clang API Documentation

clang::Attr Member List
This is the complete list of members for clang::Attr, including all inherited members.
Attr(attr::Kind AK, SourceRange R, unsigned SpellingListIndex=0)clang::Attr [inline, protected]
clone(ASTContext &C) const =0clang::Attr [pure virtual]
duplicatesAllowed() const clang::Attr [inline, virtual]
getKind() const clang::Attr [inline]
getLocation() const clang::Attr [inline]
getRange() const clang::Attr [inline]
getSpelling() const =0clang::Attr [pure virtual]
getSpellingListIndex() const clang::Attr [inline]
Implicitclang::Attr [protected]
Inheritedclang::Attr [protected]
isImplicit() const clang::Attr [inline]
isInherited() const clang::Attr [inline]
isLateParsed() const clang::Attr [inline, virtual]
IsPackExpansionclang::Attr [protected]
isPackExpansion() const clang::Attr [inline]
operator delete(void *data)clang::Attr [inline, protected]
operator delete(void *Ptr, ASTContext &C, size_t Alignment)clang::Attr [inline]
operator new(size_t bytes)clang::Attr [inline, protected]
operator new(size_t Bytes, ASTContext &C, size_t Alignment=16)clang::Attr [inline]
printPretty(raw_ostream &OS, const PrintingPolicy &Policy) const =0clang::Attr [pure virtual]
setImplicit(bool I)clang::Attr [inline]
setPackExpansion(bool PE)clang::Attr [inline]
setRange(SourceRange R)clang::Attr [inline]
SpellingListIndexclang::Attr [protected]
~Attr()clang::Attr [protected, virtual]