MatroskaWriter::Info Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for MatroskaWriter::Info:

MatroskaWriter::CID List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Info (DWORD id=0x1549A966)
QWORD Size (bool fWithHeader=true)
HRESULT Write (IStream *pStream)

Public Attributes

CBinary SegmentUID
CBinary PrevUID
CBinary NextUID
CUTF8 SegmentFilename
CUTF8 PrevFilename
CUTF8 NextFilename
CUInt TimeCodeScale
CFloat Duration
CInt DateUTC
CUTF8 Title
CUTF8 MuxingApp
CUTF8 WritingApp

Detailed Description

Definition at line 168 of file MatroskaFile.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Dec 13 14:49:37 2005 for guliverkli by  doxygen 1.4.5