Linux Kernel  3.7.1
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Data Fields
ipath_kregs Struct Reference

#include <ipath_registers.h>

Data Fields

ipath_kreg kr_control
ipath_kreg kr_counterregbase
ipath_kreg kr_intmask
ipath_kreg kr_intstatus
ipath_kreg kr_pagealign
ipath_kreg kr_portcnt
ipath_kreg kr_rcvtidbase
ipath_kreg kr_rcvtidcnt
ipath_kreg kr_rcvegrbase
ipath_kreg kr_rcvegrcnt
ipath_kreg kr_scratch
ipath_kreg kr_sendctrl
ipath_kreg kr_sendpiobufbase
ipath_kreg kr_sendpiobufcnt
ipath_kreg kr_sendpiosize
ipath_kreg kr_sendregbase
ipath_kreg kr_userregbase
ipath_kreg kr_debugport
ipath_kreg kr_debugportselect
ipath_kreg kr_errorclear
ipath_kreg kr_errormask
ipath_kreg kr_errorstatus
ipath_kreg kr_extctrl
ipath_kreg kr_extstatus
ipath_kreg kr_gpio_clear
ipath_kreg kr_gpio_mask
ipath_kreg kr_gpio_out
ipath_kreg kr_gpio_status
ipath_kreg kr_hwdiagctrl
ipath_kreg kr_hwerrclear
ipath_kreg kr_hwerrmask
ipath_kreg kr_hwerrstatus
ipath_kreg kr_ibcctrl
ipath_kreg kr_ibcstatus
ipath_kreg kr_intblocked
ipath_kreg kr_intclear
ipath_kreg kr_interruptconfig
ipath_kreg kr_mdio
ipath_kreg kr_partitionkey
ipath_kreg kr_rcvbthqp
ipath_kreg kr_rcvbufbase
ipath_kreg kr_rcvbufsize
ipath_kreg kr_rcvctrl
ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdrcnt
ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdrentsize
ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdrsize
ipath_kreg kr_rcvintmembase
ipath_kreg kr_rcvintmemsize
ipath_kreg kr_revision
ipath_kreg kr_sendbuffererror
ipath_kreg kr_sendpioavailaddr
ipath_kreg kr_serdesconfig0
ipath_kreg kr_serdesconfig1
ipath_kreg kr_serdesstatus
ipath_kreg kr_txintmembase
ipath_kreg kr_txintmemsize
ipath_kreg kr_xgxsconfig
ipath_kreg kr_ibpllcfg
ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdraddr
ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdrtailaddr
ipath_kreg kr_rcvpktledcnt
ipath_kreg kr_pcierbuftestreg0
ipath_kreg kr_pcierbuftestreg1
ipath_kreg kr_pcieq0serdesconfig0
ipath_kreg kr_pcieq0serdesconfig1
ipath_kreg kr_pcieq0serdesstatus
ipath_kreg kr_pcieq1serdesconfig0
ipath_kreg kr_pcieq1serdesconfig1
ipath_kreg kr_pcieq1serdesstatus
ipath_kreg kr_hrtbt_guid
ipath_kreg kr_ibcddrctrl
ipath_kreg kr_ibcddrstatus
ipath_kreg kr_jintreload
ipath_kreg kr_senddmabase
ipath_kreg kr_senddmalengen
ipath_kreg kr_senddmatail
ipath_kreg kr_senddmahead
ipath_kreg kr_senddmaheadaddr
ipath_kreg kr_senddmabufmask0
ipath_kreg kr_senddmabufmask1
ipath_kreg kr_senddmabufmask2
ipath_kreg kr_senddmastatus
ipath_kreg kr_ibserdesctrl
ipath_kreg kr_ib_epbacc
ipath_kreg kr_ib_epbtrans
ipath_kreg kr_pcie_epbacc
ipath_kreg kr_pcie_epbtrans
ipath_kreg kr_ib_ddsrxeq

Detailed Description

Definition at line 360 of file ipath_registers.h.

