Classes | Defines | Functions

pawstextbox.h File Reference

#include "pawswidget.h"
#include <csutil/parray.h>
#include <ivideo/fontserv.h>
#include <iutil/virtclk.h>
#include <ispellchecker.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  pawsMultilineEditTextBox::MessageLine
struct  pawsMessageTextBox::MessageLine
struct  pawsMessageTextBox::MessageSegment
class  pawsDocumentView
class  pawsEditTextBox
 An edit box widget/. More...
class  pawsFadingTextBox
class  pawsMessageTextBox
 This is a special type of text box that is used for messages. More...
class  pawsMultilineEditTextBox
class  pawsMultiLineTextBox
class  pawsMultiPageDocumentView
class  pawsMultiPageTextBox
class  pawsTextBox
 A basic text box widget. More...
struct  PictureInfo
 PictureInfo hold the information of pictures that would be display in the same row with the same format. More...
struct  pawsMultilineEditTextBox::Word
 struct to contain the end boundry of a word and it's spellcheck status More...
struct  pawsEditTextBox::Word
 struct to contain the end boundry of a word and it's spellcheck status More...


#define BLINK_TICKS   1000
#define FADE_TIME   1000
 pawsFadingTextBox - Used for mainly on screen messages, deletes itself upon 100% fade
#define MESG_TIME   3000


 CREATE_PAWS_FACTORY (pawsMultiPageDocumentView)
 CREATE_PAWS_FACTORY (pawsDocumentView)
 CREATE_PAWS_FACTORY (pawsFadingTextBox)
 CREATE_PAWS_FACTORY (pawsMultilineEditTextBox)
 CREATE_PAWS_FACTORY (pawsMultiPageTextBox)
 CREATE_PAWS_FACTORY (pawsMultiLineTextBox)
 CREATE_PAWS_FACTORY (pawsMessageTextBox)