About document expiration

Time to Live, also known as TTL, is the time until a document expires in Couchbase Server. By default, all documents will have a TTL of 0, which indicates the document will be kept indefinitely. Typically when you add, set, or replace information, you would establish a custom TTL by passing it as a parameter to your method call. As part of normal maintenance operations, Couchbase Server will periodically remove all items with expirations that have passed.

Here is how to specify a TTL:

  • Values less than 30 days: if you want an item to live for less than 30 days, you can provide a TTL in seconds, or as Unix epoch time. The maximum number of seconds you can specify are the seconds in a month, namely 30 x 24 x 60 x 60. Couchbase Server will remove the item the given number of seconds after it stores the item.

Be aware that even if you specify a TTL as a relative value such as seconds into the future, it is actually stored in Couchbase server as an absolute Unix timestamp. This means, for example, if you store an item with a two-day relative TTL, immediately make a backup, and then restore from that backup three days later, the expiration will have passed and the data is no longer there.

  • Values over 30 days: if you want an item to live for more than 30 day you must provide a TTL in Unix epoch time; for instance, 1 095 379 198 indicates the seconds since 1970.

Be aware that Couchbase Server does lazy expiration, that is, expired items are flagged as deleted rather than being immediately erased. Couchbase Server has a maintenance process, called expiry pager that will periodically look through all information and erase expired items. This maintenance process will run every 60 minutes, but it can be configured to run at a different interval. Couchbase Server will immediately remove an item flagged for deletion the next time the item is requested; the server will respond that the item does not exist to the requesting process.

Couchbase Server offers new functionality you can use to index and find documents and perform calculations on data, known as views. For views, you write functions in JavaScript that specify what data should be included in an index. When you want to retrieve information using views, it is called querying a view and the information Couchbase Server returns is called a result set.

The result set from a view will contain any items stored on disk that meet the requirements of your views function. Therefore information that has not yet been removed from disk may appear as part of a result set when you query a view.

Using Couchbase views, you can also perform reduce functions on data, which perform calculations or other aggregations of data. For instance if you want to count the instances of a type of object, you would use a reduce function. Once again, if an item is on disk, it will be included in any calculation performed by your reduce functions. Based on this behavior due to disk persistence, here are guidelines on handling expiration with views:

  • Detecting Expired Documents in Result Sets : If you are using views for indexing items from Couchbase Server, items that have not yet been removed as part of the expiry pager maintenance process will be part of a result set returned by querying the view. To exclude these items from a result set you should use query parameter include_doc set to true. This parameter typically includes all JSON documents associated with the keys in a result set. For example, if you use the parameter include_docs=true Couchbase Server will return a result set with an additional "doc" object which contains the JSON or binary data for that key:


For expired documents if you set include_doc=true, Couchbase Server will return a result set indicating the document does not exist anymore. Specifically, the key that had expired but had not yet been removed by the cleanup process will appear in the result set as a row where "doc":null :

  • Reduces and Expired Documents : In some cases, you may want to perform a reduce function to perform aggregations and calculations on data in Couchbase Server. In this case, Couchbase Server takes pre-calculated values which are stored for an index and derives a final result. This also means that any expired items still on disk will be part of the reduction. This may not be an issue for your final result if the ratio of expired items is proportionately low compared to other items. For instance, if you have 10 expired scores still on disk for an average performed over 1 million players, there may be only a minimal level of difference in the final result. However, if you have 10 expired scores on disk for an average performed over 20 players, you would get very different result than the average you would expect.

In this case, you may want to run the expiry pager process more frequently to ensure that items that have expired are not included in calculations used in the reduce function. We recommend an interval of 10 minutes for the expiry pager on each node of a cluster. Note that this interval has a slight impact on node performance as it performs cleanup more frequently on the node.

For more details about setting intervals for the maintenance process, see cbepctl command line tool to find information about specifying disk cleanup intervals and refer to the examples about exp_pager_stime.

For more information about views and view query parameters, see Finding data with views.