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Data Fields
_PLCI Struct Reference

#include <divacapi.h>

Data Fields

word RNum
word RFlags
byte Id
byte State
byte sig_req
byte nl_req
byte SuppState
byte channels
byte tel
byte B1_resource
byte B2_prot
byte B3_prot
word command
word m_command
word internal_command
word number
word req_in_start
word req_in
word req_out
word msg_in_write_pos
word msg_in_read_pos
word msg_in_wrap_pos
byte data_sent
byte send_disc
byte sig_global_req
byte sig_remove_id
byte nl_global_req
byte nl_remove_id
byte b_channel
byte adv_nl
byte manufacturer
byte call_dir
byte hook_state
byte spoofed_msg
byte ptyState
byte cr_enquiry
word hangup_flow_ctrl_timer
word ncci_ring_list
byte inc_dis_ncci_table [MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI]
t_std_internal_command internal_command_queue [MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS]
dword c_ind_mask_table [C_IND_MASK_DWORDS]
dword group_optimization_mask_table [C_IND_MASK_DWORDS]
byte RBuffer [200]
dword msg_in_queue [MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE/sizeof(dword)]
API_SAVE saved_msg
API_SAVE B_protocol
byte fax_connect_info_length
byte fax_connect_info_buffer [FAX_CONNECT_INFO_BUFFER_SIZE]
byte fax_edata_ack_length
word nsf_control_bits
byte ncpi_state
byte ncpi_buffer [NCPI_BUFFER_SIZE]
byte internal_req_buffer [INTERNAL_REQ_BUFFER_SIZE]
byte internal_ind_buffer [INTERNAL_IND_BUFFER_SIZE+3]
dword requested_options_conn
dword requested_options
word B1_facilities
word adjust_b_facilities
word adjust_b_command
word adjust_b_ncci
word adjust_b_mode
word adjust_b_state
byte adjust_b_restore
byte dtmf_rec_active
word dtmf_rec_pulse_ms
word dtmf_rec_pause_ms
byte dtmf_send_requests
word dtmf_send_pulse_ms
word dtmf_send_pause_ms
word dtmf_cmd
word dtmf_msg_number_queue [8]
byte dtmf_parameter_length
byte dtmf_parameter_buffer [DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE]
t_capidtmf_state capidtmf_state
byte li_bchannel_id
byte li_channel_bits
byte li_notify_update
word li_cmd
word li_write_command
word li_write_channel
word li_plci_b_write_pos
word li_plci_b_read_pos
word li_plci_b_req_pos
dword li_plci_b_queue [LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES]
word ec_cmd
word ec_idi_options
word ec_tail_length
byte tone_last_indication_code
byte vswitchstate
byte vsprot
byte vsprotdialect
byte notifiedcall
int rx_dma_descriptor
dword rx_dma_magic

Detailed Description

Definition at line 214 of file divacapi.h.

Field Documentation

Definition at line 223 of file divacapi.h.

word adjust_b_command

Definition at line 288 of file divacapi.h.

word adjust_b_facilities

Definition at line 287 of file divacapi.h.

word adjust_b_mode

Definition at line 290 of file divacapi.h.

word adjust_b_ncci

Definition at line 289 of file divacapi.h.

API_SAVE* adjust_b_parms_msg

Definition at line 286 of file divacapi.h.

byte adjust_b_restore

Definition at line 292 of file divacapi.h.

word adjust_b_state

Definition at line 291 of file divacapi.h.

byte adv_nl

Definition at line 256 of file divacapi.h.

APPL* appl

Definition at line 224 of file divacapi.h.

word B1_facilities

Definition at line 285 of file divacapi.h.

byte B1_resource

Definition at line 233 of file divacapi.h.

byte B2_prot

Definition at line 234 of file divacapi.h.

byte B3_prot

Definition at line 235 of file divacapi.h.

byte b_channel

Definition at line 255 of file divacapi.h.

API_SAVE B_protocol

Definition at line 273 of file divacapi.h.

dword c_ind_mask_table[C_IND_MASK_DWORDS]

Definition at line 268 of file divacapi.h.

byte call_dir

Definition at line 258 of file divacapi.h.

t_capidtmf_state capidtmf_state

Definition at line 306 of file divacapi.h.

byte channels

Definition at line 231 of file divacapi.h.

Definition at line 237 of file divacapi.h.

byte cr_enquiry

Definition at line 262 of file divacapi.h.

byte data_sent

Definition at line 249 of file divacapi.h.

void* data_sent_ptr

Definition at line 248 of file divacapi.h.

word dtmf_cmd

Definition at line 300 of file divacapi.h.

word dtmf_msg_number_queue[8]

Definition at line 301 of file divacapi.h.

byte dtmf_parameter_buffer[DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE]

Definition at line 303 of file divacapi.h.

byte dtmf_parameter_length

Definition at line 302 of file divacapi.h.

byte dtmf_rec_active

Definition at line 294 of file divacapi.h.

word dtmf_rec_pause_ms

Definition at line 296 of file divacapi.h.

word dtmf_rec_pulse_ms

Definition at line 295 of file divacapi.h.

