TAO  2.3.3
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CACE_Accept_Strategy< SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_ACCEPTOR_2 > [external]
 CACE_Cleanup [external]
 CACE_Concurrency_Strategy< SVC_HANDLER > [external]
 CACE_Copy_Disabled [external]
 CACE_Creation_Strategy< SVC_HANDLER > [external]
 CACE_Event_Handler [external]
 CACE_InputCDR [external]
 CACE_Intrusive_List_Node< Deferred_Event > [external]
 CACE_Intrusive_List_Node< TAO_LF_Follower > [external]
 CACE_Object_Manager_Base [external]
 CACE_OutputCDR [external]
 CACE_Shared_Object [external]
 CTAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter< S >
 CTAO::Any_Insert_Policy_CORBA_Object< S >
 CTAO::Any_Insert_Policy_IFR_Client_Adapter< S >
 CTAO::Any_Insert_Policy_Noop< S >
 CTAO::Any_Insert_Policy_Stream< S >
 CTAO::ARDB_Refcount_FunctorFunctor for refcounting of Asynch_Reply_Dispatcher_Base
 CTAO::Arg_Traits< T >Base class for all stub arg traits specializations
 CTAO::Arg_Traits< void >Specialization for void return type
 CTAO::ArgumentBase class for argument class templates
 CTAO::Array_Traits< T_forany >Specialized for each array in generated code
 CTAO::details::array_traits< T_forany >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< T, Insert_Policy >Template class for stub argument traits of basic IDL types
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::Double, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::Float, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::Long, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::LongDouble, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::LongLong, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::Short, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::ULong, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::ULongLong, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::UShort, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< std::string, Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Basic_Arg_Traits_T< std::wstring, Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::BD_String_Arg_Traits_T< T_var, BOUND, Insert_Policy >Template class for stub argument traits of bounded (w)strings
 CTAO::details::bounded_array_allocation_traits< T, MAX, dummy >
 CTAO::bounded_array_sequence< T_array, T_slice, T_tag, MAX >
 CTAO::bounded_basic_string_sequence< charT, MAX >
 CTAO::bounded_object_reference_sequence< object_t, object_t_var, MAX >
 CTAO::details::bounded_reference_allocation_traits< T, ref_traits, MAX, dummy >
 CTAO::details::bounded_value_allocation_traits< T, MAX, dummy >
 CTAO::bounded_value_sequence< T, MAX >
 CTAO::Cache_ExtId_T< TRANSPORT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE >Helper class for TAO_Transport_Cache_Manager: unifies several data items, so they can be stored together as a value for a key in a hash table holding the state of the Transport Cache
 CTAO::Cache_IntId_T< TRANSPORT_TYPE >Helper class for TAO_Transport_Cache_Manager
 CTAO::TypeCode::Case< StringType, TypeCodeType >
 CTAO::Transport::Drain_ConstraintsEncapsulate the flushing control parameters
 CTAO::Exception_DataDescription of a single exception
 CTAO::First_Request_GuardAuto pointer like class for first_request flag in transport
 CTAO::Fixed_Array_Arg_Traits_T< T_var, T_forany, Insert_Policy >Argument traits of fixed size element array
 CTAO::Fixed_Size_Arg_Traits_T< T, Insert_Policy >Template class for argument traits of fixed size IDL types
 CTAO::details::generic_sequence< T, ALLOCATION_TRAITS, ELEMENT_TRAITS >
 CTAO::details::generic_sequence< value_type, allocation_traits, element_traits >
 CTAO::IIOP_Endpoint_InfoStores information for a single IIOP endpoint
 CTAO::In_Object_Argument_Cloner_T< S_ptr >
 CTAO::In_Object_Argument_Cloner_T< CORBA::InterfaceDef_ptr >
 CTAO::Incoming_Message_StackImplements stack for TAO_Queued_Data
 CTimeBase::IntervalTAn UTC time interval
 CTAO::Invocation_AdapterGeneric interface for the invocation object visible to the IDL compiler
 CTAO::Invocation_BaseThe base class for the invocation object
 CTAO::Invocation_Retry_ParamsContains the invocation retry parameters used when encountering CORBA exceptions. The parameters can be specified using either the Client_Strategy_Factory service given in the service configuration file or through the command line. Any command line parameter overrides the corresponding option in the service configurator file
 CTAO::Invocation_Retry_StateMaintains state of invocation retries
 CTAO::Less_Than_ObjectKeyCompares the length and then the contents of ObjectKeys
 CTAO::LocateRequest_Invocation_AdapterAdapter class for locate request invocations
 CTAO::Narrow_Utils< T >
 CTAO::Nested_Upcall_Guard: Magic class that sets the status of the thread in the TSS
 CCORBA::ObjectImplementation of a CORBA object reference
