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llvm::sys::TimeValue Class Reference

Provides an abstraction for a fixed point in time. More...

#include <TimeValue.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  TimeConversions {
typedef int64_t SecondsType
 Type used for representing seconds.
typedef int32_t NanoSecondsType
 Type used for representing nanoseconds.

Public Member Functions

 TimeValue ()
 Default construct a time value, initializing to ZeroTime.
 TimeValue (SecondsType seconds, NanoSecondsType nanos=0)
 Explicit constructor.
 TimeValue (double new_time)
 Double Constructor.
TimeValueoperator+= (const TimeValue &that)
 Incrementing assignment operator.
TimeValueoperator-= (const TimeValue &that)
 Decrementing assignment operator.
int operator< (const TimeValue &that) const
 True if this < that.
int operator> (const TimeValue &that) const
 True if this > that.
int operator<= (const TimeValue &that) const
 True if this <= that.
int operator>= (const TimeValue &that) const
int operator== (const TimeValue &that) const
int operator!= (const TimeValue &that) const
SecondsType seconds () const
 Retrieve the seconds component.
NanoSecondsType nanoseconds () const
 Retrieve the nanoseconds component.
uint32_t microseconds () const
 Retrieve the fractional part as microseconds;.
uint32_t milliseconds () const
 Retrieve the fractional part as milliseconds;.
uint64_t usec () const
 Convert to a number of microseconds (can overflow)
uint64_t msec () const
 Convert to a number of milliseconds (can overflow)
uint64_t toEpochTime () const
uint64_t toWin32Time () const
 Convert to Win32's FILETIME (100ns intervals since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1601 UTC)
void getTimespecTime (uint64_t &seconds, uint32_t &nanos) const
 Convert to timespec time (ala POSIX.1b)
std::string str () const
 Convert time to a string.
void seconds (SecondsType sec)
 Set the seconds component.
void nanoseconds (NanoSecondsType nanos)
 Set the nanoseconds component using a number of nanoseconds.
void microseconds (int32_t micros)
 Set the nanoseconds component using a number of microseconds.
void milliseconds (int32_t millis)
 Set the nanoseconds component using a number of milliseconds.
void usec (int64_t microseconds)
 Converts from microsecond format to TimeValue format.
void msec (int64_t milliseconds)
 Converts from millisecond format to TimeValue format.
void fromEpochTime (SecondsType seconds)
 Convert seconds form PosixTime to TimeValue.
void fromWin32Time (uint64_t win32Time)
 Convert seconds form Windows FILETIME to TimeValue.

Static Public Member Functions

static TimeValue now ()
 Creates a TimeValue with the current time (UTC).
static TimeValue MinTime ()
 The smallest possible time value.
static TimeValue MaxTime ()
 The largest possible time value.
static TimeValue ZeroTime ()
 00:00:00 Jan 1, 2000 UTC.
static TimeValue PosixZeroTime ()
 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
static TimeValue Win32ZeroTime ()
 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1601 UTC.


TimeValue operator+ (const TimeValue &tv1, const TimeValue &tv2)
 Addition operator.
TimeValue operator- (const TimeValue &tv1, const TimeValue &tv2)
 Subtraction operator.

Detailed Description

Provides an abstraction for a fixed point in time.

This class is used where a precise fixed point in time is required. The range of TimeValue spans many hundreds of billions of years both past and present. The precision of TimeValue is to the nanosecond. However, the actual precision of its values will be determined by the resolution of the system clock. The TimeValue class is used in conjunction with several other lib/System interfaces to specify the time at which a call should timeout, etc.


Definition at line 31 of file TimeValue.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Type used for representing nanoseconds.

Definition at line 77 of file TimeValue.h.

Type used for representing seconds.

Definition at line 76 of file TimeValue.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


One Billion.


One Million.


One Thousand.


One Thousand.


One Million.


Win32 tick is 10^7 Hz (10ns)

Definition at line 79 of file TimeValue.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default construct a time value, initializing to ZeroTime.

Definition at line 91 of file TimeValue.h.

Referenced by MaxTime(), MinTime(), PosixZeroTime(), Win32ZeroTime(), and ZeroTime().

llvm::sys::TimeValue::TimeValue ( SecondsType  seconds,
NanoSecondsType  nanos = 0 
) [inline, explicit]

Explicit constructor.

Caller provides the exact value in seconds and nanoseconds. The nanos argument defaults to zero for convenience.

