
Public API Reference

csMemoryPen Class Reference

The memory pen is a caching pen object. More...

#include <cstool/pen.h>

Inheritance diagram for csMemoryPen:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Clear ()
 Clears the draw buffer out.
virtual void ClearFlag (uint flag)
 Clears the given flag.
virtual void ClearTransform ()
 Clears the current transform, resets to identity.
 csMemoryPen ()
void Draw (iPen *_pen_)
 Draws the cached contents of this buffer into the pen.
virtual void DrawArc (uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, float start_angle, float end_angle)
 Draws an elliptical arc from start angle to end angle.
virtual void DrawLine (uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2)
 Draws a single line.
virtual void DrawMiteredRect (uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, uint miter)
 Draws a mitered rectangle.
virtual void DrawPoint (uint x1, uint y2)
 Draws a single point.
virtual void DrawRect (uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2)
 Draws a rectangle.
virtual void DrawRoundedRect (uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, uint roundness)
 Draws a rounded rectangle.
virtual void DrawTriangle (uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, uint x3, uint y3)
 Draws a triangle around the given vertices.
virtual void PopTransform ()
 Pops the transform stack.
virtual void PushTransform ()
 Pushes the current transform onto the stack.
virtual void Rotate (const float &a)
 Rotates by the given angle.
virtual void SetColor (const csColor4 &color)
 Sets the current color.
virtual void SetColor (float r, float g, float b, float a)
 Sets the current color.
virtual void SetFlag (uint flag)
 Sets the given flag.
virtual void SetMixMode (uint mode)
 Sets the given mix (blending) mode.
virtual void SetOrigin (const csVector3 &o)
 Sets the origin of the coordinate system.
virtual void SetPenWidth (float width)
 Sets the width of the pen for line drawing.
virtual void SetTexture (csRef< iTextureHandle > tex)
 Sets the texture handle.
virtual void SwapColors ()
 Swaps the current color and the alternate color.
virtual void Translate (const csVector3 &t)
 Translates by the given vector.
virtual void Write (iFont *font, uint x1, uint y1, char *text)
 Writes text in the given font at the given location.
virtual void WriteBoxed (iFont *font, uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, uint h_align, uint v_align, char *text)
 Writes text in the given font, in the given box.
virtual ~csMemoryPen ()

Detailed Description

The memory pen is a caching pen object.

The commands are written to memory, and then later may be replayed to some other pen.

Definition at line 460 of file pen.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void csMemoryPen::Clear (  )  [virtual]

Clears the draw buffer out.

virtual void csMemoryPen::ClearFlag ( uint  flag  )  [virtual]

Clears the given flag.

flag The flag to clear.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::ClearTransform (  )  [virtual]

Clears the current transform, resets to identity.

Implements iPen.

void csMemoryPen::Draw ( iPen _pen_  ) 

Draws the cached contents of this buffer into the pen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::DrawArc ( uint  x1,
uint  y1,
uint  x2,
uint  y2,
float  start_angle,
float  end_angle 
) [virtual]

Draws an elliptical arc from start angle to end angle.

Angle must be specified in radians. The arc will be made to fit in the given box. If you want a circular arc, make sure the box is a square. If you want a full circle or ellipse, specify 0 as the start angle and 2*PI as the end angle.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::DrawLine ( uint  x1,
uint  y1,
uint  x2,
uint  y2 
) [virtual]

Draws a single line.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::DrawMiteredRect ( uint  x1,
uint  y1,
uint  x2,
uint  y2,
uint  miter 
) [virtual]

Draws a mitered rectangle.

The miter value should be between 0.0 and 1.0, and determines how much of the corner is mitered off and beveled.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::DrawPoint ( uint  x1,
uint  y2 
) [virtual]

Draws a single point.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::DrawRect ( uint  x1,
uint  y1,
uint  x2,
uint  y2 
) [virtual]

Draws a rectangle.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::DrawRoundedRect ( uint  x1,
uint  y1,
uint  x2,
uint  y2,
uint  roundness 
) [virtual]

Draws a rounded rectangle.

The roundness value should be between 0.0 and 1.0, and determines how much of the corner is rounded off.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::DrawTriangle ( uint  x1,
uint  y1,
uint  x2,
uint  y2,
uint  x3,
uint  y3 
) [virtual]

Draws a triangle around the given vertices.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::PopTransform (  )  [virtual]

Pops the transform stack.

The top of the stack becomes the current transform.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::PushTransform (  )  [virtual]

Pushes the current transform onto the stack.


Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::Rotate ( const float &  a  )  [virtual]

Rotates by the given angle.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::SetColor ( const csColor4 color  )  [virtual]

Sets the current color.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::SetColor ( float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
float  a 
) [virtual]

Sets the current color.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::SetFlag ( uint  flag  )  [virtual]

Sets the given flag.

flag The flag to set.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::SetMixMode ( uint  mode  )  [virtual]

Sets the given mix (blending) mode.

mode The mixmode to set.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::SetOrigin ( const csVector3 o  )  [virtual]

Sets the origin of the coordinate system.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::SetPenWidth ( float  width  )  [virtual]

Sets the width of the pen for line drawing.

width The width in pixels.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::SetTexture ( csRef< iTextureHandle tex  )  [virtual]

Sets the texture handle.

tex A reference to the texture to use.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::SwapColors (  )  [virtual]

Swaps the current color and the alternate color.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::Translate ( const csVector3 t  )  [virtual]

Translates by the given vector.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::Write ( iFont font,
uint  x1,
uint  y1,
char *  text 
) [virtual]

Writes text in the given font at the given location.

Implements iPen.

virtual void csMemoryPen::WriteBoxed ( iFont font,
uint  x1,
uint  y1,
uint  x2,
uint  y2,
uint  h_align,
uint  v_align,
char *  text 
) [virtual]

Writes text in the given font, in the given box.

The alignment specified in h_align and v_align determine how it should be aligned.

Implements iPen.

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