GraphLab: Distributed Graph-Parallel API  2.1
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GraphLab RPC

GraphLab RPC primary design goal was to provide a convenient and easy to use asynchronous communication system between identical binaries running on different machines over a distributed network. It therefore provides MPI-like capabilities together with RPC functionality. The GraphLab distributed implementation is built on top of this RPC library.

GraphLab RPC uses extensive template meta-programming techniques to provide an IDL-free ( RPC system, allowing arbitrary functions to be called on program running on remote machines (Note that all machines must be running the same binary).

For instance, this is a particularly interesting example:

#include <iostream>
#include <graphlab/rpc/dc.hpp>
#include <graphlab/rpc/dc_init_from_mpi.hpp>
using namespace graphlab;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
mpi_tools::init(argc, argv);
if (dc.procid() == 0 && dc.numprocs() >= 2) {
dc.remote_call(1, printf, "%d + %f = %s\n", 1, 2.0, "three");

The distributed_control constructor will first detect if MPI is initialized, and if it is, will use MPI to perform initialization (Spawning with MPI). If MPI is not initialized, then the constructor will check if an alternate spawning process using environment variables is used (Spawning with The environment variable based spawning process is less reliable, but useful in situations where MPI is not available.

Once the distributed_control object is created, dc.procid() provides the current machine number, while dc.numprocs() provide the total number of machines.

The if-condition is therefore entered by only the first machine, which performs a remote call to the second machine (the first argument of remote_call is the target machine ID). The second machine will then execute the equivalent of

printf("%d + %f = %s\n", 1, 2.0, "three");

We will discuss the different aspects of the RPC library seperately:

  • Spawning
    Initialization and Starting a distributed program using GraphLab RPC
  • Basic_RPC
    Basic usage of the RPC library. Calling of simple functions.
  • Distributed Objects
    Advanced usage of the RPC library. Creating and managing distributed object contexts.


The tests/ directory include a collection of nine RPC examples demonstrating all the key features.

Spawning and Initialization

Spawning is the process of starting an instance of GraphLab RPC on seperate machines. GraphLab RPC supports two spawning methods: MPI or (a script in the scripts/ directory). The MPI method is strongly recommended and is the most reliable.

Spawning with MPI

GraphLab was tested with MPICH2, but should also with OpenMPI. Refer to the documentation for MPICH2 or OpenMPI to set up MPI and make sure that you can run the basic test MPI programs (MPICH2 comes with an mpdringtest).

No additional configuration is necessary to spawn a GraphLab RPC program with MPI.

The GraphLab RPC program should begin with:

#include <graphlab/rpc/dc.hpp>
using namespace graphlab;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
mpi_tools::init(argc, argv);

In this case, distributed_control detects that MPI was initialized prior and will use MPI to perform initial negotiation of port numbers.

Spawning with provides an alternative, less reliable way to run a process on a collection of machines, using ssh to communicate between them. –help provides some basic help.

You will first need to create a host file which is simply a list of host names and IP addresses:


Running -n [num to start] -f [hostsfile] command will read the first execute the command on the first N hosts in the hostfile. For instance in this case, running -n 5 -f hostsfile ls

will run the ls bash command twice on the localhost, and once on the three nodes :, node2, node3. also supports a 'screen' (GNU Screen) mode. Running -s lsscreen -n 3 -f hostsfile ls

will create a screen session with 3 windows where one window ran ls on the localhost, while two other windows sshed into and node2, running the ls on each of them. The screen session will be named "lsscreen" will terminate immediately after creating the screen session.

screen -r lsscreen

will display and resume the screen session.

If is used to spawn the program, The GraphLab RPC program should begin with:

#include <graphlab/rpc/dc.hpp>
using namespace graphlab;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

Since unlike MPI spawning, there is no existing channel for communicating port information between the machines. therefore uses environment variables to pass information to the GraphLab RPC process. The following two environment variables are used:

  • SPAWNNODES A comma seperated list of hostnames participating in the distributed program
  • SPAWNID: The index of the current machine into the SPAWNNODES list. First machine has an index value of 0.

A machine will listen on the port 10000 + SPAWNID.

See dc_init_param for details about additional configuration options.

This spawning system is less flexibile due to the fixed port numbering. For instance, a crashed process will keep the port in TIMED_WAIT for a few minutes, preventing the next RPC process from running. This also prevents multiple different GraphLab RPC programs from running on the same set of the machines.

The MPI spawner is therefore the recommended method for starting the RPC system.

RPC Usage Overview

The graphlab::distributed_control object provides asynchronous, multi-threaded Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services to allow distributed GraphLab processes to communicate with each other. Currently, the only communication method implemented is TCP/IP.

