Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions

pawsMeterPromptWindow Class Reference

This window let the user select the music meter for a score. More...

#include <pawsmeterpromptwindow.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Initialize (const char *actionName, const char *title, const char *initialBeats, const char *initialBeatType, size_t beatsMaxLength, iOnMeterEnteredListener *listener)
 Initializes the window with its starting values.
virtual bool OnButtonPressed (int mouseButton, int keyModifier, pawsWidget *widget)
 Called whenever a button is pressed.
 pawsMeterPromptWindow (const pawsMeterPromptWindow &origin)
 Copy constructor.
 pawsMeterPromptWindow ()
virtual bool PostSetup ()
 Executed after the widget is setup.

Static Public Member Functions

static pawsMeterPromptWindowCreate (const char *actionName, const char *initialBeats, const char *initialBeatType, size_t beatsMaxLength, iOnMeterEnteredListener *listener)
 Creates a new pawsMeterPromptWindow.

Detailed Description

This window let the user select the music meter for a score.

Definition at line 108 of file pawsmeterpromptwindow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

pawsMeterPromptWindow::pawsMeterPromptWindow ( )


pawsMeterPromptWindow::pawsMeterPromptWindow ( const pawsMeterPromptWindow origin)

Copy constructor.

originthe pawsMeterPromptWindow to copy.

Member Function Documentation

static pawsMeterPromptWindow* pawsMeterPromptWindow::Create ( const char *  actionName,
const char *  initialBeats,
const char *  initialBeatType,
size_t  beatsMaxLength,
iOnMeterEnteredListener listener 
) [static]

Creates a new pawsMeterPromptWindow.

actionNamethe name that will be used when OnMeterEntered is called on the listener.
initialBeatsthe text that is visualized as beats when the window is opened.
initialBeatTypethe text that is visualized as beat type when the window is opened.
beatsMaxLengththe maximum number of digits that the user can input for beats.
listenerthe iOnMeterEnteredListener that waits for the user's input.
the new pawsMeterPromptWindow.
void pawsMeterPromptWindow::Initialize ( const char *  actionName,
const char *  title,
const char *  initialBeats,
const char *  initialBeatType,
size_t  beatsMaxLength,
iOnMeterEnteredListener listener 

Initializes the window with its starting values.

actionNamethe name that will be used when OnMeterEntered is called on the listener.
titlethe displayed title of the window.
initialBeatsthe text that is visualized as beats when the window is opened.
initialBeatTypethe text that is visualized as beat type when the window is opened.
beatsMaxLengththe maximum number of digits that the user can input for beats.
listenerthe iOnMeterEnteredListener that waits for the user's input.
virtual bool pawsMeterPromptWindow::OnButtonPressed ( int  button,
int  keyModifier,
pawsWidget widget 
) [virtual]

Called whenever a button is pressed.

buttonThe button pressed.
keyModifierModifier key in effect.
widgetThe widget the button belongs to.
bool Parent's result or FALSE if no parent.

Reimplemented from pawsWidget.

virtual bool pawsMeterPromptWindow::PostSetup ( ) [virtual]

Executed after the widget is setup.


Reimplemented from pawsPromptWindow.

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