GnuCash  2.6.99
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engine Directory Reference


directory  test
directory  test-core


file  Account.c [code]
file  Account.h [code]
 Account handling public routines.
file  AccountP.h [code]
file  cap-gains.c [code]
 Utilities to Automatically Compute Capital Gains/Losses.
file  cap-gains.h [code]
 Utilities to Automatically Compute Capital Gains/Losses.
file  cashobjects.c [code]
file  cashobjects.h [code]
file  engine-helpers-guile.h [code]
file  engine-helpers.c [code]
file  engine-helpers.h [code]
file  FreqSpec.h [code]
 Period / Date Frequency Specification.
file  glib-helpers.c [code]
file  glib-helpers.h [code]
file  gnc-budget.c [code]
file  gnc-budget.h [code]
 GnuCash Budgets.
file  gnc-commodity.c [code]
file  gnc-commodity.h [code]
 Commodity handling public routines.
file  gnc-engine.c [code]
file  gnc-engine.h [code]
 All type declarations for the whole Gnucash engine.
file  gnc-event.c [code]
file  gnc-event.h [code]
 Additional event handling code.
file  gnc-hooks-scm.h [code]
file  gnc-hooks.c [code]
file  gnc-hooks.h [code]
file  gnc-lot-p.h [code]
file  gnc-lot.c [code]
file  gnc-lot.h [code]
file  gnc-pricedb-p.h [code]
file  gnc-pricedb.c [code]
file  gnc-pricedb.h [code]
 a simple price database for gnucash
file  gnc-session.c [code]
file  gnc-session.h [code]
file  gncAddress.c [code]
file  gncAddress.h [code]
 an Address object
file  gncAddressP.h [code]
file  gncBillTerm.c [code]
file  gncBillTerm.h [code]
 Billing Term interface.
file  gncBillTermP.h [code]
file  gncBusGuile.c [code]
file  gncBusGuile.h [code]
file  gncBusiness.c [code]
file  gncBusiness.h [code]
file  gncCustomer.c [code]
file  gncCustomer.h [code]
 Core Customer Interface.
file  gncCustomerP.h [code]
file  gncEmployee.c [code]
file  gncEmployee.h [code]
 Employee Interface.
file  gncEmployeeP.h [code]
file  gncEntry.c [code]
file  gncEntry.h [code]
 Business Entry Interface.
file  gncEntryP.h [code]
file  gncIDSearch.c [code]
file  gncIDSearch.h [code]
file  gncInvoice.c [code]
file  gncInvoice.h [code]
 Business Invoice Interface.
file  gncInvoiceP.h [code]
file  gncJob.c [code]
file  gncJob.h [code]
 Job Interface.
file  gncJobP.h [code]
file  gncmod-engine.c [code]
file  gncOrder.c [code]
file  gncOrder.h [code]
file  gncOrderP.h [code]
file  gncOwner.c [code]
file  gncOwner.h [code]
 Business Interface: Object OWNERs.
file  gncOwnerP.h [code]
file  gncTaxTable.c [code]
file  gncTaxTable.h [code]
 Tax Table programming interface.
file  gncTaxTableP.h [code]
file  gncVendor.c [code]
file  gncVendor.h [code]
 Vendor Interface.
file  gncVendorP.h [code]
file  kvp-scm.c [code]
file  kvp-scm.h [code]
file  policy-p.h [code]
 Implement Accounting Policy Private header File.
file  policy.c [code]
 Implement FIFO Accounting Policy.
file  policy.h [code]
 Implement Accounting Policy.
file  Query.c [code]
file  Query.h [code]
file  Recurrence.c [code]
file  Recurrence.h [code]
file  SchedXaction.c [code]
file  SchedXaction.h [code]
 Scheduled Transactions public handling routines.
file  Scrub.c [code]
file  Scrub.h [code]
 convert single-entry accounts to clean double-entry
file  Scrub2.c [code]
 Utilities to Convert Stock Accounts to use Lots.
file  Scrub2.h [code]
 Utilities to Convert Stock Accounts to use Lots.
file  Scrub3.c [code]
 Constrain Cap Gains to Track Sources of Gains.
file  Scrub3.h [code]
 High-Level API for imposing Lot constraints.
file  ScrubBusiness.c [code]
file  ScrubBusiness.h [code]
 Cleanup functions for business objects.
file  ScrubP.h [code]
file  Split.c [code]
file  Split.h [code]
 API for Transactions and Splits (journal entries)
file  SplitP.h [code]
file  SX-book-p.h [code]
file  SX-book.c [code]
file  SX-book.h [code]
 Anchor Scheduled Transaction info in a book. See src/doc/books.txt for design overview.
file  SX-ttinfo.c [code]
file  SX-ttinfo.h [code]
file  Transaction.c [code]
file  Transaction.h [code]
 API for Transactions and Splits (journal entries)
file  TransactionP.h [code]
file  TransLog.c [code]
file  TransLog.h [code]
 API for the transaction logger.
file [code]
 FUNCTION: this utility script converts old code to the new QOF routine names, and does other related cleanup.