Public API Reference

CEL: Crystal Entity Layer Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
celClientEventDataThe data about a client event
celDataTyped data for CEL
celDefaultHoverUpthrusterThis function will be used when UseDefaultStabiliserFunction is called
celEnvFluidA class implementing a fluid in a sector
celEnvGravityA class implementing gravity in a sector
celGameClientManagerThis is an interface you should implement in order to manage the events from the client
celGameFactoryManagerThis is an interface you should implement in order to manage the events from the factory of game sessions
celGameInfoGeneral information on a game
celGameInfoListA list of general info of games
celGameServerManagerThis is an interface you should implement in order to manage the events from the server
celGenericParameterBlockGeneric parameter block implementation
celHoverObjectInfoContains info about a hovering object, and is used to feed information to the upthrust calculation functor
celInitializerThis class contains static member functions which can help set up an application to use the Crystal Entity Layer
celNetworkLinkDataThe data about a network link
celNetworkPlayerStatsThe network stats of the connection viewed by the server
celNetworkPlayerTotalStatsThe network stats of the connection of all the players viewed by the server
celNetworkServerStatsThe network stats of the connection viewed by the client
celOneParameterBlockParameter block implementation if only one parameter is desired
celPcCameraCommonThe representation of a camera
celPcCommonThis is a common implementation for a property class from which all other property classes can inherit
celPlayerGeneral information on a player
celServerEventDataThe data about a server event
celStabiliserFunctionA function object where the returned force will be applied to an object upwards
celStandardLocalEntitySetStandard implementation of iCelLocalEntitySet
celStandardPersistentDataListStandard implementation of iCelPersistentDataList
celVariableParameterBlockVariable parameter block implementation
iActionQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that sends an action to some entity property class with an optional tag
iBillboardA billboard (2D image on screen)
iBillboardEventHandlerAn event on some billboard (like being selected or something)
iBillboardLayerA layer of billboards
iBillboardManagerThis is a manager to handle billboards
iCelBehaviourThis is an entity in the CEL layer at the BL (behaviour layer) side
iCelBlLayerThis is the Behaviour Layer itself
iCelBlLayerGenerateThis is an interface that behaviour layers can optionally implement
iCelConsoleInterface for the CEL console
iCelConsoleCommandA single command for the CEL console
iCelDataBufferThis interface describes persistable data
iCelEntityThis is an entity in the CEL layer at the PL (physical layer) side
iCelEntityIteratorAn iterator for entities
iCelEntityListA list of entities
iCelEntityRemoveCallbackImplement this interface if you want to know when entities are removed
iCelEntityTemplateThis is an entity template
iCelEntityTrackerThis structure maintains a tracker for entities
iCelExpressionInterface for a single expression
iCelExpressionParserInterface to the expression parser plugin (same as the blxml behaviour layer plugin)
iCelGameA networked game
iCelGameClientThe main object to manage the client game logic
iCelGameFactoryA factory to manage game sessions
iCelGameServerThe main object to manage the server game logic
iCelInventorySpaceThis interface represents a space system for the inventory property class
iCelInventorySpaceSlotA slot in the inventory system
iCelLocalEntitySetA local entity set define the set of entities that are considered 'local' to the saved file
iCelMapFileA representation of a map file for a region
iCelMessageA message in the CEL framework
iCelNewEntityCallbackImplement this interface if you want to know when new entities are added
iCelParameterBlockThis interface is a parameter block that can be used to pass parameters through SendMessage() in a behaviour
iCelPersistenceThis interface describes a module that can persist CEL data
iCelPersistentDataListA list of persistent data for all the property classes of an entity
iCelPlayerListA list of players
iCelPlLayerThis is the Physical Layer itself
iCelPropertyChangeCallbackThis is a callback that is called whenever a property changes for some property class
iCelPropertyClassThis is a property class for an entity
iCelPropertyClassFactoryThis is a factory for property classes
iCelPropertyClassListA list of property classes
iCelPropertyClassTemplateThis is a property class template for an entity
iCelRegionA region
iCelRuleA rule
iCelRuleBaseInterface for the Rule System
iCelTimerListenerGeneric timing system in CEL
iCelZoneA zone
iChangePropertyQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that changes the value of a property (either on a property from pcproperties or a generic property on any property class)
iCsSequenceQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that fires a Crystal Space sequence
iDebugPrintQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that prints debug messages on standard output
iDebugPrintQuestSeqOpFactoryThis interface is implemented by the seqop that prints debug messages on standard output
iDestroyEntityQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that destroys an entity
iEnterSectorQuestTriggerFactoryThis interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain sector is entered
iEntityLoaderThis interface allows one to access the celentity addon with an easier interface
iEntityTemplateLoaderThis interface allows one to access the celentitytpl addon with an easier interface
iInventoryQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that manipulates the inventory
iInventoryQuestTriggerFactoryThis interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain inventory gets some entity
iLightQuestSeqOpFactoryThis interface is implemented by the seqop that animates light colors
iMeshSelectQuestTriggerFactoryThis interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain mesh is selected
iMessageQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that sends a message to some entity (the behaviour will get this message)
iMovePathQuestSeqOpFactoryThis interface is implemented by the seqop that moves meshes along a path
iNewStateQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that switches to another state
iNumRegThis interface is used for ID -> iCelEntity* registers in the physical layer
iPcActorMoveActorMove property class
iPcAwsWindowThis is the AWS Window property class
iPcBillboardBillboard property class
iPcCameraThe representation of a camera
iPcCharacteristicsThis is a characteristics property class
iPcCollisionDetectionThis property class controls collision detection of an entity with the world map and other meshes
iPcCommandInputInput propery class
iPcCraftControllerCraft controller property class
iPcDamageThis is a property class for damage emitting
iPcDefaultCameraThis is a property class that wraps a standard first-person and third-person camera and related functionality
iPcEnvAttractorA property class representing an attractor or a repulsor
iPcGravityGravity handling property class
iPcGravityCallbackInherit this class if you want to know when gravity is applied to a certain iPcLinearMovement
iPcHoverHover stabiliser property class
iPcInventoryThis is an inventory property class
iPcInventoryListenerListen to inventory changes
iPcLightThis is a property class holding the representation of a light
iPcLinearMovementThis property class controls movement of an entity in a realistic manner
iPcMechanicsBalancedGroupProperty class representing a balanced group of thrusters that can translate or rotate the object in a certain axis
iPcMechanicsExploderA property class for handling the physics of an explosion
iPcMechanicsJointA joint
iPcMechanicsObjectA dynamic body
iPcMechanicsSteeringProperty class representing a steering mechanism that affects forces on the attached object, dependent on the forward velocity of the object
iPcMechanicsSystemProperty class representing a dynamic system
iPcMechanicsThrusterProperty class representing a thruster that affect forces on the attached object
iPcMechanicsThrusterControllerProperty class that controls the thrusters attached to an object through the use of balanced thruster groups
iPcMeshThis is a property class holding the representation of a mesh
iPcMeshSelectThis is a property class for selecting meshes
iPcMeshSelectListenerListen to mesh selection
iPcMovableControl moving an iPcMesh
iPcMovableConstraintA constraint for a movable
iPcMoverThis is a mover property class
iPcNavGraph@@ Needs comment!
iPcNavGraphRulesInterfaces for the navigation classes
iPcNavLink@@ Needs comment!
iPcNavNode@@ Needs comment!
iPcNewCameraThis is a camera property class
iPcNpcMoveNpcMove property class
iPcPortalThis is a property class holding the representation of a portal
iPcProjectileThis is a projectile property class
iPcPropertiesThis is a general property class
iPcPropertyListenerListen for property changes
iPcQuestThis property class represents a quest
iPcRegionThe representation of a region
iPcRulesThis property class represents a set of active rules for an entity
iPcSimpleCameraA class representing a simple camera, with capabilities for both first-person and third-person modes
iPcSolidA solid representation of an entity
iPcSoundListenerThis is the sound listener property class
iPcSpawnSpawn property class
iPcTestThis is a test property class
iPcTimerTimer propery class
iPcTooltipTooltip property class
iPcTriggerThis is a trigger property class
iPcTriggerListenerListen to trigger actions
iPcZoneManagerThis is the zone manager
iPropertyChangeQuestTriggerFactoryThis interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain property gets some value
iQuestA quest instance
iQuestFactoryA quest factory
iQuestManagerThis is the quest manager
iQuestRewardThis is a reward for a quest
iQuestRewardFactoryA factory to create rewards
iQuestRewardTypeThe reward type is responsible for the creation of reward factories
iQuestSeqOpThis is a sequence operation in a quest
iQuestSeqOpFactoryA factory to create sequence operators
iQuestSeqOpTypeThe seqop type is responsible for the creation of seqop factories
iQuestSequenceA sequence
iQuestSequenceCallbackThis callback is fired when the sequences finished running properly
iQuestSequenceFactoryA representation of a sequence factory
iQuestStateFactoryA representation of a quest state in a quest factory
iQuestTriggerThis is a trigger for a quest
iQuestTriggerCallbackA quest trigger will get pointers to call back the quest when the trigger fires through this interface
iQuestTriggerFactoryA factory to create triggers
iQuestTriggerResponseFactoryA trigger with response as used in a quest state
iQuestTriggerTypeThe trigger type is responsible for the creation of trigger factories
iSequenceFinishQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that finishes a sequence
iSequenceFinishQuestTriggerFactoryThis interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain sequence finishes
iSequenceQuestRewardFactoryThis interface is implemented by the reward that fires a sequence
iTimeoutQuestTriggerFactoryThis interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a certain time has expired
iTransformQuestSeqOpFactoryThis interface is implemented by the seqop that transforms meshes
iTriggerQuestTriggerFactoryThis interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a pctrigger fires
iWatchQuestTriggerFactoryThis interface is implemented by the trigger that fires when a mesh becomes visible
PropertyHolderKeep a static instance of this structure in your property class so that your property class can implement properties more easily

Generated for CEL: Crystal Entity Layer by doxygen 1.4.7