CEL: Crystal Entity Layer Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:celClientEventData | The data about a client event |
celData | Typed data for CEL |
celDefaultHoverUpthruster | This function will be used when UseDefaultStabiliserFunction is called |
celEnvFluid | A class implementing a fluid in a sector |
celEnvGravity | A class implementing gravity in a sector |
celGameClientManager | This is an interface you should implement in order to manage the events from the client |
celGameFactoryManager | This is an interface you should implement in order to manage the events from the factory of game sessions |
celGameInfo | General information on a game |
celGameInfoList | A list of general info of games |
celGameServerManager | This is an interface you should implement in order to manage the events from the server |
celGenericParameterBlock | Generic parameter block implementation |
celHoverObjectInfo | Contains info about a hovering object, and is used to feed information to the upthrust calculation functor |
celInitializer | This class contains static member functions which can help set up an application to use the Crystal Entity Layer |
celNetworkLinkData | The data about a network link |
celNetworkPlayerStats | The network stats of the connection viewed by the server |
celNetworkPlayerTotalStats | The network stats of the connection of all the players viewed by the server |
celNetworkServerStats | The network stats of the connection viewed by the client |
celOneParameterBlock | Parameter block implementation if only one parameter is desired |
celPcCameraCommon | The representation of a camera |
celPcCommon | This is a common implementation for a property class from which all other property classes can inherit |
celPlayer | General information on a player |
celServerEventData | The data about a server event |
celStabiliserFunction | A function object where the returned force will be applied to an object upwards |
celStandardLocalEntitySet | Standard implementation of iCelLocalEntitySet |
celStandardPersistentDataList | Standard implementation of iCelPersistentDataList |
celVariableParameterBlock | Variable parameter block implementation |
iActionQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that sends an action to some entity property class with an optional tag |
iBillboard | A billboard (2D image on screen) |
iBillboardEventHandler | An event on some billboard (like being selected or something) |
iBillboardLayer | A layer of billboards |
iBillboardManager | This is a manager to handle billboards |
iCelBehaviour | This is an entity in the CEL layer at the BL (behaviour layer) side |
iCelBlLayer | This is the Behaviour Layer itself |
iCelBlLayerGenerate | This is an interface that behaviour layers can optionally implement |
iCelCameraMode | |
iCelConsole | Interface for the CEL console |
iCelConsoleCommand | A single command for the CEL console |
iCelDataBuffer | This interface describes persistable data |
iCelEntity | This is an entity in the CEL layer at the PL (physical layer) side |
iCelEntityIterator | An iterator for entities |
iCelEntityList | A list of entities |
iCelEntityRemoveCallback | Implement this interface if you want to know when entities are removed |
iCelEntityTemplate | This is an entity template |
iCelEntityTracker | This structure maintains a tracker for entities |
iCelExpression | Interface for a single expression |
iCelExpressionParser | Interface to the expression parser plugin (same as the blxml behaviour layer plugin) |
iCelGame | A networked game |
iCelGameClient | The main object to manage the client game logic |
iCelGameFactory | A factory to manage game sessions |
iCelGameServer | The main object to manage the server game logic |
iCelInventorySpace | This interface represents a space system for the inventory property class |
iCelInventorySpaceSlot | A slot in the inventory system |
iCelLocalEntitySet | A local entity set define the set of entities that are considered 'local' to the saved file |
iCelMapFile | A representation of a map file for a region |
iCelMessage | A message in the CEL framework |
iCelNewEntityCallback | Implement this interface if you want to know when new entities are added |
iCelParameterBlock | This interface is a parameter block that can be used to pass parameters through SendMessage() in a behaviour |
iCelPersistence | This interface describes a module that can persist CEL data |
iCelPersistentDataList | A list of persistent data for all the property classes of an entity |
iCelPlayerList | A list of players |
iCelPlLayer | This is the Physical Layer itself |
iCelPropertyChangeCallback | This is a callback that is called whenever a property changes for some property class |
iCelPropertyClass | This is a property class for an entity |
iCelPropertyClassFactory | This is a factory for property classes |
iCelPropertyClassList | A list of property classes |
iCelPropertyClassTemplate | This is a property class template for an entity |
iCelRegion | A region |
iCelRule | A rule |
iCelRuleBase | Interface for the Rule System |
iCelTimerListener | Generic timing system in CEL |
iCelZone | A zone |
iChangePropertyQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that changes the value of a property (either on a property from pcproperties or a generic property on any property class) |
iCsSequenceQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that fires a Crystal Space sequence |
iDebugPrintQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that prints debug messages on standard output |
iDebugPrintQuestSeqOpFactory | This interface is implemented by the seqop that prints debug messages on standard output |
iDestroyEntityQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that destroys an entity |
iEnterSectorQuestTriggerFactory | This interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain sector is entered |
iEntityLoader | This interface allows one to access the celentity addon with an easier interface |
iEntityTemplateLoader | This interface allows one to access the celentitytpl addon with an easier interface |
iInventoryQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that manipulates the inventory |
iInventoryQuestTriggerFactory | This interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain inventory gets some entity |
iLightQuestSeqOpFactory | This interface is implemented by the seqop that animates light colors |
