Managing server connections

Configuring the client

To configure the client, instantiate a new Cluster object:

$myCluster = new CouchbaseCluster('couchbase://');

In addition to the connection string passed to the Cluster object, you can include a user name and password. The user name and password are required to perform management operations against your cluster. If you do not use the cluster management aspects of the SDK, the user name and password parameters are optional. Keep in mind that these credentials are the same ones you use to log in to the Couchbase administrator console, not those specified for the bucket itself.

Connecting to a bucket

To connect to a bucket, call the openBucket() method against your Cluster instance, passing in the name of the bucket that you want to connect to. If no bucket name is specified, the default bucket is opened. The following example shows how to connect to a bucket:

$myCluster = new CouchbaseCluster();
$myBucket = $myCluster->openBucket('default');

In addition to the bucket name, you can optionally include the bucket password if one has been defined, as shown in the following example:

$myCluster = new CouchbaseCluster();
$myBucket = $myCluster->openBucket('default', 'password');

To close the connection to a bucket, call its disconnect() method. This method queues the disconnection of all open connections and causes any pending operations to fail.

Configuring SSL

To configure SSL, pass an SSL scheme with your connection string when creating your cluster object.

$myCluster = new CouchbaseCluster('couchbases://');
$myBucket = $myCluster->openBucket();