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Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions
gameplay::Platform Class Reference

#include <Platform.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ~Platform ()
int enterMessagePump ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Platformcreate (Game *game)
static void swapBuffers ()
static void touchEventInternal (Touch::TouchEvent evt, int x, int y, unsigned int contactIndex, bool actuallyMouse=false)
static void keyEventInternal (Keyboard::KeyEvent evt, int key)
static bool mouseEventInternal (Mouse::MouseEvent evt, int x, int y, int wheelDelta)
static void gestureSwipeEventInternal (int x, int y, int direction)
static void gesturePinchEventInternal (int x, int y, float scale)
static void gestureTapEventInternal (int x, int y)
static void gestureLongTapEventInternal (int x, int y, float duration)
static void gestureDragEventInternal (int x, int y)
static void gestureDropEventInternal (int x, int y)
static void resizeEventInternal (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
static void gamepadEventConnectedInternal (GamepadHandle handle, unsigned int buttonCount, unsigned int joystickCount, unsigned int triggerCount, const char *name)
static void gamepadEventDisconnectedInternal (GamepadHandle handle)
static void gamepadButtonPressedEventInternal (GamepadHandle handle, Gamepad::ButtonMapping mapping)
static void gamepadButtonReleasedEventInternal (GamepadHandle handle, Gamepad::ButtonMapping button)
static void gamepadTriggerChangedEventInternal (GamepadHandle handle, unsigned int index, float value)
static void gamepadJoystickChangedEventInternal (GamepadHandle handle, unsigned int index, float x, float y)
static void pollGamepadState (Gamepad *gamepad)
static std::string displayFileDialog (size_t mode, const char *title, const char *filterDescription, const char *filterExtensions, const char *initialDirectory)
static void shutdownInternal ()

Detailed Description

Defines a platform abstraction.

This class has only a few public methods for creating a platform

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Member Function Documentation

static Platform* gameplay::Platform::create ( Game game) [static]

Creates a platform for the specified game which it will interact with.

gameThe game to create a platform for.
The created platform interface.
static std::string gameplay::Platform::displayFileDialog ( size_t  mode,
const char *  title,
const char *  filterDescription,
const char *  filterExtensions,
const char *  initialDirectory 
) [static]

Displays an open or save dialog using the native platform dialog system.

modeThe mode of the dialog. (Ex. OPEN or SAVE)
titleThe title of the dialog. (Ex. Select File or Save File)
filterDescriptionThe file filter description. (Ex. Image Files)
filterExtensionsThe semi-colon delimited list of filtered file extensions. (Ex. png;jpg;bmp)
initialDirectoryThe initial directory to open or save files from. (Ex. "res") If NULL this will use the executable directory.
The file that is opened or saved, or an empty string if canceled.

Begins processing the platform messages.

This method handles all OS window messages and drives the game loop. It normally does not return until the application is closed.

If a attachToWindow is passed to Platform::create the message pump will instead attach to or allow the attachToWindow to drive the game loop on the platform.

The platform message pump return code.
static void gameplay::Platform::gamepadButtonPressedEventInternal ( GamepadHandle  handle,
Gamepad::ButtonMapping  mapping 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gamepadButtonReleasedEventInternal ( GamepadHandle  handle,
Gamepad::ButtonMapping  button 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gamepadEventConnectedInternal ( GamepadHandle  handle,
unsigned int  buttonCount,
unsigned int  joystickCount,
unsigned int  triggerCount,
const char *  name 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gamepadEventDisconnectedInternal ( GamepadHandle  handle) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gamepadJoystickChangedEventInternal ( GamepadHandle  handle,
unsigned int  index,
float  x,
float  y 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gamepadTriggerChangedEventInternal ( GamepadHandle  handle,
unsigned int  index,
float  value 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gestureDragEventInternal ( int  x,
int  y 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gestureDropEventInternal ( int  x,
int  y 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gestureLongTapEventInternal ( int  x,
int  y,
float  duration 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gesturePinchEventInternal ( int  x,
int  y,
float  scale 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gestureSwipeEventInternal ( int  x,
int  y,
int  direction 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::gestureTapEventInternal ( int  x,
int  y 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::keyEventInternal ( Keyboard::KeyEvent  evt,
int  key 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static bool gameplay::Platform::mouseEventInternal ( Mouse::MouseEvent  evt,
int  x,
int  y,
int  wheelDelta 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::pollGamepadState ( Gamepad gamepad) [static]

Internal method used to poll the platform for the updated Gamepad states such as buttons, joytick and trigger values.

Some platforms require to poll the gamepad system to get deltas.

gamepadThe gamepad to be returned with the latest polled values populated.
static void gameplay::Platform::resizeEventInternal ( unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::shutdownInternal ( ) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

static void gameplay::Platform::swapBuffers ( ) [static]

Swaps the frame buffer on the device.

static void gameplay::Platform::touchEventInternal ( Touch::TouchEvent  evt,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned int  contactIndex,
bool  actuallyMouse = false 
) [static]

Internal method used only from static code in various platform implementation.

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