


class  AttackPerception
 Whenever an NPC is attacked by a player, this perception is passed to the attacked npc. More...
class  DamagePerception
 Whenever an NPC is hit for damage by a melee hit or a spell, this perception is passed to the damaged npc. More...
class  DeathPerception
 The network layer is notified of any deaths from players or NPCs on the server. More...
class  FactionPerception
 Deliver a faction based perception. More...
class  GroupAttackPerception
 Whenever an NPC is attacked by a grouop, this perception is passed to the attacked npc. More...
class  InventoryPerception
 This perception is used when a item is added or removed from inventory. More...
class  ItemPerception
 Whenever an NPC is close to an item, this perception is passed to the npc. More...
class  LocationPerception
 Whenever an NPC is close to an location, this perception is passed to the npc. More...
class  Perception
 This embodies any perception an NPC might have, or any game event of interest. More...
class  PositionPerception
 Percept a position. More...
class  SpellPerception
 Whenever a player casts a spell on himself, another player, or any npc, this perception is passed to npc's in the vicinity. More...
class  TimePerception
 Given to the NPC upon ever tick of game minute. More...