Each process is assigned a sequential process ID at starting at 0. i.e. The first process will have a process ID of 0, the second process will have an ID of 1, etc. graphlab::distributed_control::procid() can be used to obtain the current machine's process ID, and graphlab::distributed_control::numprocs() can be used to obtain the total number of processes.

The primary functions used to communicate between processes are graphlab::distributed_control::remote_call() and graphlab::distributed_control::remote_request(). These functions are thread-safe and can be called very rapidly as they only write into a local buffer. Communication is handled by a background thread. On the remote side, RPC calls are handled in parallel by a thread pool, and thus may be parallelized arbitrarily. Operations such as graphlab::distributed_control::full_barrier(), or the sequentialization key can be used to get finer grained control over order of execution on the remote machine.

A few other additional helper functions are also provided to support "synchronous" modes of communication. These functions are not thread-safe and can only be called on one thread per machine. These functions block until all machines call the same function. For instance, if gather() is called on one machine, it will not return until all machines call gather().

Basic RPC

Once the distributed_control is set up, it can be used to call functions on remote machines. For instance in the earlier example:

if (dc.procid() == 0) {
dc.remote_call(1, printf, "%d + %f = %s\n", 1, 2.0, "three");

calls printf from machine 0 to machine 1 asynchronously.

In the GraphLab RPC terminology, a call is a one-way remote function call, while a request is a function call which has a return value. calls are executed asynchronously and returns immediately, while requests will wait for completion of the function on the remote machine.

For instance in the code below, machine 1 could print either "hello world", or "world hello".

if (dc.procid() == 0) {
dc.remote_call(1, printf, "hello ");
dc.remote_call(1, printf, "world ");

Remote calls complete immediately, irregardless of how long the function took on the other side. For instance, processor 0 will take almost no time running through this code.

if (dc.procid() == 0) {
dc.remote_call(1, sleep, 1);

However, since requests will wait for completion and send back the reply, this could take about a second to run.

if (dc.procid() == 0) {
dc.remote_request(1, sleep, 1);

All arguments and return values will be passed by value. Any argument type or return type can be used as long as it is serializable.

Collective Operations

In addition to regular RPC operations, A collection of MPI-like collective operations are also provided. A collective operation is a function which requires all machines to call the same function before execution can proceed.


One of the most useful operations is graphlab::distributed_control::barrier() The barrier() is functionally equivalent to MPI_Barrier(). It requires all machines to hit the barrier, before execution is allowed to resume. For instance in the code below, while processor 0 is busy working at compute Pi, all other machines will pause at the barrier and wait for the processor 0 to complete computation and hit the barrier, before execution can proceed.

if (dc.procid() == 0) {
compute Pi to 1 million digits

Full Barrier

A Full Barrier is also provided through graphlab::distributed_control::full_barrier(). A Full Barrier is like a barrier but guarantees that all RPC operations sent before the barrier must complete execution.

For instance in the example below, The full barrier guarantees that the call to set_a_to_1() must complete on all remote machines before execution is allowed to proceed. All machines will therefore print '1'.

int a = 0;
void set_a_to_1() { a = 1; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
graphlab::mpi_tools::init(argc, argv);
dc.remote_call( [ another machine ], set_a_to_1);
std::cout << a;

The full_barrier is about 2-3x more costly than the regular barrier and should be used sparingly.

Other Collectives

In addition to the barrier and the full barrier, operations such as broadcast, gather, all_gather are also provided. Note that the implementation of these operations are not particularly efficient as compared to native MPI implementations due to simplistic algorithm choices.


A slightly more unusual feature of the GraphLab RPC system is the ability to enforce sequentialization of a sequence of RPC calls. This is particularly useful for asynchronous usages of this RPC library and can simplify code in many cases.

For instance, in the code below:

int a = 0;
void set_a_to_1() { a = 1; }
void print_a() { std::cout << a; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
graphlab::mpi_tools::init(argc, argv);
targetmachine = (dc.procid() + 1) % dc.numprocs();
dc.remote_call(targetmachine, set_a_to_1);
dc.remote_call(targetmachine, print_a);

Note that due to the asynchronous nature of the remote_call, it is possible for print_a() to complete on the target machine, before the variable a is set to 1. Therefore, it is possible for the output to be '0'.

A possible solution as suggested before is to change the remote_calls to remote_requests. However, requests incur a large performance penalty due to the need to wait for replies.

Alternatively, we can use the sequentialization key system:

// set the sequentialization key to a non-zero value
dc.remote_call(targetmachine, set_a_to_1);
dc.remote_call(targetmachine, print_a);

Essentially all RPC calls made using the same key value (as long as the key value is non-zero) will sequentialize. This enforces that calls/requests made while a key is set will always be processed by the same thread in the thread pool on the target machine, ensuring sequentialization of the set_a_to_1 and the print_a call.

