GraphLab: Distributed Graph-Parallel API  2.1
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
oCgraphlab::async_consensusThis implements a distributed consensus algorithm which waits for global completion of all computation/RPC events on a given object
oCgraphlab::atomic_add_vector< ValueType >
oCgraphlab::atomic_add_vector2< ValueType >
oCgraphlab::blocking_queue< T >Implements a blocking queue useful for producer/consumer models
oCgraphlab::cache_line_pad< T >
oCgraphlab::coherent_dht< KeyType, ValueType >
oCgraphlab::hopscotch_table< T, Synchronized, Hash, KeyEqual >::const_iterator
oCgraphlab::cuckoo_map< Key, Value, CuckooK, IndexType, Hash, Pred >
oCgraphlab::cuckoo_map_pow2< Key, Value, CuckooK, IndexType, Hash, Pred >
oCgraphlab::cuckoo_set_pow2< Key, CuckooK, IndexType, Hash, Pred >
oCgraphlab::dc_dist_object< T >Provides a class with its own distributed communication context, allowing instances of the class to communicate with other remote instances
oCgraphlab::dc_init_paramDistributed control constructor parameters
oCgraphlab::dht< KeyType, ValueType >
oCgraphlab::distributed_constrained_oblivious_ingress< VertexData, EdgeData >Ingress object assigning edges using randoming hash function
oCgraphlab::distributed_constrained_random_ingress< VertexData, EdgeData >Ingress object assigning edges using randoming hash function
oCgraphlab::distributed_controlThe distributed control object is primary means of communication between the distributed GraphLab processes
oCgraphlab::distributed_graph< VertexData, EdgeData >A directed graph datastructure which is distributed across multiple machines
oCgraphlab::distributed_identity_ingress< VertexData, EdgeData >Ingress object assigning edges to the loading machine itself
oCgraphlab::distributed_oblivious_ingress< VertexData, EdgeData >Ingress object assigning edges using randoming hash function
oCgraphlab::distributed_random_ingress< VertexData, EdgeData >Ingress object assigning edges using randoming hash function
oCgraphlab::distributed_ingress_base< VertexData, EdgeData >::edge_buffer_recordTemporar buffers used to store edge data on ingress
oCgraphlab::graph_storage< VertexData, EdgeData >::edge_list
oCgraphlab::local_graph< VertexData, EdgeData >::edge_list_typeRepresents an iteratable list of edge_types
oCgraphlab::distributed_graph< VertexData, EdgeData >::edge_typeThe edge represents an edge in the graph and provide access to the data associated with that edge as well as the source and target distributed::vertex_type objects
oCgraphlab::local_graph< VertexData, EdgeData >::edge_type
oCgraphlab::execution_statusReasons for execution completion
oCgraphlab::fixed_dense_bitset< len >
oCgraphlab::gl_is_pod< T >Tests if T is a POD type
oCgraphlab::graph_vertex_join< LeftGraph, RightGraph >Provides the ability to pass information between vertices of two different graphs
oCgraphlab::any::holder< ValueType >
oCgraphlab::hopscotch_map< Key, Value, Synchronized, Hash, KeyEqual >
oCgraphlab::hopscotch_set< Key, Synchronized, Hash, KeyEqual >
oCgraphlab::hopscotch_table< T, Synchronized, Hash, KeyEqual >
oCgraphlab::iarchiveThe serialization input archive object which, provided with a reference to an istream, will read from the istream, providing deserialization capabilities
oCgraphlab::iarchive_soft_failWhen this archive is used to deserialize an object, and the object does not support serialization, failure will only occur at runtime. Otherwise equivalent to graphlab::iarchive
oCgraphlab::icontext< GraphType, GatherType, MessageType >The context object mediates the interaction between the vertex program and the graphlab execution environment
oCgraphlab::icontext< Engine::graph_type, Engine::gather_type, Engine::message_type >
oCgraphlab::idistributed_ingress< VertexData, EdgeData >The ingress object handles the graph ingress
oCgraphlab::iengine< VertexProgram >The abstract interface of a GraphLab engine
oCgraphlab::hopscotch_table< T, Synchronized, Hash, KeyEqual >::insert_iterator
oCgraphlab::IS_POD_TYPEInheriting from this type will force the serializer to treat the derived type as a POD type
oCgraphlab::ischeduler< MessageType >
oCgraphlab::ischeduler< Message >
oCgraphlab::hopscotch_table< T, Synchronized, Hash, KeyEqual >::iterator
oCgraphlab::ivertex_program< Graph, GatherType, MessageType >The ivertex_program class defines the vertex program interface that all vertex programs should extend and implement. The vertex-program is used to encode the user-define computation in a GraphLab program
oCgraphlab::ivertex_program< graph_type, float >
oCgraphlab::lockfree_push_back< Container, T >
oClog_dispatch< dostuff >
oCgraphlab::log_groupLogging information for a particular log entry (say #updates)
oCgraphlab::mutable_queue< T, Priority >
oCgraphlab::oarchiveThe serialization output archive object which, provided with a reference to an ostream, will write to the ostream, providing serialization capabilities
oCgraphlab::oarchive_soft_failWhen this archive is used to serialize an object, and the object does not support serialization, failure will only occur at runtime. Otherwise equivalent to graphlab::oarchive
oCgraphlab::OpPlusEq< T >Concept checks if a type T supports operator+=
oCgraphlab::options_map::option_valuesThe internal storage of the options
oCgraphlab::padded_integerInteger value padded to 64 bytes
oCgraphlab::any::holder< ValueType >::registry_type
oCgraphlab::request_future< T >
oCgraphlab::scheduler_factory< Message >
oCgraphlab::Serializable< T >Concept checks if a type T is serializable
oCgraphlab::small_set< MAX_DIM, T, Less >
oCgraphlab::test_function_or_const_functor_1< F, PreferredFunctionForm, RetType, Arg1 >This tests that a type F matches a specification for a function type or implements a specification for a functor type.
oCgraphlab::test_function_or_const_functor_2< F, PreferredFunctionForm, RetType, Arg1, Arg2 >This tests that a type F matches a specification for a function type or implements a specification for a functor type.
oCgraphlab::test_function_or_functor_1< F, PreferredFunctionForm, RetType, Arg1 >This tests that a type F matches a specification for a function type or implements a specification for a functor type
oCgraphlab::test_function_or_functor_2< F, PreferredFunctionForm, RetType, Arg1, Arg2 >This tests that a type F matches a specification for a function type or implements a specification for a functor type.
oCgraphlab::timerA simple class that can be used for benchmarking/timing up to microsecond resolution
oCgraphlab::random::distributions::uniform< IntType >
oCgraphlab::unsupported_serializeInheritting from this class will prevent the serialization of the derived class. Used for debugging purposes
oCgraphlab::distributed_ingress_base< VertexData, EdgeData >::vertex_buffer_recordTemporary buffers used to store vertex data on ingress
oCgraphlab::distributed_ingress_base< VertexData, EdgeData >::vertex_negotiator_recordDetail vertex record for the second pass coordination
oCgraphlab::vertex_setDescribes a set of vertices
oCgraphlab::distributed_graph< VertexData, EdgeData >::vertex_typeVertex object which provides access to the vertex data and information about the vertex
\Cgraphlab::local_graph< VertexData, EdgeData >::vertex_type