
Public API Reference

csHitBeamResult Struct Reference
[Mesh support]

Return structure for the iMeshWrapper->HitBeam() routines. More...

#include <iengine/mesh.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int facehit
 Only for HitBeamBBox: Face number that was hit.
bool hit
 For all except HitBeamBBox: true if hit, false otherwise.
csVector3 isect
 Intersection point in object space.
 Only for HitBeamObject and HitBeam: the material that was hit.
int polygon_idx
 Only for HitBeamObject: the polygon/triangle index that was hit.
float r
 Value between 0 and 1 indicating where on the segment the intersection occured.

Detailed Description

Return structure for the iMeshWrapper->HitBeam() routines.

Definition at line 179 of file mesh.h.

Member Data Documentation

Only for HitBeamBBox: Face number that was hit.

See also:

Definition at line 199 of file mesh.h.

For all except HitBeamBBox: true if hit, false otherwise.

Definition at line 203 of file mesh.h.

Intersection point in object space.

Definition at line 182 of file mesh.h.

Only for HitBeamObject and HitBeam: the material that was hit.

Can be 0 in case the meshobject doesn't support getting the material.

Definition at line 194 of file mesh.h.

Only for HitBeamObject: the polygon/triangle index that was hit.

Definition at line 189 of file mesh.h.

Value between 0 and 1 indicating where on the segment the intersection occured.

Definition at line 187 of file mesh.h.

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