
Public API Reference

[Crystal Space 3D Engine]


class  csFrustumContext
 This structure keeps track of the current frustum context. More...
struct  iFrustumView
 This structure represents all information needed for the frustum visibility calculator. More...
struct  iFrustumViewUserdata
 User data which can be attached to iFrustumView. More...
struct  iVisibilityCuller
 This interface represents a visibility culling system. More...
struct  iVisibilityCullerListener
 Implement this interface when you want to get notified about visible objects detected by the visibility cullers. More...
struct  iVisibilityObject
 An object that wants to know if it is visible or not for some visibility culler needs to implement this interface. More...
struct  iVisibilityObjectIterator
 Iterator to iterate over some visibility objects. More...

GetCullerFlags() flags

 This is a bad occluder.
 This is a good occluder.


typedef void( csFrustumViewObjectFunc )(iMeshWrapper *mesh, iFrustumView *lview, bool vis)
 Function that will be called for every visited object (during CastShadows() procedure from the visibility culler).

Define Documentation


This is a bad occluder.

With this hint you say that this object is almost certainly a bad occluder.

Definition at line 235 of file viscull.h.


This is a good occluder.

With this hint you say that this object is a good occluder. The culler can still ignore this hint of course.

Definition at line 229 of file viscull.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void( csFrustumViewObjectFunc)(iMeshWrapper *mesh, iFrustumView *lview, bool vis)

Function that will be called for every visited object (during CastShadows() procedure from the visibility culler).

Definition at line 57 of file fview.h.

Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7