iMeshSelectQuestTriggerFactory | This interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain mesh is selected |
iMessageQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that sends a message to some entity (the behaviour will get this message) |
iMovePathQuestSeqOpFactory | This interface is implemented by the seqop that moves meshes along a path |
iNewStateQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that switches to another state |
iNumReg | This interface is used for ID -> iCelEntity* registers in the physical layer |
iPcActorMove | ActorMove property class |
iPcAwsWindow | This is the AWS Window property class |
iPcBillboard | Billboard property class |
iPcCamera | The representation of a camera |
iPcCharacteristics | This is a characteristics property class |
iPcCollisionDetection | This property class controls collision detection of an entity with the world map and other meshes |
iPcCommandInput | Input propery class |
iPcCraftController | Craft controller property class |
iPcDamage | This is a property class for damage emitting |
iPcDefaultCamera | This is a property class that wraps a standard first-person and third-person camera and related functionality |
iPcEnvAttractor | A property class representing an attractor or a repulsor |
iPcGravity | Gravity handling property class |
iPcGravityCallback | Inherit this class if you want to know when gravity is applied to a certain iPcLinearMovement |
iPcHover | Hover stabiliser property class |
iPcInventory | This is an inventory property class |
iPcInventoryListener | Listen to inventory changes |
iPcLight | This is a property class holding the representation of a light |
iPcLinearMovement | This property class controls movement of an entity in a realistic manner |
iPcMechanicsBalancedGroup | Property class representing a balanced group of thrusters that can translate or rotate the object in a certain axis |
iPcMechanicsExploder | A property class for handling the physics of an explosion |
iPcMechanicsJoint | A joint |
iPcMechanicsObject | A dynamic body |
iPcMechanicsSteering | Property class representing a steering mechanism that affects forces on the attached object, dependent on the forward velocity of the object |
iPcMechanicsSystem | Property class representing a dynamic system |
iPcMechanicsThruster | Property class representing a thruster that affect forces on the attached object |
iPcMechanicsThrusterController | Property class that controls the thrusters attached to an object through the use of balanced thruster groups |
iPcMesh | This is a property class holding the representation of a mesh |
iPcMeshSelect | This is a property class for selecting meshes |
iPcMeshSelectListener | Listen to mesh selection |
iPcMovable | Control moving an iPcMesh |
iPcMovableConstraint | A constraint for a movable |
iPcMover | This is a mover property class |
iPcNavGraph | @@ Needs comment! |
iPcNavGraphRules | Interfaces for the navigation classes |
iPcNavLink | @@ Needs comment! |
iPcNavNode | @@ Needs comment! |
iPcNewCamera | This is a camera property class |
iPcNpcMove | NpcMove property class |
iPcPortal | This is a property class holding the representation of a portal |
iPcProjectile | This is a projectile property class |
iPcProperties | This is a general property class |
iPcPropertyListener | Listen for property changes |
iPcQuest | This property class represents a quest |
iPcRegion | The representation of a region |
iPcRules | This property class represents a set of active rules for an entity |
iPcSimpleCamera | A class representing a simple camera, with capabilities for both first-person and third-person modes |
iPcSolid | A solid representation of an entity |
iPcSoundListener | This is the sound listener property class |
iPcSoundSource | |
iPcSpawn | Spawn property class |
iPcTest | This is a test property class |
iPcTimer | Timer propery class |
iPcTooltip | Tooltip property class |
iPcTrigger | This is a trigger property class |
iPcTriggerListener | Listen to trigger actions |
iPcWheeled | |
iPcZoneManager | This is the zone manager |
iPropertyChangeQuestTriggerFactory | This interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain property gets some value |
iQuest | A quest instance |
iQuestFactory | A quest factory |
iQuestManager | This is the quest manager |
iQuestReward | This is a reward for a quest |
iQuestRewardFactory | A factory to create rewards |
iQuestRewardType | The reward type is responsible for the creation of reward factories |
iQuestSeqOp | This is a sequence operation in a quest |
iQuestSeqOpFactory | A factory to create sequence operators |
iQuestSeqOpType | The seqop type is responsible for the creation of seqop factories |
iQuestSequence | A sequence |
iQuestSequenceCallback | This callback is fired when the sequences finished running properly |
iQuestSequenceFactory | A representation of a sequence factory |
iQuestStateFactory | A representation of a quest state in a quest factory |
iQuestTrigger | This is a trigger for a quest |
iQuestTriggerCallback | A quest trigger will get pointers to call back the quest when the trigger fires through this interface |
iQuestTriggerFactory | A factory to create triggers |
iQuestTriggerResponseFactory | A trigger with response as used in a quest state |
iQuestTriggerType | The trigger type is responsible for the creation of trigger factories |
iSequenceFinishQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that finishes a sequence |
iSequenceFinishQuestTriggerFactory | This interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain sequence finishes |
iSequenceQuestRewardFactory | This interface is implemented by the reward that fires a sequence |
iTimeoutQuestTriggerFactory | This interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain time has expired |
iTransformQuestSeqOpFactory | This interface is implemented by the seqop that transforms meshes |
iTriggerQuestTriggerFactory | This interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a pctrigger fires |
iWatchQuestTriggerFactory | This interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a mesh becomes visible |
Property | |
PropertyHolder | Keep a static instance of this structure in your property class so that your property class can implement properties more easily |
Generated for CEL: Crystal Entity Layer by doxygen 1.4.7