
Public API Reference

csPoolEvent Class Reference

This class is a system event designed for the pool system. More...

#include <csutil/csevent.h>

Inheritance diagram for csPoolEvent:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 csPoolEvent (csEventQueue *q)
 The constructor; should only be called from within csEventQueue.
virtual void DecRef ()
 Places the event back into the pool if this is the last reference.


class csEvent
class csEventQueue

Detailed Description

This class is a system event designed for the pool system.

Due to the possibilities of networking traffic and other assorted events traversing the event system, a more efficient method of event creation was needed. Thus, the event pool was born, and there are the events that reside within it.

Definition at line 308 of file csevent.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

csPoolEvent::csPoolEvent ( csEventQueue q  ) 

The constructor; should only be called from within csEventQueue.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void csPoolEvent::DecRef (  )  [virtual]

Places the event back into the pool if this is the last reference.

Reimplemented from scfImplementation< csEvent >.

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