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graphlab::dc_init_param Struct Reference

Distributed control constructor parameters. More...

#include <graphlab/rpc/dc.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 dc_init_param (size_t numhandlerthreads=RPC_DEFAULT_NUMHANDLERTHREADS, dc_comm_type commtype=RPC_DEFAULT_COMMTYPE)

Public Attributes

std::vector< std::string > machines
std::string initstring
procid_t curmachineid
size_t numhandlerthreads
dc_comm_type commtype

Detailed Description

Distributed control constructor parameters.

Provides the communication layer with a list of ip addresses and port numbers which enumerate all the machines to establish connections with.

You should not need to this. The default constructor in graphlab::distributed_control does it for you. See GraphLab RPC for usage details.

Definition at line 72 of file dc.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

graphlab::dc_init_param::dc_init_param ( size_t  numhandlerthreads = RPC_DEFAULT_NUMHANDLERTHREADS,
dc_comm_type  commtype = RPC_DEFAULT_COMMTYPE 

Constructs a dc_init_param object.

numhandlerthreadsOptional Argument. The number of handler threads to create. Defaults to RPC_DEFAULT_NUMHANDLERTHREADS
commtypeThe Communication type. The only accepted value now is TCP_COMM

Definition at line 111 of file dc.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

dc_comm_type graphlab::dc_init_param::commtype

The communication method.

Definition at line 101 of file dc.hpp.

procid_t graphlab::dc_init_param::curmachineid

The index of this machine into the machines vector

Definition at line 97 of file dc.hpp.

std::string graphlab::dc_init_param::initstring

Additional construction options of the form "key1=value1,key2=value2".

There are no available options at this time.

Internal options which should not be used

  • socket=NUMBER Forces TCP comm to use this socket number for its listening socket instead of creating a new one. The socket must already be bound to the listening port.

Definition at line 94 of file dc.hpp.

std::vector<std::string> graphlab::dc_init_param::machines

A vector containing a list of hostnames/ipaddresses and port numbers of all machines participating in this RPC program. for instance:


Definition at line 81 of file dc.hpp.

size_t graphlab::dc_init_param::numhandlerthreads

Number of background RPC handling threads to create

Definition at line 99 of file dc.hpp.

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