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SchedXaction.h File Reference

Scheduled Transactions public handling routines. More...

#include <time.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "qof.h"
#include "Recurrence.h"
#include "gnc-engine.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _SchedXaction
struct  _SchedXactionClass
struct  _SXTmpStateData


#define GNC_TYPE_SCHEDXACTION   (gnc_schedxaction_get_type ())
#define GNC_IS_SX(obj)   GNC_IS_SCHEDXACTION(obj)
#define GNC_SX(obj)   GNC_SCHEDXACTION(obj)
#define xaccSchedXactionSetGUID(X, G)   qof_instance_set_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X),(G))
#define GNC_SX_SHARES   "shares"
#define GNC_SX_FREQ_SPEC   "scheduled-frequency"
#define GNC_SX_NAME   "sched-xname"
#define GNC_SX_START_DATE   "sched-start-date"
#define GNC_SX_LAST_DATE   "sched-last-date"
#define GNC_SX_NUM_OCCUR   "sx-total-number"
#define GNC_SX_REM_OCCUR   "sx-remaining-num"
#define xaccSchedXactionIsDirty(X)   qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE(X))
#define xaccSchedXactionGetGUID(X)   qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))
#define xaccSchedXactionGetSlots(X)   qof_instance_get_slots(QOF_INSTANCE(X))


typedef struct _SchedXactionClass SchedXactionClass
typedef struct _SchedXaction SchedXaction
typedef struct _SXTmpStateData SXTmpStateData


GType gnc_schedxaction_get_type (void)
SchedXactionxaccSchedXactionMalloc (QofBook *book)
void sx_set_template_account (SchedXaction *sx, Account *account)
void xaccSchedXactionDestroy (SchedXaction *sx)
void gnc_sx_begin_edit (SchedXaction *sx)
void gnc_sx_commit_edit (SchedXaction *sx)
GList * gnc_sx_get_schedule (const SchedXaction *sx)
void gnc_sx_set_schedule (SchedXaction *sx, GList *schedule)
gchar * xaccSchedXactionGetName (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetName (SchedXaction *sx, const gchar *newName)
const GDate * xaccSchedXactionGetStartDate (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetStartDate (SchedXaction *sx, const GDate *newStart)
int xaccSchedXactionHasEndDate (const SchedXaction *sx)
const GDate * xaccSchedXactionGetEndDate (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetEndDate (SchedXaction *sx, const GDate *newEnd)
const GDate * xaccSchedXactionGetLastOccurDate (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetLastOccurDate (SchedXaction *sx, const GDate *newLastOccur)
gboolean xaccSchedXactionHasOccurDef (const SchedXaction *sx)
gint xaccSchedXactionGetNumOccur (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetNumOccur (SchedXaction *sx, gint numNum)
gint xaccSchedXactionGetRemOccur (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetRemOccur (SchedXaction *sx, gint numRemain)
gint gnc_sx_get_num_occur_daterange (const SchedXaction *sx, const GDate *start_date, const GDate *end_date)
gint gnc_sx_get_instance_count (const SchedXaction *sx, SXTmpStateData *stateData)
 Get the instance count. More...
void gnc_sx_set_instance_count (SchedXaction *sx, gint instanceNum)
GList * xaccSchedXactionGetSplits (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetSplits (SchedXaction *sx, GList *newSplits)
gboolean xaccSchedXactionGetEnabled (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetEnabled (SchedXaction *sx, gboolean newEnabled)
void xaccSchedXactionGetAutoCreate (const SchedXaction *sx, gboolean *outAutoCreate, gboolean *outNotify)
void xaccSchedXactionSetAutoCreate (SchedXaction *sx, gboolean newAutoCreate, gboolean newNotify)
gint xaccSchedXactionGetAdvanceCreation (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetAdvanceCreation (SchedXaction *sx, gint createDays)
gint xaccSchedXactionGetAdvanceReminder (const SchedXaction *sx)
void xaccSchedXactionSetAdvanceReminder (SchedXaction *sx, gint reminderDays)
GDate xaccSchedXactionGetNextInstance (const SchedXaction *sx, SXTmpStateData *stateData)
 Returns the next occurrence of a scheduled transaction. More...
GDate xaccSchedXactionGetInstanceAfter (const SchedXaction *sx, GDate *date, SXTmpStateData *stateData)
void xaccSchedXactionSetTemplateTrans (SchedXaction *sx, GList *t_t_list, QofBook *book)
 Set the schedxaction's template transaction. More...
void gnc_sx_add_defer_instance (SchedXaction *sx, void *deferStateData)
 Adds an instance to the deferred list of the SX. More...
void gnc_sx_remove_defer_instance (SchedXaction *sx, void *deferStateData)
 Removes an instance from the deferred list. More...
GList * gnc_sx_get_defer_instances (SchedXaction *sx)
 Returns the defer list from the SX. More...
gboolean SXRegister (void)
 QOF registration.
Temporal state data.

These functions allow us to opaquely save the entire temporal state of ScheduledTransactions. This is used by the "since-last-run" dialog to store the initial state of SXes before modification ... if it later becomes necessary to revert an entire set of changes, we can 'revert' the SX without having to rollback all the individual state changes.

SXTmpStateDatagnc_sx_create_temporal_state (const SchedXaction *sx)
void gnc_sx_incr_temporal_state (const SchedXaction *sx, SXTmpStateData *stateData)
void gnc_sx_destroy_temporal_state (SXTmpStateData *stateData)
SXTmpStateDatagnc_sx_clone_temporal_state (SXTmpStateData *stateData)
 Allocates and returns a one-by-one copy of the given temporal state. More...

Detailed Description

Scheduled Transactions public handling routines.

Copyright (C) 2001 Joshua Sled

Definition in file SchedXaction.h.