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graphlab::gl_is_pod< T > Struct Template Reference

Tests if T is a POD type. More...

#include <graphlab/serialization/is_pod.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (bool, value=(boost::type_traits::ice_or< boost::is_scalar< T >::value, boost::is_base_of< IS_POD_TYPE, T >::value >::value))

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
struct graphlab::gl_is_pod< T >

Tests if T is a POD type.

gl_is_pod<T>::value is true if T is a POD type (as determined by boost::is_pod) or if T inherits from IS_POD_TYPE. gl_is_pod<T>::value is false otherwise.

Definition at line 46 of file is_pod.hpp.

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