Field Documentation

ipath_kreg kr_control

Definition at line 362 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_counterregbase

Definition at line 363 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_debugport

Definition at line 380 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_debugportselect

Definition at line 381 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_errorclear

Definition at line 382 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_errormask

Definition at line 383 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_errorstatus

Definition at line 384 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_extctrl

Definition at line 385 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_extstatus

Definition at line 386 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_gpio_clear

Definition at line 387 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_gpio_mask

Definition at line 388 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_gpio_out

Definition at line 389 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_gpio_status

Definition at line 390 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_hrtbt_guid

Definition at line 437 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_hwdiagctrl

Definition at line 391 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_hwerrclear

Definition at line 392 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_hwerrmask

Definition at line 393 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_hwerrstatus

Definition at line 394 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ib_ddsrxeq

Definition at line 459 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ib_epbacc

Definition at line 455 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ib_epbtrans

Definition at line 456 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ibcctrl

Definition at line 395 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ibcddrctrl

Definition at line 438 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ibcddrstatus

Definition at line 439 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ibcstatus

Definition at line 396 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ibpllcfg

Definition at line 420 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_ibserdesctrl

Definition at line 454 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_intblocked

Definition at line 397 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_intclear

Definition at line 398 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_interruptconfig

Definition at line 399 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_intmask

Definition at line 364 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_intstatus

Definition at line 365 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_jintreload

Definition at line 440 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_mdio

Definition at line 400 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pagealign

Definition at line 366 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_partitionkey

Definition at line 401 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcie_epbacc

Definition at line 457 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcie_epbtrans

Definition at line 458 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcieq0serdesconfig0

Definition at line 431 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcieq0serdesconfig1

Definition at line 432 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcieq0serdesstatus

Definition at line 433 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcieq1serdesconfig0

Definition at line 434 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcieq1serdesconfig1

Definition at line 435 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcieq1serdesstatus

Definition at line 436 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcierbuftestreg0

Definition at line 429 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_pcierbuftestreg1

Definition at line 430 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_portcnt

Definition at line 367 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvbthqp

Definition at line 402 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvbufbase

Definition at line 403 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvbufsize

Definition at line 404 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvctrl

Definition at line 405 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvegrbase

Definition at line 370 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvegrcnt

Definition at line 371 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdraddr

Definition at line 423 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdrcnt

Definition at line 406 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdrentsize

Definition at line 407 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdrsize

Definition at line 408 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvhdrtailaddr

Definition at line 424 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvintmembase

Definition at line 409 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvintmemsize

Definition at line 410 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvpktledcnt

Definition at line 428 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvtidbase

Definition at line 368 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_rcvtidcnt

Definition at line 369 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_revision

Definition at line 411 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_scratch

Definition at line 372 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_sendbuffererror

Definition at line 412 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_sendctrl

Definition at line 373 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmabase

Definition at line 443 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmabufmask0

Definition at line 448 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmabufmask1

Definition at line 449 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmabufmask2

Definition at line 450 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmahead

Definition at line 446 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmaheadaddr

Definition at line 447 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmalengen

Definition at line 444 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmastatus

Definition at line 451 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_senddmatail

Definition at line 445 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_sendpioavailaddr

Definition at line 413 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_sendpiobufbase

Definition at line 374 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_sendpiobufcnt

Definition at line 375 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_sendpiosize

Definition at line 376 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_sendregbase

Definition at line 377 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_serdesconfig0

Definition at line 414 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_serdesconfig1

Definition at line 415 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_serdesstatus

Definition at line 416 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_txintmembase

Definition at line 417 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_txintmemsize

Definition at line 418 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_userregbase

Definition at line 378 of file ipath_registers.h.

ipath_kreg kr_xgxsconfig

Definition at line 419 of file ipath_registers.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: