LLVM API Documentation

llvm::AtomicSDNode Member List
This is the complete list of members for llvm::AtomicSDNode, including all inherited members.
addUse(SDUse &U)llvm::SDNode [inline]
AtomicSDNode(unsigned Opc, unsigned Order, DebugLoc dl, SDVTList VTL, EVT MemVT, SDValue Chain, SDValue Ptr, SDValue Cmp, SDValue Swp, MachineMemOperand *MMO, AtomicOrdering Ordering, SynchronizationScope SynchScope)llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
AtomicSDNode(unsigned Opc, unsigned Order, DebugLoc dl, SDVTList VTL, EVT MemVT, SDValue Chain, SDValue Ptr, SDValue Val, MachineMemOperand *MMO, AtomicOrdering Ordering, SynchronizationScope SynchScope)llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
AtomicSDNode(unsigned Opc, unsigned Order, DebugLoc dl, SDVTList VTL, EVT MemVT, SDValue Chain, SDValue Ptr, MachineMemOperand *MMO, AtomicOrdering Ordering, SynchronizationScope SynchScope)llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
AtomicSDNode(unsigned Opc, unsigned Order, DebugLoc dl, SDVTList VTL, EVT MemVT, const SDValue *AllOps, SDUse *DynOps, unsigned NumOps, MachineMemOperand *MMO, AtomicOrdering SuccessOrdering, AtomicOrdering FailureOrdering, SynchronizationScope SynchScope)llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
classof(const SDNode *N)llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline, static]
DropOperands()llvm::SDNode [protected]
dump() const llvm::SDNode
dump(const SelectionDAG *G) const llvm::SDNode
dumpr() const llvm::SDNode
dumpr(const SelectionDAG *G) const llvm::SDNode
dumprFull(const SelectionDAG *G=nullptr) const llvm::SDNode
dumprWithDepth(const SelectionDAG *G=nullptr, unsigned depth=100) const llvm::SDNode
getAAInfo() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getAddressSpace() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getAlignment() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getBasePtr() const llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
getChain() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getConstantOperandVal(unsigned Num) const llvm::SDNode
getDebugLoc() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getFailureOrdering() const llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
getGluedMachineNode() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getGluedNode() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getGluedUser() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getHasDebugValue() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getIndexedModeName(ISD::MemIndexedMode AM)llvm::SDNode [static]
getIROrder() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getMachineOpcode() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getMemOperand() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getMemoryVT() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getNextInBucket() const llvm::FoldingSetImpl::Node [inline]
getNextNode()llvm::ilist_node< SDNode > [inline]
getNextNode() constllvm::ilist_node< SDNode > [inline]
getNodeId() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getNumOperands() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getNumValues() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getOpcode() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getOperand(unsigned Num) const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getOperationName(const SelectionDAG *G=nullptr) const llvm::SDNode
getOrdering() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getOriginalAlignment() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getPointerInfo() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getPrevNode()llvm::ilist_node< SDNode > [inline]
getPrevNode() constllvm::ilist_node< SDNode > [inline]
getRanges() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getRawSubclassData() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getSDVTList(EVT VT)llvm::SDNode [inline, protected, static]
getSimpleValueType(unsigned ResNo) const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getSrcValueOffset() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getSuccessOrdering() const llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
getSynchScope() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
getVal() const llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
getValueSizeInBits(unsigned ResNo) const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getValueType(unsigned ResNo) const llvm::SDNode [inline]
getVTList() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
hasAnyUseOfValue(unsigned Value) const llvm::SDNode
hasNUsesOfValue(unsigned NUses, unsigned Value) const llvm::SDNode
hasOneUse() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
hasPredecessor(const SDNode *N) const llvm::SDNode
hasPredecessorHelper(const SDNode *N, SmallPtrSetImpl< const SDNode * > &Visited, SmallVectorImpl< const SDNode * > &Worklist) const llvm::SDNode
ilist_node()llvm::ilist_node< SDNode > [inline, protected]
InitOperands(SDUse *Ops, const SDValue &Op0)llvm::SDNode [inline, protected]
InitOperands(SDUse *Ops, const SDValue &Op0, const SDValue &Op1)llvm::SDNode [inline, protected]
InitOperands(SDUse *Ops, const SDValue &Op0, const SDValue &Op1, const SDValue &Op2)llvm::SDNode [inline, protected]
InitOperands(SDUse *Ops, const SDValue &Op0, const SDValue &Op1, const SDValue &Op2, const SDValue &Op3)llvm::SDNode [inline, protected]
InitOperands(SDUse *Ops, const SDValue *Vals, unsigned N)llvm::SDNode [inline, protected]
isCompareAndSwap() const llvm::AtomicSDNode [inline]
isInvariant() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
isMachineOpcode() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
isMemIntrinsic() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
isNonTemporal() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
isOnlyUserOf(SDNode *N) const llvm::SDNode
isOperandOf(SDNode *N) const llvm::SDNode
isPredecessorOf(const SDNode *N) const llvm::SDNode [inline]
isTargetMemoryOpcode() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
isTargetOpcode() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
isVolatile() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
MemSDNode(unsigned Opc, unsigned Order, DebugLoc dl, SDVTList VTs, EVT MemoryVT, MachineMemOperand *MMO)llvm::MemSDNode
MemSDNode(unsigned Opc, unsigned Order, DebugLoc dl, SDVTList VTs, ArrayRef< SDValue > Ops, EVT MemoryVT, MachineMemOperand *MMO)llvm::MemSDNode
MMOllvm::MemSDNode [protected]
Node()llvm::FoldingSetImpl::Node [inline]
op_begin() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
op_end() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
op_iterator typedefllvm::SDNode
ops() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
print(raw_ostream &OS, const SelectionDAG *G=nullptr) const llvm::SDNode
print_details(raw_ostream &OS, const SelectionDAG *G) const llvm::SDNode
print_types(raw_ostream &OS, const SelectionDAG *G) const llvm::SDNode
printr(raw_ostream &OS, const SelectionDAG *G=nullptr) const llvm::SDNode
printrFull(raw_ostream &O, const SelectionDAG *G=nullptr) const llvm::SDNode
printrWithDepth(raw_ostream &O, const SelectionDAG *G=nullptr, unsigned depth=100) const llvm::SDNode
Profile(FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const llvm::SDNode
readMem() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
refineAlignment(const MachineMemOperand *NewMMO)llvm::MemSDNode [inline]
SDNode(unsigned Opc, unsigned Order, const DebugLoc dl, SDVTList VTs, ArrayRef< SDValue > Ops)llvm::SDNode [inline, protected]
SDNode(unsigned Opc, unsigned Order, const DebugLoc dl, SDVTList VTs)llvm::SDNode [inline, protected]
setDebugLoc(const DebugLoc dl)llvm::SDNode [inline]
setHasDebugValue(bool b)llvm::SDNode [inline]
setIROrder(unsigned Order)llvm::SDNode [inline]
SetNextInBucket(void *N)llvm::FoldingSetImpl::Node [inline]
setNodeId(int Id)llvm::SDNode [inline]
SubclassDatallvm::SDNode [protected]
use_begin() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
use_empty() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
use_end()llvm::SDNode [inline, static]
use_size() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
uses()llvm::SDNode [inline]
uses() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
value_begin() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
value_end() const llvm::SDNode [inline]
value_iterator typedefllvm::SDNode
writeMem() const llvm::MemSDNode [inline]