TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame Class Reference

#include <PropPageFrame.h>

Inheritance diagram for TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame:

TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CPropPageFrame ()
virtual ~CPropPageFrame ()
virtual BOOL Create (DWORD dwWindowStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pwndParent, UINT nID)=0
virtual CWnd * GetWnd ()=0
virtual void ShowCaption (BOOL bEnable)
BOOL GetShowCaption () const
virtual void SetCaptionHeight (int nCaptionHeight)
int GetCaptionHeight () const
virtual void SetCaption (LPCTSTR lpszCaption, HICON hIcon=NULL)
CString GetCaption (HICON *pIcon=NULL) const
virtual void SetMsgText (LPCTSTR lpszMsg)
CString GetMsgText () const
virtual void SetMsgFormat (DWORD dwFormat)
DWORD GetMsgFormat () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Draw (CDC *pDc)
virtual CRect CalcMsgArea ()
virtual void DrawMsg (CDC *pDc, CRect rect, LPCTSTR lpszMsg, DWORD dwFormat)
virtual CRect CalcCaptionArea ()
virtual void DrawCaption (CDC *pDc, CRect rect, LPCTSTR lpszCaption, HICON hIcon)
void SafeUpdateWindow (LPCRECT lpRect=NULL)

Detailed Description

An object of an CPropertyPageFrame-derived class is used by CTreePropSheet to display a frame for the property pages.

Derived classes have to implement at least the Create() and the GetWnd() method, which returns a pointer to the CWnd-obect of the window, that has been created by the call to the Create() method. An implementation can provide the CWnd-object by using it as a property or by deriving from CWnd or a more specialiced class. This way has been choosen instead of deriving CPropPageFrame from CWnd, to allow derived class to derive from more specialized classes than CWnd (i.e. CStatic, etc.). From the WM_PAINT-handler of your derived class you have to call the Draw()-method.

Most implementations will also implement the DrawCaption() and DrawMsg() methods, to provide custom drawing functionality.

Sven Wiegand

Definition at line 53 of file PropPageFrame.h.

Member Function Documentation

CRect TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::CalcCaptionArea  )  [protected, virtual]

Calculates the caption area. The caption area is the rectangular range, the current page's caption should be drawn in.

The caption can be enabled or disabled using the ShowCaption() method. This method should return an empty rect, if the caption is disabled. If the caption is enabled the height of the rect should be as large, as specified by the latest call to the SetCaptionHeight() method.

The rectangle, returned by this method will be passed to the DrawCaption() method to draw the caption.

If the caption is enabled currently, this default implementation returns a rectangle, that has the width of the client area and the height, specified by the latest call to SetCaptionHeight(), starting and y-position 0. If the caption is disabled at the moment, this method returns an empty rectangle with the width of the client area.

Reimplemented in TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault.

Definition at line 161 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References GetCaptionHeight(), GetShowCaption(), and GetWnd().

Referenced by Draw(), SetCaption(), SetCaptionHeight(), and ShowCaption().

CRect TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::CalcMsgArea  )  [protected, virtual]

Calculates the area, the message, set by SetMsgText() should be displayed in. The returned rectangle (client coordinates) will be passed to DrawMsg().

This default implementation calls the CalcCaptionArea() method, substracts the returned rectangle from the client area and returns the result.

Reimplemented in TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault.

Definition at line 136 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References GetCaptionHeight(), GetShowCaption(), and GetWnd().

Referenced by Draw(), SetMsgFormat(), and SetMsgText().

virtual BOOL TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::Create DWORD  dwWindowStyle,
const RECT &  rect,
CWnd *  pwndParent,
[pure virtual]

Has to create a window with the specified properties.

dwWindowStyle Standard window styles, to apply to the window to create.
rect Position and size of the window to create.
pwndParent Parent window. (Never be NULL).
nID Window id.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.

Implemented in TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault.

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::Draw CDC *  pDc  )  [protected, virtual]

Draws the whole frame including caption (if enabled) and message.

This method calculates the rectangles for the message area and the caption area using the CalcMsgArea() and the CalcCaptionArea() methods, draws then the caption calling the DrawCaption() method (only if caption is enabled) and afterwards the message calling the DrawMsg() method.

You should call this method from the WM_PAINT-handler of your derived class.

pDc Device context to draw in.

Definition at line 128 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References CalcCaptionArea(), CalcMsgArea(), DrawCaption(), DrawMsg(), and GetShowCaption().

Referenced by TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault::OnPaint().

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::DrawCaption CDC *  pDc,
CRect  rect,
LPCTSTR  lpszCaption,
HICON  hIcon
[protected, virtual]

Draws the caption.

