Thread safety for Couchbase SDKs

Developers typically want to know which Couchbase SDKs are thread-safe. In most programming languages a thread is associated with a single use of a program to serve one user. For multiple users you typically create and maintain a separate thread for each user. ‘Thread-safe’ means the Couchbase SDK can spawn additional processes at the system level; the processes will access and change shared objects and data in the runtime environment in a way that guarantees safe execution of multiple process.

When a language or framework is not truly thread safe, multiple processes that try to share objects may corrupt object data, and may lead to inconsistent results. For instance sharing the same client object from multiple threads could lead to retrieving the wrong value for a key requested by a thread, or no value at all.

When you develop with Couchbase Server, creating a multi-threaded application is particularly helpful for sharing a client instance across multiple processes. When you create a new client instance, it is a relatively time-consuming and resource intensive process compared to other server requests. When you can reuse a client instance, multiple processes with multiple requests can reuse the connection to Couchbase Server. Therefore being able to safely reuse client objects across multiple processes can improve application performance.

Languages such as.Net and Java have in built-in support for thread-safety, and the Couchbase Java and.Net SDKs have been certified as being thread-safe if you utilize thread-safety mechanisms provided by the two languages with the SDKs.

Note that the client object you create with a Couchbase SDK does not spawn additional threads to handle multiple requests. Therefore to provide multi-threading and client object reuse even for SDKs that are thread-safe, you will need to implement connection pools and other language-specific thread-safety measures.

The following Couchbase SDKs are developed and tested as thread safe:

  • Java SDK 1.0 and above

  • .Net SDK 1.0 and above

The Couchbase C library is not tested or implemented as thread-safe. This means you cannot safely share a connection instance between threads. You also cannot make a copy of the connection with the current connection settings and pass it to another thread.

There are several Couchbase SDKs that rely on the underlying Couchbase C library for Couchbase Server communications, namely Couchbase SDKs based on scripting languages. Since these libraries are also dependent on the C library, they not certified as thread-safe. This includes the ruby, PHP, and Perl SDKs for Couchbase.

However there are alternatives for these SDKs that can enable safe reuse of client objects for multiple processes. The rest of this section describes some of these techniques.

The Ruby languages provides a class called Thread so you can reuse a client object for multiple requests:

require 'couchbase'

# setup default connection options

Couchbase.connection_options = {:bucket => 'mybucket', :port => 9000}

threads = []

      5.times do |num|
          threads << do
              Couchbase.bucket.set("key-#{num}", "val-#{num}")

In the example we create a new local variable called Thread, with one local variable per thread. Each local instance has an individual client object which share the same connection objects. Individual thread instances could also establish more connections if needed. An alternate is to clone a client object. The following shows how you can duplicate an existing connection to a separate object which maintains the same connection information, but can be used safely by another thread:

conn1 = Couchbase.connect(:bucket => 'mybucket')

conn2 = conn1.dup

When you use the Ruby method dup it will make a copy of the Couchbase client object and will create a new connection for that object using parameters from the original client object.