CShockwaveFlash Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

CLSID const & GetClsid ()
virtual BOOL Create (LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL)
BOOL Create (LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, CFile *pPersist=NULL, BOOL bStorage=FALSE, BSTR bstrLicKey=NULL)
long get_ReadyState ()
long get_TotalFrames ()
BOOL get_Playing ()
void put_Playing (BOOL newValue)
long get_Quality ()
void put_Quality (long newValue)
long get_ScaleMode ()
void put_ScaleMode (long newValue)
long get_AlignMode ()
void put_AlignMode (long newValue)
long get_BackgroundColor ()
void put_BackgroundColor (long newValue)
BOOL get_Loop ()
void put_Loop (BOOL newValue)
CString get_Movie ()
void put_Movie (LPCTSTR newValue)
long get_FrameNum ()
void put_FrameNum (long newValue)
void SetZoomRect (long left, long top, long right, long bottom)
void Zoom (long factor)
void Pan (long x, long y, long mode)
void Play ()
void Stop ()
void Back ()
void Forward ()
void Rewind ()
void StopPlay ()
void GotoFrame (long FrameNum)
long CurrentFrame ()
BOOL IsPlaying ()
long PercentLoaded ()
BOOL FrameLoaded (long FrameNum)
long FlashVersion ()
CString get_WMode ()
void put_WMode (LPCTSTR newValue)
CString get_SAlign ()
void put_SAlign (LPCTSTR newValue)
BOOL get_Menu ()
void put_Menu (BOOL newValue)
CString get_Base ()
void put_Base (LPCTSTR newValue)
CString get_Scale ()
void put_Scale (LPCTSTR newValue)
BOOL get_DeviceFont ()
void put_DeviceFont (BOOL newValue)
BOOL get_EmbedMovie ()
void put_EmbedMovie (BOOL newValue)
CString get_BGColor ()
void put_BGColor (LPCTSTR newValue)
CString get_Quality2 ()
void put_Quality2 (LPCTSTR newValue)
void LoadMovie (long layer, LPCTSTR url)
void TGotoFrame (LPCTSTR target, long FrameNum)
void TGotoLabel (LPCTSTR target, LPCTSTR label)
long TCurrentFrame (LPCTSTR target)
CString TCurrentLabel (LPCTSTR target)
void TPlay (LPCTSTR target)
void TStopPlay (LPCTSTR target)
void SetVariable (LPCTSTR name, LPCTSTR value)
CString GetVariable (LPCTSTR name)
void TSetProperty (LPCTSTR target, long property, LPCTSTR value)
CString TGetProperty (LPCTSTR target, long property)
void TCallFrame (LPCTSTR target, long FrameNum)
void TCallLabel (LPCTSTR target, LPCTSTR label)
void TSetPropertyNum (LPCTSTR target, long property, double value)
double TGetPropertyNum (LPCTSTR target, long property)
double TGetPropertyAsNumber (LPCTSTR target, long property)
CString get_SWRemote ()
void put_SWRemote (LPCTSTR newValue)
CString get_FlashVars ()
void put_FlashVars (LPCTSTR newValue)
CString get_AllowScriptAccess ()
void put_AllowScriptAccess (LPCTSTR newValue)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file CShockwaveFlash.h.

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