Public API Reference

iPcCommandInput Struct Reference

Input propery class. More...

#include <propclass/input.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Activate (bool activate=true)=0
 Activates the input to get Commands.
virtual bool Bind (const char *triggername, const char *command)=0
 Binds a trigger to a command.
virtual float CenteredToScreen (float centeredcoord, float axis=0)=0
 Convert a coordinate from a value between -1 and 1 to screen-space.
virtual const char * GetBind (const char *triggername) const =0
 returns the command bind to a key
virtual bool GetCookedMode () const =0
 Get cooked or raw.
virtual bool IsSendTriggerEnabled () const =0
 Is send trigger enabled or disabled?
virtual bool LoadConfig (const char *prefix)=0
 Loads from a config file binding triggers(for example keys) to commands.
virtual void RemoveAllBinds ()=0
 deletes all binds
virtual bool RemoveBind (const char *triggername, const char *command)=0
 deletes a bind, if triggername is 0 deletes all binds to the command
virtual void SaveConfig (const char *prefix)=0
 Saves to a config file binding triggers(for example keys) to commands.
virtual void ScreenCoordinates (bool screen=true)=0
 Send screen coordinates instead of coordinates between -1 and 1 for axis movement messages.
virtual float ScreenToCentered (float screencoord, float axis=0)=0
 Convert a coordinate from screen-space to a value between -1 and 1.
virtual void SetCookedMode (bool cooked)=0
 Enable/disable cooked mode.
virtual void SetSendTrigger (bool send)=0
 Enable/disable sending trigger name.

Detailed Description

Input propery class.

This property class supports the following actions (add prefix 'cel.action.' to get the ID of the action and add prefix 'cel.parameter.' to get the ID of the parameter):

This property class can send out the following messages to the behaviour:

This property class supports the following properties (add prefix 'cel.property.' to get the ID of the property:

Definition at line 59 of file input.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iPcCommandInput::Activate ( bool  activate = true  )  [pure virtual]

Activates the input to get Commands.

virtual bool iPcCommandInput::Bind ( const char *  triggername,
const char *  command 
) [pure virtual]

Binds a trigger to a command.

The triggername can be equal to 'key' in which case all keys will be bound.

virtual float iPcCommandInput::CenteredToScreen ( float  centeredcoord,
float  axis = 0 
) [pure virtual]

Convert a coordinate from a value between -1 and 1 to screen-space.

centeredcoord a value between -1 and 1
axis the screen axis to use for the conversion (0 = x, 1 = y)

virtual const char* iPcCommandInput::GetBind ( const char *  triggername  )  const [pure virtual]

returns the command bind to a key

virtual bool iPcCommandInput::GetCookedMode (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get cooked or raw.

virtual bool iPcCommandInput::IsSendTriggerEnabled (  )  const [pure virtual]

Is send trigger enabled or disabled?

virtual bool iPcCommandInput::LoadConfig ( const char *  prefix  )  [pure virtual]

Loads from a config file binding triggers(for example keys) to commands.

prefix for the <prefix>.CommandInput.Bind.<trigger>

virtual void iPcCommandInput::RemoveAllBinds (  )  [pure virtual]

deletes all binds

virtual bool iPcCommandInput::RemoveBind ( const char *  triggername,
const char *  command 
) [pure virtual]

deletes a bind, if triggername is 0 deletes all binds to the command

virtual void iPcCommandInput::SaveConfig ( const char *  prefix  )  [pure virtual]

Saves to a config file binding triggers(for example keys) to commands.

prefix for the <prefix>.CommandInput.Bind.<trigger>

virtual void iPcCommandInput::ScreenCoordinates ( bool  screen = true  )  [pure virtual]

Send screen coordinates instead of coordinates between -1 and 1 for axis movement messages.

virtual float iPcCommandInput::ScreenToCentered ( float  screencoord,
float  axis = 0 
) [pure virtual]

Convert a coordinate from screen-space to a value between -1 and 1.

screencoord the coordinate in screen-space
axis the screen axis to use for the conversion (0 = x, 1 = y)

virtual void iPcCommandInput::SetCookedMode ( bool  cooked  )  [pure virtual]

Enable/disable cooked mode.

By default raw mode is used which means that keyboard events are parsed in raw mode. That implies the following:

  • You can't bind on key combinations like Shift-F3
  • Binding on 'a' is the same as 'A'. In cooked mode you can bind on key combinations and on keys like 'shift'.

virtual void iPcCommandInput::SetSendTrigger ( bool  send  )  [pure virtual]

Enable/disable sending trigger name.

When this is enabled this property class will add a 'trigger' parameter to all keyboard messages. That parameter will be the name of the keyboard event that triggered the message. By default this is disabled.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for CEL: Crystal Entity Layer by doxygen 1.4.7