Public Member Functions

pawsInfoWindow Class Reference

A window to show the player's vitals, the target's name and health, and the time. More...

#include <pawsinfowindow.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Draw ()
 Draws the widget and all of it's children.
float GetHPDangerLevel ()
float GetHPFlashLevel ()
float GetHPWarnLevel ()
float GetManaDangerLevel ()
float GetManaFlashLevel ()
float GetManaWarnLevel ()
virtual void HandleMessage (MsgEntry *msg)
bool LoadUserSharedPrefs ()
virtual bool OnButtonPressed (int mouseButton, int keyModifier, pawsWidget *reporter)
 Called whenever a button is pressed.
virtual bool OnScroll (int direction, pawsScrollBar *widget)
 Called whenever a window is scrolled.
bool PostSetup ()
 This is called after the widget and all of it's children have been created.
void SetHPDangerLevel (float val)
void SetHPFlashLevel (float val)
void SetHPWarnLevel (float val)
void SetManaDangerLevel (float val)
void SetManaFlashLevel (float val)
void SetManaWarnLevel (float val)
void SetStanceHighlight (uint stance)
virtual void Show ()
 When the window is opened let the controller window know about it.
void UpdateAttkQueue (MsgEntry *me)
virtual ~pawsInfoWindow ()

Detailed Description

A window to show the player's vitals, the target's name and health, and the time.

It also has the controls for combat stances and spell power.

Definition at line 42 of file pawsinfowindow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual pawsInfoWindow::~pawsInfoWindow ( ) [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void pawsInfoWindow::Draw ( ) [virtual]

Draws the widget and all of it's children.

Uses clipping rect of it's parent to define drawing area. If the drawing area defined is empty it returns.

Reimplemented from pawsWidget.

float pawsInfoWindow::GetHPDangerLevel ( )
float pawsInfoWindow::GetHPFlashLevel ( )
float pawsInfoWindow::GetHPWarnLevel ( )
float pawsInfoWindow::GetManaDangerLevel ( )
float pawsInfoWindow::GetManaFlashLevel ( )
float pawsInfoWindow::GetManaWarnLevel ( )
virtual void pawsInfoWindow::HandleMessage ( MsgEntry msg) [virtual]

Implements psClientNetSubscriber.

bool pawsInfoWindow::LoadUserSharedPrefs ( )
virtual bool pawsInfoWindow::OnButtonPressed ( int  button,
int  keyModifier,
pawsWidget widget 
) [virtual]

Called whenever a button is pressed.

buttonThe button pressed.
keyModifierModifier key in effect.
widgetThe widget the button belongs to.
bool Parent's result or FALSE if no parent.

Reimplemented from pawsWidget.

virtual bool pawsInfoWindow::OnScroll ( int  scrollDirection,
pawsScrollBar widget 
) [virtual]

Called whenever a window is scrolled.

scrollDirectionThe direction to move.
widgetThe scrollbar widget being manipulated.
bool Parent's result or FALSE if no parent.

Reimplemented from pawsWidget.

bool pawsInfoWindow::PostSetup ( ) [virtual]

This is called after the widget and all of it's children have been created.

This can be useful for widgets that want to get pointers to some of it's children for quick access.

Reimplemented from pawsWidget.

void pawsInfoWindow::SetHPDangerLevel ( float  val)
void pawsInfoWindow::SetHPFlashLevel ( float  val)
void pawsInfoWindow::SetHPWarnLevel ( float  val)
void pawsInfoWindow::SetManaDangerLevel ( float  val)
void pawsInfoWindow::SetManaFlashLevel ( float  val)
void pawsInfoWindow::SetManaWarnLevel ( float  val)
void pawsInfoWindow::SetStanceHighlight ( uint  stance)
virtual void pawsInfoWindow::Show ( void  ) [virtual]

When the window is opened let the controller window know about it.

Reimplemented from pawsControlledWindow.

void pawsInfoWindow::UpdateAttkQueue ( MsgEntry me)

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