word dtmf_send_pause_ms

Definition at line 299 of file divacapi.h.

word dtmf_send_pulse_ms

Definition at line 298 of file divacapi.h.

byte dtmf_send_requests

Definition at line 297 of file divacapi.h.

word ec_cmd

Definition at line 321 of file divacapi.h.

word ec_idi_options

Definition at line 322 of file divacapi.h.

word ec_tail_length

Definition at line 323 of file divacapi.h.

byte fax_connect_info_buffer[FAX_CONNECT_INFO_BUFFER_SIZE]

Definition at line 275 of file divacapi.h.

byte fax_connect_info_length

Definition at line 274 of file divacapi.h.

byte fax_edata_ack_length

Definition at line 276 of file divacapi.h.

dword group_optimization_mask_table[C_IND_MASK_DWORDS]

Definition at line 269 of file divacapi.h.

word hangup_flow_ctrl_timer

Definition at line 263 of file divacapi.h.

byte hook_state

Definition at line 259 of file divacapi.h.

byte Id

Definition at line 226 of file divacapi.h.

byte inc_dis_ncci_table[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI]

Definition at line 266 of file divacapi.h.

word internal_command

Definition at line 239 of file divacapi.h.

Definition at line 267 of file divacapi.h.

byte internal_ind_buffer[INTERNAL_IND_BUFFER_SIZE+3]

Definition at line 282 of file divacapi.h.

byte internal_req_buffer[INTERNAL_REQ_BUFFER_SIZE]

Definition at line 281 of file divacapi.h.

byte li_bchannel_id

Definition at line 309 of file divacapi.h.

byte li_channel_bits

Definition at line 310 of file divacapi.h.

word li_cmd

Definition at line 312 of file divacapi.h.

byte li_notify_update

Definition at line 311 of file divacapi.h.

dword li_plci_b_queue[LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES]

Definition at line 318 of file divacapi.h.

word li_plci_b_read_pos

Definition at line 316 of file divacapi.h.

word li_plci_b_req_pos

Definition at line 317 of file divacapi.h.

word li_plci_b_write_pos

Definition at line 315 of file divacapi.h.

word li_write_channel

Definition at line 314 of file divacapi.h.

word li_write_command

Definition at line 313 of file divacapi.h.

word m_command

Definition at line 238 of file divacapi.h.

byte manufacturer

Definition at line 257 of file divacapi.h.

Definition at line 271 of file divacapi.h.

word msg_in_read_pos

Definition at line 245 of file divacapi.h.

word msg_in_wrap_pos

Definition at line 246 of file divacapi.h.

word msg_in_write_pos

Definition at line 244 of file divacapi.h.

word ncci_ring_list

Definition at line 265 of file divacapi.h.

byte ncpi_buffer[NCPI_BUFFER_SIZE]

Definition at line 279 of file divacapi.h.

byte ncpi_state

Definition at line 278 of file divacapi.h.


Definition at line 221 of file divacapi.h.


Definition at line 216 of file divacapi.h.

byte nl_global_req

Definition at line 253 of file divacapi.h.

byte nl_remove_id

Definition at line 254 of file divacapi.h.

byte nl_req

Definition at line 229 of file divacapi.h.

byte notifiedcall

Definition at line 331 of file divacapi.h.

word nsf_control_bits

Definition at line 277 of file divacapi.h.

word number

Definition at line 240 of file divacapi.h.

byte ptyState

Definition at line 261 of file divacapi.h.

byte RBuffer[200]

Definition at line 270 of file divacapi.h.


Definition at line 219 of file divacapi.h.


Definition at line 225 of file divacapi.h.

word req_in

Definition at line 242 of file divacapi.h.

word req_in_start

Definition at line 241 of file divacapi.h.

word req_out

Definition at line 243 of file divacapi.h.

dword requested_options

Definition at line 284 of file divacapi.h.

dword requested_options_conn

Definition at line 283 of file divacapi.h.

word RFlags

Definition at line 218 of file divacapi.h.

word RNum

Definition at line 217 of file divacapi.h.

int rx_dma_descriptor

Definition at line 333 of file divacapi.h.

dword rx_dma_magic

Definition at line 334 of file divacapi.h.

API_SAVE saved_msg

Definition at line 272 of file divacapi.h.

byte send_disc

Definition at line 250 of file divacapi.h.


Definition at line 215 of file divacapi.h.

byte sig_global_req

Definition at line 251 of file divacapi.h.

byte sig_remove_id

Definition at line 252 of file divacapi.h.

byte sig_req

Definition at line 228 of file divacapi.h.

byte spoofed_msg

Definition at line 260 of file divacapi.h.

byte State

Definition at line 227 of file divacapi.h.

byte SuppState

Definition at line 230 of file divacapi.h.

byte tel

Definition at line 232 of file divacapi.h.

byte tone_last_indication_code

Definition at line 326 of file divacapi.h.

byte vsprot

Definition at line 329 of file divacapi.h.

byte vsprotdialect

Definition at line 330 of file divacapi.h.

byte vswitchstate

Definition at line 328 of file divacapi.h.


Definition at line 220 of file divacapi.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: