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graphlab::random::distributions::uniform< IntType > Struct Template Reference

#include <graphlab/util/random.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef boost::uniform_int
< IntType > 

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename RealRNG , typename DiscreteRNG >
static IntType sample (RealRNG &real_rng, DiscreteRNG &discrete_rng, const IntType &min, const IntType &max)

Detailed Description

template<typename IntType>
struct graphlab::random::distributions::uniform< IntType >

The uniform distribution struct is used for partial function specialization. Generating uniform random real numbers is accomplished slightly differently than for integers. Therefore the base case is for integers and we then specialize the two real number types (floats and doubles).

Definition at line 64 of file random.hpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: