
Public API Reference

iengine/viscull.h File Reference

Visibility culling. More...

#include "csutil/scf_interface.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  iVisibilityCuller
 This interface represents a visibility culling system. More...
struct  iVisibilityCullerListener
 Implement this interface when you want to get notified about visible objects detected by the visibility cullers. More...
struct  iVisibilityObject
 An object that wants to know if it is visible or not for some visibility culler needs to implement this interface. More...
struct  iVisibilityObjectIterator
 Iterator to iterate over some visibility objects. More...

GetCullerFlags() flags

 This is a bad occluder.
 This is a good occluder.

Detailed Description

Visibility culling.

Definition in file viscull.h.

Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7