
Public API Reference

iWin32Assistant Struct Reference

This interface describes actions specific to the Windows platform. More...

#include <csutil/win32/win32.h>

Inheritance diagram for iWin32Assistant:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AlertV (HWND window, int type, const char *title, const char *okMsg, const char *msg, va_list args)=0
 Display a nice message box.
virtual HWND CreateCSWindow (iGraphics2D *canvas, DWORD exStyle, DWORD style, int x, int y, int w, int h)=0
 Create a new window with the default CrystalSpace window class.
virtual void DisableConsole ()=0
 Disable the console window (if present).
virtual int GetCmdShow () const =0
 Gets the nCmdShow of the WinMain().
virtual HINSTANCE GetInstance () const =0
 Returns the HINSTANCE of the program.
virtual bool GetIsActive () const =0
 Returns true if the program is 'active', false otherwise.
virtual bool HasOwnMessageLoop ()=0
 Gets whether CS should get Messages on it's own.
virtual bool SetCursor (int cursor)=0
 Set the mouse shape.
virtual bool SetHCursor (HCURSOR cursor)=0
 Set the mouse shape.
virtual void UseOwnMessageLoop (bool ownmsgloop)=0
 Sets wether CS should get Messages on it's own.

Detailed Description

This interface describes actions specific to the Windows platform.

As the name suggests, this interface provides functionality specific to the Win32 platform. It can be retrieved from the object registry via CS_QUERY_REGISTRY(), as an instance of this object will be registered with the tag `iWin32Assistant'. To ensure that code using this functionality compiles properly on all other platforms, the use of the header file should be surrounded by appropriate '#if defined(CS_PLATFORM_WIN32) ... #endif' statements.

Definition at line 44 of file win32.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iWin32Assistant::AlertV ( HWND  window,
int  type,
const char *  title,
const char *  okMsg,
const char *  msg,
va_list  args 
) [pure virtual]

Display a nice message box.

window Parent window of the message box.
type Type of the message box, one of CS_ALERT_*.
title Title used for the message box.
okMsg Label of the "OK" button. 0 means default.
msg Message. Can contain cs_snprintf()-like format specifiers.
args Message formatting arguments
See also:

virtual HWND iWin32Assistant::CreateCSWindow ( iGraphics2D canvas,
DWORD  exStyle,
DWORD  style,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 
) [pure virtual]

Create a new window with the default CrystalSpace window class.

canvas the canvas creating the window. This window can subsequently be subclassed if more functionality is needed.

virtual void iWin32Assistant::DisableConsole (  )  [pure virtual]

Disable the console window (if present).

virtual int iWin32Assistant::GetCmdShow (  )  const [pure virtual]

Gets the nCmdShow of the WinMain().

virtual HINSTANCE iWin32Assistant::GetInstance (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the HINSTANCE of the program.

virtual bool iWin32Assistant::GetIsActive (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns true if the program is 'active', false otherwise.

virtual bool iWin32Assistant::HasOwnMessageLoop (  )  [pure virtual]

Gets whether CS should get Messages on it's own.

virtual bool iWin32Assistant::SetCursor ( int  cursor  )  [pure virtual]

Set the mouse shape.

virtual bool iWin32Assistant::SetHCursor ( HCURSOR  cursor  )  [pure virtual]

Set the mouse shape.

virtual void iWin32Assistant::UseOwnMessageLoop ( bool  ownmsgloop  )  [pure virtual]

Sets wether CS should get Messages on it's own.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7