 CTAO::Object_Arg_Traits_T< T_ptr, T_var, T_out, T_traits, Insert_Policy >Template class for stub argument traits of objects
 CTAO::Object_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::Object_ptr, CORBA::Object_var, CORBA::Object_out, TAO::Objref_Traits< CORBA::Object >, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_CORBA_Object >
 CTAO::details::object_reference_const_sequence_element< obj_ref_traits >
 CTAO::details::object_reference_sequence_element< obj_ref_traits >
 CTAO::details::object_reference_traits_base< object_t, object_t_var >
 CTAO::details::object_reference_traits_decorator< object_t, object_t_var, derived >
 CTAO::details::object_reference_traits_decorator< object_t, object_t_var, object_reference_traits< object_t, object_t_var, dummy > >
 CTAO::ObjectKey_TableTable that maintains the set of ObjectKey's seen by the ORB
 CTAO::Objref_Traits< T >Specialized for each interface in generated code. Just forward declare, a specialization must always be there, if not, we get a compile error
 CTAO::Objref_Traits< CORBA::Object >
 CCORBA::ORBORB pseudo-object
 CTAO::ORB_TableKeep a table with all the ORBs in the system
 CORB_Table_Ref_CounterClass contained by ORB_Table's Unbounded_Set
 CTAO::ORB_Time_PolicyImplement a time policy class which returns timer according to the active ORB time policy
 CTAO::PolicyFactory_Registry_AdapterORB-specific PortableInterceptor::PolicyFactory registry
 CCORBA::PrincipalA "Principal" identifies an authenticated entity in the network administration framework
 CTAO::Profile_Transport_ResolverChooses the profile and a transport for a target object on which an invocation can be made
 CTAO::details::range_checking< T, dummy >Configurable traits to tradeoff safety vs. performance in the implementation of TAO sequences
 CTAO::Refcounted_ObjectKeyA wrapper class that ties together a refcount to an ObjectKey
 CTAO::Reply_GuardA guard class used for storing and forwarding the reply status to the portable interceptors
 CTAO::RequestInterceptor_AdapterA base helper class to invoke registered request interceptors
 CTAO::Special_Basic_Arg_Traits_T< T, to_T, from_T, Insert_Policy >Template class for stub argument traits of (w)char/boolean/octet
 CTAO::Special_Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::Boolean, ACE_InputCDR::to_boolean, ACE_OutputCDR::from_boolean, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Special_Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::Char, ACE_InputCDR::to_char, ACE_OutputCDR::from_char, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Special_Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::Octet, ACE_InputCDR::to_octet, ACE_OutputCDR::from_octet, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Special_Basic_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::WChar, ACE_InputCDR::to_wchar, ACE_OutputCDR::from_wchar, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::Special_Basic_TagStruct for basic IDL type arguments id tag
 CTAO::Storable_File_GuardBase class to use with TAO_Storable_Base to synch object state with a storable base
 CTAO::details::string_const_sequence_element< traits >
 CTAO::String_Manager_T< charT >
 CTAO::String_out< charT >String_out
 CTAO::details::string_sequence_element< traits >
 CTAO::details::string_traits_base< charT >
 CTAO::details::string_traits_base< char >
 CTAO::details::string_traits_base< CORBA::WChar >
 CTAO::details::string_traits_decorator< char_type, derived >
 CTAO::details::string_traits_decorator< charT, string_traits< charT, dummy > >
 CTAO::String_var< charT >
 CTAO::String_var< CORBA::Char >
 CTAO::TypeCode::Struct_Field< StringType, TypeCodeType >
 CTAO_AcceptorAbstract Acceptor class used for pluggable transports
 CTAO_Acceptor_FilterInterface for mprofile creation strategies
 CTAO_Acceptor_RegistryAcceptor Registry and Generic Acceptor interface definitions. All loaded ESIOP or GIOP acceptor bridges must register with this object
 CTAO::TAO_Allocator< handler_type >Abstract class for TAO allocators. This will be used for derived allocator templates that are capable of allocating a specific type of objects
 CTAO_Array_Forany_T< T, T_slice, TAG >Parametrized implementation of _forany class for arrays
 CTAO_Array_Out_T< T, T_var, T_slice, TAG >Parametrized implementation of _out class for arrays
 CTAO_Array_Var_Base_T< T, T_slice, TAG >Parametrized implementation of _var base class for arrays
 CTAO_Cleanup_Func_RegistryThis is a helper class that is designed to perform cleanup on thread-specific objects registered in the ORB Core TSS resources by invoking the corresponding cleanup function on each object. Hence, there is a tight coupling between this class and the TAO ORB Core
 CTAO_Codeset_ManagerThe encapsulation of logic for codeset negotiation
