Release notes

Release notes for the 2.0 version of the PHP SDK.

Version 2.0.2

Version 2.0.2 is a minor patch update to the 2.0 SDK.

Enhancements and behavioral changes

  • PCBC-310: Corrected a segmentation fault occurring in some cases when running under Apache or IIS.
  • Updated PHP script executer to provide accurate error information in Exception stack traces.
  • Refactored code base for better maintainability.

Known issues

  • None

Version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1 is a minor patch update to the 2.0 SDK.

Enhancements and behavioral changes

  • Allow JSON decoding as associative array.
  • Added missing append/prepend forwarders.
  • Fixed various issues with query creation and execution.
  • Corrected various build issues.

Known issues

  • None

Version 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 is the first GA version of the 2.0.0 client.

Enhancements and behavioral changes

  • No changes since Beta 2.

Known issues

  • None

Version 2.0 Beta 2

Version 2.0 Beta 2 is the second beta release of the PHP SDK version 2.0.

Enhancements and behavioral changes

  • Added support for cross-SDK data storage and retrieval.
  • Added method to debug generated view queries.
  • Fixed numerous minor bugs since beta.

Known issues

  • None

Version 2.0 Beta

Version 2.0 Beta is the first beta release of the PHP SDK version 2.0.

Enhancements and behavioral changes

  • This release includes new documentation, new API reference, and an interface representing all committed features. Various uncommitted and experimental features might change prior to the general availability (GA) release of 2.0.0.

Known issues

  • None