Public API Reference

iPcTest Struct Reference

This is a test property class. More...

#include <propclass/test.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Print (const char *msg)=0
 Print a message.

Detailed Description

This is a test property class.

This property class can send out the following messages to the behaviour (add prefix 'cel.parameter.' to get the ID for parameters):

This property class supports the following actions (add prefix 'cel.action.' to get the ID of the action and add prefix 'cel.parameter.' to get the ID of the parameter):

This property class supports the following properties (add prefix 'cel.property.' to get the ID of the property:

Definition at line 43 of file test.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iPcTest::Print ( const char *  msg  )  [pure virtual]

Print a message.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for CEL: Crystal Entity Layer by doxygen 1.4.7