The sequentialization key is unique to each thread (thread-local) so sequentialization of RPC calls in one thread will not affect RPC calls made by other threads.

Distributed Objects

GraphLab provides a "distributed object" system which simplifies the process of designing data structures which provide distributed computation and storage.

A GraphLab distributed object is an object which is instantiated at the same time across all machines. The object internally contains a dc_dist_object which provides RPC communication between distributed instances.

For instance, say we run the following code using two machines:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
graphlab::mpi_tools::init(argc, argv);
if (dc.procid() == 0) {
str_map.set("hello", "world");
else if (dc.procid() == 1) {
str_map.set("something", "other");
std::cout << str_map.get("hello").second;
std::cout << str_map.get("something").second;

The DHT is a distributed object which provides a distributed key/value store (a distributed "Hash Table"). Every entry is stored at a machine corresponding to a hash of the key value. Note that it is created at the same time on all the machines. The barrier() after creation ensures that the object is instantiated properly on all machines before utilization.

Now, after initialization, the set function of the dht will internally hash the key value and forward it to the right machine for processing. get is similar. However, since the distributed object system operates on instances, it is possible to create multiple distributed objects easily. For instance, the following code will create 50 different distributed key/value maps. str_map[15] corresponds to the same DHT when accessed on any machine.

for (size_t i = 0;i < 50; ++i) {


We will demonstrate usage of the distributed object system using a simple distributed Hash Table example. Note that this is a very simple implementation, and is not entirely correct since we are going to ignore thread-safety. But it is sufficient to demonstrate the key concepts.

class string_dht {
std::map<int, std::string> local_storage;
mutable dc_dist_object<string_dht> rmi;

First, each machine needs a local data storage. In this case we will simply use a std::map. The key object that provides distributed access is the dc_dist_object<string_dht> rmi;. This object creates a "context" for remote function calls, allowing the correct remote instance to be identified.

We will now look at the string_dht constructor. The rmi object constructor requires a reference to the underlying distributed_control object, as well as a pointer to the current instance:

string_dht(distributed_control &dc): rmi(dc, this) { }

Now, to demonstrate how the RMI object is used, lets see the set() function

void set(int key, const std::string &newval) {
procid_t owningmachine = key % rmi.numprocs();
if (owningmachine == rmi.procid()) {
local_storage[key] = newval;

We use a simple hash function to identify where the key-value pair should be stored. Observe that the RMI object provides pretty much the same functionality as the graphlab::distributed_control object, having both graphlab::dc_dist_object::numprocs() and graphlab::dc_dist_object::procid(). If the data is to be stored in the current machine, we simply store it. Otherwise we will need to send it to a remote machine for storage. This is the interesting case:

else {

The RMI object supports the same family of call/request operations as distributed_control However, it will only work with member function pointers. For instance in this case, we will be calling the set() member function on the matching instance of the string_dht object on a remote machine. (Note that the & is important and necessary)

The get() function is similar. However, we will have to use remote requests.

std::string get(int key) {
procid_t owningmachine = key % rmi.numprocs();
if (owningmachine == rmi.procid()) {
return local_storage[key];
else {
return rmi.remote_request(owningmachine,

As stated earlier, this code should not be used as it is due to several limitations such as the local_storage object is not thread-safe. Since incoming RPC calls are generally multithreaded, locks are necessary. See dht.hpp for an equivalent "safe" example of a simple DHT.


Essentially, the dc_dist_object object supports the identical set of operations as the distributed_control object, but restricted to the context of a single object instance.

It includes all the regular call operations:

Additionally, this context is entirely independent of the distributed_control object, permitting its own set of collective operations such as graphlab::dc_dist_object::broadcast, graphlab::dc_dist_object::barrier, graphlab::dc_dist_object::full_barrier, etc

Since these collective operations also operate entirely within the context of the object instance, this permits the use of parallel collectives. For instance, I could have two objects, and each object internally spawns threads to perform distributed computation; using the RMI object to perform collective operations which are local to the object.

In particular, the graphlab::dc_dist_object::full_barrier() is worth taking note of. The graphlab::distributed_control::full_barrier() ensures completion of ALL RPC calls including calls meant for distributed objects. Its barrier is therefore global to the state of the program as a while. The graphlab::dc_dist_object::full_barrier() however, only ensures completion of all RPC calls within the object instance. Its barrier is therefore local to the state of the distributed object. This allows each distributed object to run its own full barriers without affecting other distributed objects.

Final Notes

Finally, note that the RMI object can ONLY call member function pointers. It cannot call other global functions (such as printf). The global context can be accessed through graphlab::dc_dist_object::dc() which returns the underlying distributed_control object, which can then be used to call global functions. For instance:

rmi.dc().remote_call(1, printf, "hello ");