This default implementation draws nothing.

pDc Device context to draw in.
rect Rectangle to draw the caption in.
lpszCaption Text to display in the caption.
hIcon Icon to display in the caption.

Reimplemented in TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault.

Definition at line 176 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

Referenced by Draw().

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::DrawMsg CDC *  pDc,
CRect  rect,
LPCTSTR  lpszMsg,
DWORD  dwFormat
[protected, virtual]

Draws the message with the specified format.

This default implementation draws the given msg using the specified properties.

pDc Device context to draw in.
rect Rectangle to draw the message in.
lpszMsg Message to draw.
dwFormat. Combination of the DT_* flags, specified by the Win32 function DrawText() to draw the message with.

Definition at line 149 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References GetMsgFormat(), and GetMsgText().

Referenced by Draw().

CString TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::GetCaption HICON *  pIcon = NULL  )  const

Returns the caption, that has been set most recently using the SetCaption() method.

pIcon Pointer to a HICON variable, that should receive the handle of the currently set icon or NULL, if there is no icon or a NULL pointer, if the caller is not interested in the icon.
The text that has been set most recently using the SetCaption() method.

Definition at line 78 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

int TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::GetCaptionHeight  )  const

Returns the caption height, that has been most recently set by a call to the SetCaptionHeight() method.

Definition at line 93 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

Referenced by TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault::CalcCaptionArea(), CalcCaptionArea(), TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault::CalcMsgArea(), and CalcMsgArea().

DWORD TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::GetMsgFormat  )  const

Returns the format to draw the text with, set by SetMsgText().

See also:

Definition at line 119 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

Referenced by DrawMsg(), and TreePropSheet::CTreePropSheet::SetEmptyPageTextFormat().

CString TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::GetMsgText  )  const

Returns the text currently displayed.

Definition at line 106 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

Referenced by DrawMsg().

BOOL TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::GetShowCaption  )  const

Returns TRUE if captions are enabled, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 64 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

Referenced by TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault::CalcCaptionArea(), CalcCaptionArea(), TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault::CalcMsgArea(), CalcMsgArea(), Draw(), and TreePropSheet::CTreePropSheet::UpdateCaption().

virtual CWnd* TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::GetWnd  )  [pure virtual]

Returns a pointer to the window object, that represents the frame.

Implemented in TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault.

Referenced by CalcCaptionArea(), CalcMsgArea(), and SafeUpdateWindow().

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::SafeUpdateWindow LPCRECT  lpRect = NULL  )  [protected]

If the m_hWnd property of the CWnd-object returend by GetWnd() specifies a valid window, this method will invalidate the specified rectangle, to schedule it for repaint, otherwise the method will return without doing anything.

lpRect Pointer to the rectangular area, that should be marked for repainting or NULL, if the whole client area should be marked for repainting.

Definition at line 185 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References GetWnd().

Referenced by SetCaption(), SetCaptionHeight(), SetMsgFormat(), SetMsgText(), and ShowCaption().

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::SetCaption LPCTSTR  lpszCaption,

Sets caption text an icon.

This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method with the caption rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.

lpszCaption Text to display for the caption.
hIcon Icon to display for the caption.

Reimplemented in TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault.

Definition at line 70 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References CalcCaptionArea(), and SafeUpdateWindow().

Referenced by TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrameDefault::SetCaption(), and TreePropSheet::CTreePropSheet::UpdateCaption().

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::SetCaptionHeight int  nCaptionHeight  )  [virtual]

Sets the height of the caption in pixels. This value is ignored until the caption is enabled by ShowCaption(TRUE).

This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method with the caption rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.

Definition at line 86 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References CalcCaptionArea(), and SafeUpdateWindow().

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::SetMsgFormat DWORD  dwFormat  )  [virtual]

Specifies the format to draw the text with, set by SetMsgText().

This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method with the message rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.

dwFormat Combination of the DT_* flags, specified by the Win32 function DrawText().

Definition at line 112 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References CalcMsgArea(), and SafeUpdateWindow().

Referenced by TreePropSheet::CTreePropSheet::SetEmptyPageTextFormat().

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::SetMsgText LPCTSTR  lpszMsg  )  [virtual]

Sets the text to display.

This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method with the message rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.

Definition at line 99 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References CalcMsgArea(), and SafeUpdateWindow().

Referenced by TreePropSheet::CTreePropSheet::UpdateCaption().

void TreePropSheet::CPropPageFrame::ShowCaption BOOL  bEnable  )  [virtual]

Enables or disables page caption.

This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method with the caption rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.

Definition at line 57 of file PropPageFrame.cpp.

References CalcCaptionArea(), and SafeUpdateWindow().

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Generated on Tue Dec 13 14:49:45 2005 for guliverkli by  doxygen 1.4.5