Definition at line 96 of file TimeValue.h.

llvm::sys::TimeValue::TimeValue ( double  new_time) [inline, explicit]

Double Constructor.

Caller provides the exact value as a double in seconds with the fractional part representing nanoseconds.

Definition at line 102 of file TimeValue.h.


Member Function Documentation

Convert seconds form PosixTime to TimeValue.

Converts the seconds argument from PosixTime to the corresponding TimeValue and assigns that value to this.

Definition at line 324 of file TimeValue.h.


Referenced by llvm::object::ArchiveMemberHeader::getLastModified().

void llvm::sys::TimeValue::fromWin32Time ( uint64_t  win32Time) [inline]

Convert seconds form Windows FILETIME to TimeValue.

Converts the win32Time argument from Windows FILETIME to the corresponding TimeValue and assigns that value to this.

Definition at line 333 of file TimeValue.h.

void llvm::sys::TimeValue::getTimespecTime ( uint64_t &  seconds,
uint32_t &  nanos 
) const [inline]

Convert to timespec time (ala POSIX.1b)

Provides the seconds and nanoseconds as results in its arguments after correction for the Posix zero time.

Definition at line 259 of file TimeValue.h.

static TimeValue llvm::sys::TimeValue::MaxTime ( ) [inline, static]

The largest possible time value.

A constant TimeValue representing the largest time value permissible by the class. MaxTime is some point in the distant future, about 300 billion years AD.

Definition at line 49 of file TimeValue.h.

References INT64_MAX, and TimeValue().

uint32_t llvm::sys::TimeValue::microseconds ( ) const [inline]

Retrieve the fractional part as microseconds;.

Returns only the fractional portion of the TimeValue rounded down to the nearest microsecond (divide by one thousand).

Definition at line 209 of file TimeValue.h.

Referenced by llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime().

void llvm::sys::TimeValue::microseconds ( int32_t  micros) [inline]

Set the nanoseconds component using a number of microseconds.

The seconds component remains unchanged.

Definition at line 293 of file TimeValue.h.

uint32_t llvm::sys::TimeValue::milliseconds ( ) const [inline]

Retrieve the fractional part as milliseconds;.

Returns only the fractional portion of the TimeValue rounded down to the nearest millisecond (divide by one million).

Definition at line 216 of file TimeValue.h.


void llvm::sys::TimeValue::milliseconds ( int32_t  millis) [inline]

Set the nanoseconds component using a number of milliseconds.

The seconds component remains unchanged.

Definition at line 300 of file TimeValue.h.


static TimeValue llvm::sys::TimeValue::MinTime ( ) [inline, static]

The smallest possible time value.

A constant TimeValue representing the smallest time value permissible by the class. MinTime is some point in the distant past, about 300 billion years BCE.

Definition at line 41 of file TimeValue.h.

References INT64_MIN, and TimeValue().

uint64_t llvm::sys::TimeValue::msec ( ) const [inline]

Convert to a number of milliseconds (can overflow)

Returns the TimeValue as a number of milliseconds. Note that the value returned can overflow because the range of a uint64_t is smaller than the range of a TimeValue. Nevertheless, this is useful on some operating systems and is therefore provided.

Definition at line 235 of file TimeValue.h.

void llvm::sys::TimeValue::msec ( int64_t  milliseconds) [inline]

Converts from millisecond format to TimeValue format.

Definition at line 314 of file TimeValue.h.


Retrieve the nanoseconds component.

Returns only the nanoseconds component of the TimeValue. The seconds portion is ignored.

Definition at line 204 of file TimeValue.h.

Set the nanoseconds component using a number of nanoseconds.

The nanoseconds component of the TimeValue is set to nanos without modifying the seconds part. This is useful for basic computations involving just the nanoseconds portion. Note that the TimeValue will be normalized after this call so that the fractional (nanoseconds) portion will have the smallest equivalent value.

Definition at line 286 of file TimeValue.h.

static TimeValue llvm::sys::TimeValue::now ( ) [static]

Creates a TimeValue with the current time (UTC).

This is a static constructor that returns a TimeValue that represents the current time.

Referenced by llvm::PMDataManager::dumpPassInfo(), and getElapsedWallTime().

int llvm::sys::TimeValue::operator!= ( const TimeValue that) const [inline]

Determines if two TimeValue objects represent times that are not the same.

True iff *this != that.

Definition at line 181 of file TimeValue.h.

TimeValue& llvm::sys::TimeValue::operator+= ( const TimeValue that) [inline]

Incrementing assignment operator.