 CTAO_Codeset_ParametersA simple storage class for the native codeset and any translators that must be configured when creating an instance of codeset manager
 CTAO_Codeset_Translator_BaseAbstract base Translator component for interaction with TAO
 CTAO_Condition< MUTEX >Same as to the ACE_Condition variable wrapper
 CTAO_Connect_StrategyDefine the interface for the connect strategy, i.e. the algorithm that controls how does the ORB establishes remote connections
 CTAO_Connection_Purging_StrategyThe base class for all purging strategies
 CTAO_ConnectorGeneric Connector interface definitions
 CTAO_Connector_RegistryPer-ORB TAO Connector Registry
 CTAO_EndpointDefines the Endpoint interface in the Pluggable Protocol framework
 CTAO_Event_Handler_Array_varAuto pointer like class for an array of Event Handlers
 CTAO_Flushing_StrategyDefine the interface for the flushing strategy, i.e. the algorithm that controls how does the ORB flush outgoing data
 CTAO_GIOP_Fragmenation_StrategyAbstract base class that defines TAO fragmentation strategy interface
 CTAO_GIOP_Locate_Request_HeaderLocation service support
 CTAO_GIOP_Locate_Status_MsgHold the relevant information for every type of Locate msg
 CTAO_GIOP_Message_BaseDefinitions of the GIOP specific stuff
 CTAO_GIOP_Message_Generator_ParserBase class for the GIOP Message generator and parser
 CTAO_GIOP_Message_Generator_Parser_ImplThis class holds all the different GIOP message generators and parsers
 CTAO_GIOP_Message_StateGeneric definitions for Message States
 CTAO_GIOP_Message_VersionMajor and Minor version number of the Inter-ORB Protocol
 CTAO_HTTP_ClientHTTP_Client is intended to provide application API to classes that wish to do network i/o at a very high level of abstraction
 CTAO_Incoming_Message_QueueA queue of the messages in the incoming data path
 CTAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Base< ACE_LOCK >
 CTAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Base< ACE_LOCK >Template base class to provide intrusive reference-counting to subclasses. This makes the subclass capable of using a TAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Handle<X> class as a smart-pointer to an X object. In this case, X is a sub-class of this class, TAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Base<ACE_LOCK>. The ACE_LOCK type is used to protect the atomic reference count data member
 CTAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Handle< T >
 CTAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Handle< RC_Codebase_URL_Map >
 CTAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Handle< RC_Repo_Id_Map >
 CTAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Handle< RC_Value_Map >
 CTAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Handle< T >Template class for smart-pointer to (intrusively) ref-counted object
 CTAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Object< ACE_LOCK >Template class as wrapper of a non reference counted data type but provide intrusive reference-counting feature by inherited from TAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Base. This makes the parameterized type data be smart pointer by using a TAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Handle<X> to an this wrapper object
 CTAO_Invocation_Endpoint_SelectorDefines the interface for policy-based endpoint selection strategies
 CTAO_LF_EventUse the Leader/Follower loop to wait for one specific event
 CTAO_LF_Event_BinderImplement an auto_ptr-like class for the TAO_LF_Followers allocated via a TAO_Leader_Follower set
 CTAO_LF_Event_Loop_Thread_HelperHelper class to enter and exit the Leader/Followers event loop
 CTAO_LF_Follower_Auto_AdderImplement an auto_adder-like class for the TAO_LF_Followers allocated via a TAO_Leader_Follower set
 CTAO_LF_Follower_Auto_PtrImplement an auto_ptr-like class for the TAO_LF_Followers allocated via a TAO_Leader_Follower set
 CTAO_LF_StrategyStrategize Leader/Follower manipulations in the ORB event loop
 CTAO_MProfileThis class implements the basic interface for supporting multiple profiles
 CTAO_New_Leader_GeneratorClass for creating dynamic threads
 CTAO_Null_Fragmenation_StrategyNull GIOP message fragmentation strategy
 CTAO_Object_Ref_TableKeep a table de-stringified object references registered with the ORB
 CTAO_Objref_Out_T< T >Parametrized implementation of _out class for object references
 CTAO_On_Demand_Fragmenation_StrategyOn Demand GIOP message fragmentation strategy
 CTAO_Operation_DetailsClass with operation details
 CTAO_ORB_CoreEncapsulates the state of an ORB
 CTAO_ORB_Core_Auto_PtrDefine a TAO_ORB_Core auto_ptr class
 CTAO_ORB_Core_TSS_ResourcesThe TSS resoures of an ORB core
 CTAO_ORB_ParametersParameters that are specific to the ORB. These parameters can be for the client, the server, or for both
 CTAO_Out_T< T >Parametrized implementation of _out class for structs, unions and exceptions.
