Public API Reference

iCelConsoleCommand Struct Reference

A single command for the CEL console. More...

#include <tools/celconsole.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Execute (const csStringArray &args)=0
 Execute this command with all the arguments in a tokenized form.
virtual const char * GetCommand ()=0
 Get the command string.
virtual const char * GetDescription ()=0
 Get a short description of this command.
virtual void Help ()=0
 Show a long usage help on the console.

Detailed Description

A single command for the CEL console.

Implement this if you want to add commands to the CEL console.

Definition at line 35 of file celconsole.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iCelConsoleCommand::Execute ( const csStringArray &  args  )  [pure virtual]

Execute this command with all the arguments in a tokenized form.

Note that the command string itself will be at position 0 in the 'args' array.

virtual const char* iCelConsoleCommand::GetCommand (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the command string.

virtual const char* iCelConsoleCommand::GetDescription (  )  [pure virtual]

Get a short description of this command.

virtual void iCelConsoleCommand::Help (  )  [pure virtual]

Show a long usage help on the console.

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