source or destination cluster goes down, XDCR is able to get the updated cluster topology information and continue replicating data to available servers in the destination cluster.
Push based connection resilient replication. XDCR in Couchbase Server is push-based replication. The source cluster regularly checkpoints the replication queue per vBucket and keeps track of what data the destination cluster last received. If the replication process is interrupted for example due to a server crash or intermittent network connection failures, it is not required to restart replication from the beginning. Instead, once the replication link is restored, replication can continue from the last checkpoint seen by the destination cluster.
Efficient. For the sake of efficiency, Couchbase Server is able to de-duplicate information that is waiting to be stored on disk. For instance, if there are three changes to the same document in Couchbase Server, and these three changes are waiting in queue to be persisted, only the last version of the document is stored on disk and later gets pushed into the XDCR queue to be replicated.
Active-Active Conflict Resolution. Within a cluster, Couchbase Server provides strong consistency at the document level. On the other hand, XDCR also provides eventual consistency across clusters. Built-in conflict resolution will pick the same “winner” on both the clusters if the same document was mutated on both the clusters. If a conflict occurs, the document with the most updates will be considered the “winner.” If the same document is updated the same number of times on the source and destination, additional metadata such as numerical sequence, CAS value, document flags and expiration TTL value are used to pick the “winner.” XDCR applies the same rule across clusters to make sure document consistency is maintained:
As shown in above, bidirectional replication is set up between Datacenter 1 and Datacenter 2 and both the clusters start off with the same JSON document (Doc 1). In addition, two additional updates to Doc 1 happen on Datacenter 2. In the case of a conflict, Doc 1 on Datacenter 2 is chosen as the winner because it has seen more updates.