
Public API Reference

iGraphics2D Struct Reference

This is the interface for 2D renderer. More...

#include <ivideo/graph2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for iGraphics2D:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AllowResize (bool iAllow)=0
 Enable/disable canvas resizing.
virtual bool BeginDraw ()=0
 This routine should be called before any draw operations.
virtual void Blit (int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char const *data)=0
 Blit a memory block. Format of the image is RGBA in bytes. Row by row.
virtual void Clear (int color)=0
 Clear backbuffer.
virtual void ClearAll (int color)=0
 Clear all video pages.
virtual bool ClipLine (float &x1, float &y1, float &x2, float &y2, int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax)=0
 Clip a line against given rectangle.
virtual void Close ()=0
 Close the device.
virtual csPtr< iGraphics2DCreateOffscreenCanvas (void *memory, int width, int height, int depth, iOffscreenCanvasCallback *ofscb)=0
 Create an off-screen canvas so you can render on a given memory area.
virtual bool DoubleBuffer (bool Enable)=0
 Enable or disable double buffering; returns success status.
virtual void DrawBox (int x, int y, int w, int h, int color)=0
 Draw a box.
virtual void DrawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int color)=0
 Draw a line.
virtual void DrawPixel (int x, int y, int color)=0
 Draw a pixel.
virtual void DrawPixels (csPixelCoord const *pixels, int num_pixels, int color)=0
 Draw an array of pixel coordinates with the given color.
virtual int FindRGB (int r, int g, int b, int a=255)=0
 Find an RGB (0.
virtual void FinishDraw ()=0
 This routine should be called when you finished drawing.
virtual void FreeArea (csImageArea *Area)=0
 Free storage allocated for a subarea of screen.
virtual void GetClipRect (int &nMinX, int &nMinY, int &nMaxX, int &nMaxY)=0
 Retrieve clipping rectangle.
virtual bool GetDoubleBufferState ()=0
 Get the double buffer state.
virtual iFontServerGetFontServer ()=0
 Get the active font server (does not do IncRef()).
virtual bool GetFullScreen ()=0
 Returns 'true' if the program is being run full-screen.
virtual float GetGamma () const =0
 Get gamma value.
virtual int GetHeight ()=0
 Return the height of the framebuffer.
virtual const char * GetName () const =0
 Get the name of the canvas.
virtual iNativeWindowGetNativeWindow ()=0
 Get the native window corresponding with this canvas.
virtual int GetPage ()=0
 Get active videopage number (starting from zero).
virtual int GetPalEntryCount ()=0
 Return the number of palette entries that can be modified.
virtual csRGBpixelGetPalette ()=0
 Get the palette (if there is one).
virtual void GetPixel (int x, int y, uint8 &oR, uint8 &oG, uint8 &oB, uint8 &oA)=0
 As GetPixel() above, but with alpha.
virtual void GetPixel (int x, int y, uint8 &oR, uint8 &oG, uint8 &oB)=0
 Query pixel R,G,B at given screen location.
virtual unsigned char * GetPixelAt (int x, int y)=0
 Returns the address of the pixel at the specified (x, y) coordinates.
virtual int GetPixelBytes ()=0
 Return the number of bytes for every pixel.
virtual csPixelFormat const * GetPixelFormat ()=0
 Return information about the pixel format.
virtual void GetRGB (int color, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &a)=0
 Retrieve the R,G,B,A tuple for a given color index.
virtual void GetRGB (int color, int &r, int &g, int &b)=0
 Retrieve the R,G,B tuple for a given color index.
virtual int GetWidth ()=0
 Return the width of the framebuffer.
virtual bool Open ()=0
 Open the device.
virtual bool PerformExtension (char const *command,...)=0
 Perform a system specific exension.
virtual bool PerformExtensionV (char const *command, va_list)=0
 Perform a system specific exension.
virtual void Print (csRect const *pArea)=0
 Flip video pages (or dump backbuffer into framebuffer).
virtual bool Resize (int w, int h)=0
 Resize the canvas.
virtual void RestoreArea (csImageArea *Area, bool Free)=0
 Restore a subarea of screen saved with SaveArea().
virtual csImageAreaSaveArea (int x, int y, int w, int h)=0
 Save a subarea of screen and return a handle to saved buffer.
virtual csPtr< iImageScreenShot ()=0
 Do a screenshot: return a new iImage object.
virtual void SetClipRect (int nMinX, int nMinY, int nMaxX, int nMaxY)=0
 Set clipping rectangle.
virtual void SetFullScreen (bool b)=0
 Change the fullscreen state of the canvas.
virtual bool SetGamma (float gamma)=0
 Set gamma value (if supported by canvas).
virtual bool SetMouseCursor (iImage *image, const csRGBcolor *keycolor=0, int hotspot_x=0, int hotspot_y=0, csRGBcolor fg=csRGBcolor(255, 255, 255), csRGBcolor bg=csRGBcolor(0, 0, 0))=0
 Set mouse cursor using an image.
virtual bool SetMouseCursor (csMouseCursorID iShape)=0
 Set mouse cursor to one of predefined shape classes (see csmcXXX enum above).
virtual bool SetMousePosition (int x, int y)=0
 Set mouse position (relative to top-left of CS window).
virtual void SetRGB (int i, int r, int g, int b)=0
 Set a color index to given R,G,B (0.
virtual void Write (iFont *font, int x, int y, int fg, int bg, const wchar_t *str, uint flags=0)=0
 Write a text string into the back buffer.
virtual void Write (iFont *font, int x, int y, int fg, int bg, const char *str, uint flags=0)=0
 Write a text string into the back buffer.
virtual void WriteBaseline (iFont *font, int x, int y, int fg, int bg, const char *str)=0
 Write a text string into the back buffer.