 CTAO_Parser_RegistryMaintain the collection of known IOR format parsers
 CTAO_Policy_SetThe policy manager implementation
 CTAO_Policy_ValidatorAn abstract class for plugging in different Policy Validator mechanisms
 CTAO_ProfileDefines the Profile interface
 CTAO_Pseudo_Out_T< T >Parametrized implementation of _out class for TypeCode, Object, AbstractBase, NamedValue, NVList, Principal, Request, Context, ORB, LocalObject, and Environment
 CTAO_Queued_DataRepresents a node in the queue of incoming messages
 CTAO_Request_DispatcherA class that strategizes the request dispatching procedure
 CTAO_Resume_HandleA utility class that helps in resuming handlers if TAO uses a TP Reactor from ACE
 CTAO_RSF_Timer_Queue_PtrA simple auto_ptr like class to manage timer queues dynamically allocated by a time policy
 CTAO_Seq_Out_T< T >Parametrized implementation of _out class for sequences
 CTAO_Seq_Var_Base_T< T >Parametrized implementation of _var base class for sequences
 CTAO_ServerRequestClass representing a ServerRequest object
 CTAO_Service_CallbacksAn Abstract Base class for the hooks in the ORB
 CTAO_Service_ContextHelper class for managing the service context list information
 CTAO_Stub_Auto_PtrImplements the draft C++ standard auto_ptr abstraction. This class allows one to work Stub Objects Only!
 CTAO_Tagged_ComponentsThe policy manager implementation
 CTAO_Tagged_ProfileThis class is used to manipulate and access the target address field of a GIOP 1.2 request
 CTAO_Target_SpecificationA class to encapsulate all the ways of specifying targets
 CTAO_Thread_Lane_ResourcesClass representing a thread lane's resources
 CTAO_Thread_Lane_Resources_ManagerThis class is a manager for thread resources
 CTAO_TransportGeneric definitions for the Transport class
 CTAO_Transport_Descriptor_InterfaceAn abstract base class for Transport Property
 CTAO_Transport_Mux_StrategyStrategy to determine whether the connection should be multiplexed for multiple requests or it is exclusive for a single request at a time
 CTAO_TSS_ResourcesThe TSS resoures shared by all the ORBs
 CTAO_Var_Base_T< T >Parametrized implementation of _var base class for structs, unions and exceptions
 CTAO_Wait_On_LF_No_UpcallWait according to the Leader-Follower model (like TAO_Wait_On_Leader_Follower), but do not allow nested upcalls
 CTAO_Wait_StrategyStrategy for waiting for the reply
 CTime_Policy_ManagerManager service for time policy strategy services
 CTAO_IIOP::TList_HolderRAII holder for a TAO_Transport list
 CTAO_InputCDR::to_std_stringHelper classes for extracting bounded strings into std::string/wstring
 CTAO::Transport_Cache_Manager_T< TT, TRDT, PSTRAT >The Transport Cache Manager for TAO
 CTAO::Transport_Queueing_StrategyDefine the interface for the Queueing Strategy
 CTAO::Transport_Selection_GuardUsed by the Transport Current feature to keep track of which Transport is currently active
 CTAO::UB_String_Arg_Traits_T< T_var, Insert_Policy >Template class for argument traits of unbounded (w)strings
 CTAO::UB_String_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::String_var, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::UB_String_Arg_Traits_T< CORBA::WString_var, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_AnyTypeCode_Adapter >
 CTAO::details::unbounded_array_allocation_traits< T, dummy >
 CTAO::unbounded_array_sequence< T_array, T_slice, T_tag >
 CTAO::unbounded_basic_string_sequence< charT >
 CTAO::unbounded_object_reference_sequence< object_t, object_t_var >
 CTAO::details::unbounded_reference_allocation_traits< T, ref_traits, dummy >
 CTAO::details::unbounded_value_allocation_traits< T, dummy >
 CTAO::unbounded_value_sequence< T >
 CTAO::unbounded_value_sequence< CORBA::Octet >
 CTimeBase::UtcTA timestamp in UTC time
 CTAO::TypeCode::Value_Field< StringType, TypeCodeType >
 CTAO::details::value_traits< T, dummy >
 CTAO::Var_Array_Arg_Traits_T< T_out, T_forany, Insert_Policy >Argument traits of variable size element array
 CTAO::Var_Size_Arg_Traits_T< T, Insert_Policy >Template class for stub argument traits of variable size IDL types
 CTAO::Vector_Arg_Traits_T< T, Insert_Policy >Template class for stub argument traits of sequence IDL types, when the STL mapping is used by the IDL compiler. The ret_type and out_type typedefs are different from Vector_Arg_Traits_T