Atomic operations

The C SDK supports operations that allow one-step, atomic changes to documents.

Counter operations

The counter method permits you to implement an atomic counter as a Couchbase document. These operations expect and are stored as UTF-8 encoded string representations of the number. You can either execute this operation against a previously created document, or create one if it does not exist using the initial and create fields. Keep in mind that initial will do nothing if the document already exists and that if the document needs to be created, it will be set to initial, not initial+delta.
lcb_arithmetic_cmd_t cmd = { 0 };
const lcb_arithmetic_cmd_t *cmdlist = &cmd;
cmd.v.v0.key = "counter";
cmd.v.v0.nkey = strlen("counter"); = 1; // Increment by one
cmd.v.v0.initial = 42; // Set to 42 if it does not exist
cmd.v.v0.create = 1; // Create item if it does not exist
lcb_error_t err = lcb_arithmetic(instance, NULL, 1, &cmdlist);

Appending and prepending to documents

Documents can also be appended or prepended to. These methods provide an efficient way to add to the existing document without fetching the entire document over the network, modifying it, and then submitting it.

Warning: Appending or prepending data to documents might invalidate the JSON content. Use these operations only for documents that you do not intend to query using views.
In libcouchbase, appending and prepending is done using the lcb_store() operation. When appending or prepending data, the bytes field describes the buffer of data to add to the existing value (either at the beginning or at the end, for prepend and append respectively). The following constants can be used in the operation field for these modifications:

For more information about using lcb_store(), see Updating documents.