
Public API Reference

csRenderBuffer::Props Struct Reference

To scrape off a few bytes use bitfields; assumes values are in sane limits. More...

#include <csgfx/renderbuffer.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Props (csRenderBufferType type, csRenderBufferComponentType componentType, uint componentCount, bool copy)

Public Attributes

csRenderBufferType bufferType: 2
 hint about main usage
uint compCount: 8
 number of components per element
csRenderBufferComponentType comptype: 4
 datatype for each component
bool doCopy: 1
 should we copy data, or just use supplied buffer
bool doDelete: 1
 if buffer should be deleted on deallocation
bool isIndex: 1
 if this is index-buffer
bool isLocked: 1
 currently locked? (to prevent recursive locking)
uint lastLock: 2
 last type of lock used
size_t offset: 8
 offset from buffer start to data
size_t stride: 8
 buffer stride

Detailed Description

To scrape off a few bytes use bitfields; assumes values are in sane limits.

Definition at line 251 of file renderbuffer.h.

Member Data Documentation

hint about main usage

Definition at line 254 of file renderbuffer.h.

number of components per element

Definition at line 259 of file renderbuffer.h.

datatype for each component

Definition at line 256 of file renderbuffer.h.

should we copy data, or just use supplied buffer

Definition at line 266 of file renderbuffer.h.

if buffer should be deleted on deallocation

Definition at line 268 of file renderbuffer.h.

if this is index-buffer

Definition at line 272 of file renderbuffer.h.

currently locked? (to prevent recursive locking)

Definition at line 270 of file renderbuffer.h.

last type of lock used

Definition at line 275 of file renderbuffer.h.

offset from buffer start to data

Definition at line 263 of file renderbuffer.h.

buffer stride

Definition at line 261 of file renderbuffer.h.

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