Add that to this.


Definition at line 121 of file TimeValue.h.

TimeValue& llvm::sys::TimeValue::operator-= ( const TimeValue that) [inline]

Decrementing assignment operator.

Subtract that from this.


Definition at line 131 of file TimeValue.h.

int llvm::sys::TimeValue::operator< ( const TimeValue that) const [inline]

True if this < that.

Determine if this is less than that.

True iff *this < that.

Definition at line 141 of file TimeValue.h.

int llvm::sys::TimeValue::operator<= ( const TimeValue that) const [inline]

True if this <= that.

Determine if this is less than or equal to that.

True iff *this <= that.

Definition at line 158 of file TimeValue.h.

int llvm::sys::TimeValue::operator== ( const TimeValue that) const [inline]

Determines if two TimeValue objects represent the same moment in time.

True iff *this == that.

Definition at line 173 of file TimeValue.h.

int llvm::sys::TimeValue::operator> ( const TimeValue that) const [inline]

True if this > that.

Determine if this is greather than that.

True iff *this > that.

Definition at line 146 of file TimeValue.h.

int llvm::sys::TimeValue::operator>= ( const TimeValue that) const [inline]

Determine if this is greater than or equal to that.

True iff *this >= that.

Definition at line 162 of file TimeValue.h.

static TimeValue llvm::sys::TimeValue::PosixZeroTime ( ) [inline, static]

00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970 UTC.

A constant TimeValue for the Posix base time which is 00:00:00 (midnight) January 1st, 1970.

Definition at line 63 of file TimeValue.h.

References TimeValue().

Retrieve the seconds component.

Returns only the seconds component of the TimeValue. The nanoseconds portion is ignored. No rounding is performed.

Definition at line 199 of file TimeValue.h.

Referenced by llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime().

Set the seconds component.

The seconds component of the TimeValue is set to sec without modifying the nanoseconds part. This is useful for whole second arithmetic.

Definition at line 275 of file TimeValue.h.

std::string llvm::sys::TimeValue::str ( ) const

Convert time to a string.

Provides conversion of the TimeValue into a readable time & date.

std::string containing the readable time value

Referenced by llvm::PMDataManager::dumpPassInfo().

uint64_t llvm::sys::TimeValue::toEpochTime ( ) const [inline]

Converts the TimeValue into the corresponding number of seconds since the epoch (00:00:00 Jan 1,1970).

Definition at line 242 of file TimeValue.h.


uint64_t llvm::sys::TimeValue::toWin32Time ( ) const [inline]

Convert to Win32's FILETIME (100ns intervals since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1601 UTC)

Converts the TimeValue into the corresponding number of "ticks" for Win32 platforms, correcting for the difference in Win32 zero time.

Definition at line 250 of file TimeValue.h.

uint64_t llvm::sys::TimeValue::usec ( ) const [inline]

Convert to a number of microseconds (can overflow)

Returns the TimeValue as a number of microseconds. Note that the value returned can overflow because the range of a uint64_t is smaller than the range of a TimeValue. Nevertheless, this is useful on some operating systems and is therefore provided.

Definition at line 225 of file TimeValue.h.

void llvm::sys::TimeValue::usec ( int64_t  microseconds) [inline]

Converts from microsecond format to TimeValue format.

Definition at line 306 of file TimeValue.h.

static TimeValue llvm::sys::TimeValue::Win32ZeroTime ( ) [inline, static]

00:00:00 Jan 1, 1601 UTC.

A constant TimeValue for the Win32 base time which is 00:00:00 (midnight) January 1st, 1601.

Definition at line 70 of file TimeValue.h.

References TimeValue().

static TimeValue llvm::sys::TimeValue::ZeroTime ( ) [inline, static]

00:00:00 Jan 1, 2000 UTC.

A constant TimeValue representing the base time, or zero time of 00:00:00 (midnight) January 1st, 2000.

Definition at line 56 of file TimeValue.h.

References TimeValue().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

TimeValue operator+ ( const TimeValue tv1,
const TimeValue tv2 
) [friend]

Addition operator.

Adds two TimeValue objects together.

The sum of the two operands as a new TimeValue

Definition at line 371 of file TimeValue.h.

TimeValue operator- ( const TimeValue tv1,
const TimeValue tv2 
) [friend]

Subtraction operator.

Subtracts two TimeValue objects.

The difference of the two operands as a new TimeValue

Definition at line 377 of file TimeValue.h.

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