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file  account-quickfill.h
 Create an account-name quick-fill.


typedef gboolean(* AccountBoolCB )(Account *, gpointer)


QuickFillgnc_get_shared_account_name_quickfill (Account *root, const char *key, AccountBoolCB skip_cb, gpointer cb_data)
GtkListStore * gnc_get_shared_account_name_list_store (Account *root, const char *key, AccountBoolCB cb, gpointer cb_data)

Detailed Description

For systems with a large number of accounts (>500), the creation of the account name quickfill can take a significant amount of time (tens of seconds in bad cases). This routine will build a cache of account names that can be shared by all registers, thus dramatically improving the performance of opening a new register.

Function Documentation

QuickFill* gnc_get_shared_account_name_quickfill ( Account root,
const char *  key,
AccountBoolCB  skip_cb,
gpointer  cb_data 

Create/fetch a quickfill of account names.

The quickfill is created out of all of the subaccounts the the account group, filtered by the 'skip_cb' callback. If 'skip_cb' is not NULL, and if it returns TRUE when passed a particular account, then that account won't be included in the quickfill. The 'cb_data' is passed to the callback.

The quickfill is created only once; it is then stored with the QofBook that is the parent of the root account. It is automatically destroyed when the QofBook is destroyed.

Multiple, distinct quickfills, for different uses, are allowed. Each is identified with the 'key'. Be sure to use distinct, unique keys that don't conflict with other users of QofBook.

This code listens to account creation events, and automatically adds new accounts to the quickfill list (assuming skip_cb allows it). This code does not currently listen to account-destroy events.

Definition at line 201 of file account-quickfill.c.

204 {
205  QFB *qfb;
206  QofBook *book;
208  book = gnc_account_get_book (root);
209  qfb = qof_book_get_data (book, key);
211  if (qfb) return qfb->qf;
213  qfb = build_shared_quickfill (book, root, key, cb, cb_data);
214  return qfb->qf;
215 }
gpointer qof_book_get_data(const QofBook *book, const gchar *key)