Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ccaffe2::detail::_ScopeGuard< T >
 Ccaffe2::ArgumentHelperA helper class to index into arguments
 Ccaffe2::math::detail::AxpyImpl< T, Context, FixedSize >
 Ccaffe2::math::detail::AxpyImpl< T, CPUContext, 1 >
 Ccaffe2::BlobBlob is a general container that hosts a typed pointer
 Ccaffe2::BlobDeserializerBaseBlobDeserializerBase is an abstract class that deserializes a blob from a BlobProto or a TensorProto
 Ccaffe2::BlobSerializerBaseBlobSerializerBase is an abstract class that serializes a blob to a string
 Ccaffe2::CPUContextThe CPU Context, representing the bare minimum of what a Context class in Caffe2 should implement
 Ccaffe2::CudaRTCFunction< Derived >
 Ccaffe2::CuDNNHandlesCuDNNHandles wraps around cudnnHandle_t so they can be properly destructed when threads exit
 Ccaffe2::cudnnTensorDescWrapperCudnnTensorDescWrapper is the placeholder that wraps around a cudnnTensorDescriptor_t, allowing us to do descriptor change as-needed during runtime
 Ccaffe2::cudnnTypeWrapper< T >CudnnTypeWrapper is a wrapper class that allows us to refer to the cudnn type in a template function
 Ccaffe2::cudnnTypeWrapper< double >
 Ccaffe2::cudnnTypeWrapper< float >
 Ccaffe2::cudnnTypeWrapper< float16 >
 Ccaffe2::CuDNNWorkspaceCuDNNWorkspace is a wrapper around a raw cuda pointer that holds the cudnn scratch space
 Ccaffe2::CuDNNWrapperCuDNNWrapper is a class that wraps the cudnn handles and cudnn workspaces
 Ccaffe2::db::CursorAn abstract class for the cursor of the database while reading
 Ccaffe2::db::DBAn abstract class for accessing a database of key-value pairs
 Ccaffe2::db::DBReaderA reader wrapper for DB that also allows us to serialize it
 Ccaffe2::DispatchHelper< Sizes, ExtraArgs >
 Ccaffe2::DispatchHelper< FixedValues< FirstVal, Values... >, ExtraArgs... >
 Ccaffe2::DispatchHelper< FixedValues<>, ExtraArgs... >
 Ccaffe2::FixedDivisor< T >
 Ccaffe2::FixedDivisor< int32_t >
 Ccaffe2::FixedValues< Values >
 Ccaffe2::GradientOpsMetaA struct that holds the gradient operators and related gradient maps
 Ccaffe2::mkl::LayoutWrapper< T >
 Ccaffe2::MKLContextThe MKL Context, which is largely the same as the CPUContext
 Ccaffe2::mkl::MKLMemory< T >A wrapper around an opaque MKL internal resource that has certain layouts and convertion primitives set up
 Ccaffe2::MPICommonWorldWrapperA simple wrapper over an MPI common world
 Ccaffe2::MPIDataTypeWrapper< T >
 Ccaffe2::OpSchemaA class to record the schema of an op
 Ccaffe2::OpSchemaRegistryA registry to hold all the operator schemas
 Ccaffe2::mkl::PrimitiveWrapper< T >
 Ccaffe2::QTensor< Context >
 Ccaffe2::Registerer< SrcType, ObjectType, Args >
 Ccaffe2::BlobStatRegistry::Registrar< T, Getter >
 Ccaffe2::Registry< SrcType, ObjectType, Args >A template class that allows one to register classes by keys
 Ccaffe2::math::detail::ScaleImpl< T, Context, FixedSize >
 Ccaffe2::math::detail::ScaleImpl< T, CPUContext, 1 >
 Ccaffe2::ScopeGuardImplBaseScopeGuard is a general implementation of the "Initialization is Resource Acquisition" idiom
 Ccaffe2::SimpleQueue< T >
 Ccaffe2::SimpleQueue< caffe2::gpu_single_thread::Task *>
 Ccaffe2::SimpleQueue< int >
 Ccaffe2::SkipIndices< values >
 Ccaffe2::StatRegistryHolds a map of atomic counters keyed by name
 Ccaffe2::Tensor< Context >Tensor is the basic class in Caffe2 that stores a contiguous memory with its shape information
 Ccaffe2::TensorTypes< Types >
 Ccaffe2::TensorTypes2< Types >
 Ccaffe2::ThreadLocalCUDAObjectsA struct to host thread-local cuda objects
 Ccaffe2::TimerA simple timer object for measuring time
 Ccaffe2::db::TransactionAn abstract class for the current database transaction while writing
 Ccaffe2::TypeMetaTypeMeta is a thin class that allows us to store the type of a container such as a blob, or the data type of a tensor, with a unique run-time id
 Ccaffe2::TypeNameRegisterer< T >
 Ccaffe2::WorkspaceWorkspace is a class that holds all the related objects created during runtime: (1) all blobs, and (2) all instantiated networks