Detailed Description

This is the interface for 2D renderer.

The 2D renderer is responsible for all 2D operations such as creating the window, switching pages, returning pixel format and so on.

Main creators of instances implementing this interface:

Main ways to get pointers to this interface:

Main users of this interface:

Definition at line 173 of file graph2d.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iGraphics2D::AllowResize ( bool  iAllow  )  [pure virtual]

Enable/disable canvas resizing.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::BeginDraw (  )  [pure virtual]

This routine should be called before any draw operations.

It should return true if graphics context is ready.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::Blit ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
unsigned char const *  data 
) [pure virtual]

Blit a memory block. Format of the image is RGBA in bytes. Row by row.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::Clear ( int  color  )  [pure virtual]

Clear backbuffer.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::ClearAll ( int  color  )  [pure virtual]

Clear all video pages.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::ClipLine ( float &  x1,
float &  y1,
float &  x2,
float &  y2,
int  xmin,
int  ymin,
int  xmax,
int  ymax 
) [pure virtual]

Clip a line against given rectangle.

Function returns true if line is not visible.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual void iGraphics2D::Close (  )  [pure virtual]

Close the device.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual csPtr<iGraphics2D> iGraphics2D::CreateOffscreenCanvas ( void *  memory,
int  width,
int  height,
int  depth,
iOffscreenCanvasCallback ofscb 
) [pure virtual]

Create an off-screen canvas so you can render on a given memory area.

If depth==8 then the canvas will use palette mode. In that case you can do SetRGB() to initialize the palette. The callback interface (if given) is used to communicate from the canvas back to the caller. You can use this to detect when the texture data has changed for example.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::DoubleBuffer ( bool  Enable  )  [pure virtual]

Enable or disable double buffering; returns success status.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::DrawBox ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
int  color 
) [pure virtual]

Draw a box.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::DrawLine ( float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
int  color 
) [pure virtual]

Draw a line.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::DrawPixel ( int  x,
int  y,
int  color 
) [pure virtual]

Draw a pixel.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::DrawPixels ( csPixelCoord const *  pixels,
int  num_pixels,
int  color 
) [pure virtual]

Draw an array of pixel coordinates with the given color.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual int iGraphics2D::FindRGB ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  a = 255 
) [pure virtual]

Find an RGB (0.

.255) color. If there is a palette, this returns an entry index set with SetRGB(). If the returned value is -1, a suitable palette entry was not found. Without a palette, the actual color bytes are returned.

Use returned value for color arguments in iGraphics2D.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::FinishDraw (  )  [pure virtual]

This routine should be called when you finished drawing.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::FreeArea ( csImageArea Area  )  [pure virtual]

Free storage allocated for a subarea of screen.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual void iGraphics2D::GetClipRect ( int &  nMinX,
int &  nMinY,
int &  nMaxX,
int &  nMaxY 
) [pure virtual]

Retrieve clipping rectangle.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::GetDoubleBufferState (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the double buffer state.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual iFontServer* iGraphics2D::GetFontServer (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the active font server (does not do IncRef()).

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::GetFullScreen (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns 'true' if the program is being run full-screen.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual float iGraphics2D::GetGamma (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get gamma value.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual int iGraphics2D::GetHeight (  )  [pure virtual]

Return the height of the framebuffer.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual const char* iGraphics2D::GetName (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the name of the canvas.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual iNativeWindow* iGraphics2D::GetNativeWindow (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the native window corresponding with this canvas.

If this is an off-screen canvas then this will return 0.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual int iGraphics2D::GetPage (  )  [pure virtual]

Get active videopage number (starting from zero).

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual int iGraphics2D::GetPalEntryCount (  )  [pure virtual]

Return the number of palette entries that can be modified.

This should return 0 if there is no palette (true color displays). This function is equivalent to the PalEntries field that you get from GetPixelFormat(). It is just a little bit easier to obtain this way.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual csRGBpixel* iGraphics2D::GetPalette (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the palette (if there is one).

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual void iGraphics2D::GetPixel ( int  x,
int  y,
uint8 oR,
uint8 oG,
uint8 oB,
uint8 oA 
) [pure virtual]

As GetPixel() above, but with alpha.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual void iGraphics2D::GetPixel ( int  x,
int  y,
uint8 oR,
uint8 oG,
uint8 oB 
) [pure virtual]

Query pixel R,G,B at given screen location.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual unsigned char* iGraphics2D::GetPixelAt ( int  x,
int  y 
) [pure virtual]

Returns the address of the pixel at the specified (x, y) coordinates.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual int iGraphics2D::GetPixelBytes (  )  [pure virtual]

Return the number of bytes for every pixel.

This function is equivalent to the PixelBytes field that you get from GetPixelFormat().

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual csPixelFormat const* iGraphics2D::GetPixelFormat (  )  [pure virtual]

Return information about the pixel format.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual void iGraphics2D::GetRGB ( int  color,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b,
int &  a 
) [pure virtual]

Retrieve the R,G,B,A tuple for a given color index.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::GetRGB ( int  color,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b 
) [pure virtual]

Retrieve the R,G,B tuple for a given color index.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual int iGraphics2D::GetWidth (  )  [pure virtual]

Return the width of the framebuffer.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::Open (  )  [pure virtual]

Open the device.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::PerformExtension ( char const *  command,
) [pure virtual]

Perform a system specific exension.

The command is a string; any arguments may follow. There is no way to guarantee the uniquiness of commands, so please try to use descriptive command names rather than "a", "b" and so on...

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::PerformExtensionV ( char const *  command,
) [pure virtual]

Perform a system specific exension.

Just like PerformExtension() except that the command arguments are passed as a `va_list'.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::Print ( csRect const *  pArea  )  [pure virtual]

Flip video pages (or dump backbuffer into framebuffer).

The area parameter is only a hint to the canvas driver. Changes outside the rectangle may or may not be printed as well.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::Resize ( int  w,
int  h 
) [pure virtual]

Resize the canvas.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::RestoreArea ( csImageArea Area,
bool  Free 
) [pure virtual]

Restore a subarea of screen saved with SaveArea().

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual csImageArea* iGraphics2D::SaveArea ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 
) [pure virtual]

Save a subarea of screen and return a handle to saved buffer.

Storage is allocated in this call, you should either FreeArea() the handle after usage or RestoreArea () it.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual csPtr<iImage> iGraphics2D::ScreenShot (  )  [pure virtual]

Do a screenshot: return a new iImage object.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::SetClipRect ( int  nMinX,
int  nMinY,
int  nMaxX,
int  nMaxY 
) [pure virtual]

Set clipping rectangle.

The clipping rectangle is inclusive the top and left edges and exclusive for the right and bottom borders.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::SetFullScreen ( bool  b  )  [pure virtual]

Change the fullscreen state of the canvas.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::SetGamma ( float  gamma  )  [pure virtual]

Set gamma value (if supported by canvas).

By default this is 1. Smaller values are darker. If the canvas doesn't support gamma then this function will return false.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::SetMouseCursor ( iImage image,
const csRGBcolor keycolor = 0,
int  hotspot_x = 0,
int  hotspot_y = 0,
csRGBcolor  fg = csRGBcolor(255, 255, 255),
csRGBcolor  bg = csRGBcolor(0, 0, 0) 
) [pure virtual]

Set mouse cursor using an image.

If the operation is unsupported, return 'false' otherwise return 'true'. On some platforms there is only monochrome pointers available. In this all black colors in the image will become the value of 'bg' and all non-black colors will become 'fg'

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::SetMouseCursor ( csMouseCursorID  iShape  )  [pure virtual]

Set mouse cursor to one of predefined shape classes (see csmcXXX enum above).

If a specific mouse cursor shape is not supported, return 'false'; otherwise return 'true'. If system supports it the cursor should be set to its nearest system equivalent depending on iShape argument and the routine should return "true".

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual bool iGraphics2D::SetMousePosition ( int  x,
int  y 
) [pure virtual]

Set mouse position (relative to top-left of CS window).

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual void iGraphics2D::SetRGB ( int  i,
int  r,
int  g,
int  b 
) [pure virtual]

Set a color index to given R,G,B (0.

.255) values. Only use if there is a palette.

Implemented in csGraphics2D, and csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void iGraphics2D::Write ( iFont font,
int  x,
int  y,
int  fg,
int  bg,
const wchar_t str,
uint  flags = 0 
) [pure virtual]

Write a text string into the back buffer.

A value of -1 for bg color will not draw the background.

For transparent backgrounds, it is recommended to obtain a color value from FindRGB() that has the same R, G, B components as the foreground color, but an alpha component of 0.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual void iGraphics2D::Write ( iFont font,
int  x,
int  y,
int  fg,
int  bg,
const char *  str,
uint  flags = 0 
) [pure virtual]

Write a text string into the back buffer.

A value of -1 for bg color will not draw the background.

str is expected to be UTF-8 encoded.

For transparent backgrounds, it is recommended to obtain a color value from FindRGB() that has the same R, G, B components as the foreground color, but an alpha component of 0.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

virtual void iGraphics2D::WriteBaseline ( iFont font,
int  x,
int  y,
int  fg,
int  bg,
const char *  str 
) [pure virtual]

Write a text string into the back buffer.

A value of -1 for bg color will not draw the background. x and y are the pen position on a baseline. The actual font baseline is shifted up by the font's descent.

Instead, use Write() with the CS_WRITE_BASELINE flag set.

Implemented in csGraphics2D.

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