Classes | Defines | Typedefs | Functions | Variables

wn.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Index
struct  SearchResults
struct  si
struct  ss


#define ADJ   3
#define ADV   4
#define ALL_POS   0
#define ALLSENSES   0
#define ANTPTR   1
#define ATTRIBUTE   18
#define bit(n)   ((unsigned int)((unsigned int)1<<((unsigned int)n)))
#define CAUSETO   14
#define CLASS   22
#define CNTLISTFILE   "%s/cntlist.rev"
#define COORDS   (LASTTYPE + 4)
#define DATAFILE   "%s/data.%s"
#define DBLICENSE_SIZE   (sizeof(dblicense))
#define DEFAULTPATH   "data/dict"
#define DERIVATION   20
#define DICTDIR   "/dict"
#define ENTAILPTR   4
#define FRAMES   (LASTTYPE + 3)
#define FREQ   (LASTTYPE + 2)
#define HASMEMBERPTR   9
#define HASPARTPTR   11
#define HASSTUFFPTR   10
#define HHOLONYM   (LASTTYPE + 7)
#define HMERONYM   (LASTTYPE + 6)
#define HOLONYM   13
#define HYPERPTR   2
#define HYPOPTR   3
#define INDEXFILE   "%s/index.%s"
#define INSTANCE   (CLASS_END + 1)
#define INSTANCES   (CLASS_END + 2)
#define IPADJ   3
#define ISMEMBERPTR   6
#define ISPARTPTR   8
#define ISSTUFFPTR   7
#define KEYIDXFILE   "%s/index.key"
#define LINEBUF   (15*1024)
#define MAX_FORMS   5
#define MAXDEPTH   20
#define MAXFNUM   44
#define MAXID   15
#define MAXSENSE   75
#define MERONYM   12
#define NOUN   1
#define NPADJ   2
#define NUMFRAMES   35
#define NUMPARTS   4
#define OVERVIEW   (LASTTYPE + 9)
#define PADJ   1
#define PERTPTR   17
#define PPLPTR   15
#define RELATIVES   (LASTTYPE + 5)
#define REVKEYIDXFILE   "%s/index.key.rev"
#define SATELLITE   5
#define SEARCHBUF   ((long)(200*(long)1024))
#define SEEALSOPTR   16
#define SENSEIDXFILE   "%s/index.sense"
#define SIMPTR   5
#define SMLINEBUF   (3*1024)
#define SYNS   (LASTTYPE + 1)
#define UNKNOWN_MARKER   0
#define VERB   2
#define VERBGROUP   19
#define VRBIDXFILE   "%s/sentidx.vrb"
#define VRBSENTFILE   "%s/sents.vrb"
#define WNGREP   (LASTTYPE + 8)
#define WORDBUF   (256)


typedef IndexIndexPtr
typedef SearchResultsSearchResultsPtr
typedef struct si SnsIndex
typedef SnsIndexSnsIndexPtr
typedef struct ss Synset
typedef SynsetSynsetPtr


char * bin_search (char *, FILE *)
int cntwords (char *, char)
void copyfile (FILE *, FILE *)
int default_display_message (char *)
char * do_trace (SynsetPtr, int, int, int)
char * findtheinfo (char *, int, int, int)
SynsetPtr findtheinfo_ds (char *, int, int, int)
char * FmtSynset (SynsetPtr, int)
void free_index (IndexPtr)
void free_syns (SynsetPtr)
void free_synset (SynsetPtr)
void FreeSenseIndex (SnsIndexPtr)
long GetDataOffset (char *)
IndexPtr getindex (char *, int)
unsigned int GetKeyForOffset (char *)
char * GetOffsetForKey (unsigned int)
int GetPolyCount (char *)
int GetPOS (char *)
int getpos (char *)
int getptrtype (char *)
SnsIndexPtr GetSenseIndex (char *)
int getsstype (char *)
SynsetPtr GetSynsetForSense (char *)
int GetTagcnt (IndexPtr, int)
IndexPtr GetValidIndexPointer (char *, int)
int GetWNSense (char *, char *)
char * GetWNStr (char *, int)
char * GetWORD (char *)
unsigned int in_wn (char *, int)
IndexPtr index_lookup (char *, int)
char * insert_line (char *, char *, FILE *)
unsigned int is_defined (char *, int)
int morphinit ()
char * morphstr (char *, int)
char * morphword (char *, int)
IndexPtr parse_index (long, int, char *)
SynsetPtr parse_synset (FILE *, int, char *)
int re_morphinit ()
int re_wninit ()
char * read_index (long, FILE *)
SynsetPtr read_synset (int, long, char *)
char * replace_line (char *, char *, FILE *)
char * SetSearchdir ()
int strstr_getnext (void)
void strstr_init (char *, char *)
char * strsubst (char *, char, char)
char * strtolower (char *)
int StrToPos (char *)
char * ToLowerCase (char *)
SynsetPtr traceptrs_ds (SynsetPtr, int, int, int)
int wnclose ()
int wninit ()
char * WNSnsToStr (IndexPtr, int)


int abortsearch
char * adjclass []
FILE * cntlistfp
FILE * datafps [NUMPARTS+1]
int dflag
int(* display_message )(char *)
int fileinfoflag
int fnflag
char * frametext []
int frflag
char ** helptext [NUMPARTS+1]
FILE * indexfps [NUMPARTS+1]
void(* interface_doevents_func )(void)
FILE * keyindexfp
char * lexfiles []
int offsetflag
int OpenDB
char partchars []
char * partnames []
char * ptrtyp []
FILE * revkeyindexfp
int saflag
FILE * sensefp
FILE * vidxfilefp
FILE * vsentfilefp
char * wnrelease
SearchResults wnresults
int wnsnsflag

Define Documentation

#define ADJ   3

Definition at line 132 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 135 of file wn.h.

#define ADV   4

Definition at line 133 of file wn.h.

#define ALL_POS   0

Definition at line 137 of file wn.h.

#define ALLSENSES   0

Definition at line 49 of file wn.h.

#define ANTPTR   1

Definition at line 60 of file wn.h.

#define ATTRIBUTE   18

Definition at line 80 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 148 of file wn.h.

#define bit (   n)    ((unsigned int)((unsigned int)1<<((unsigned int)n)))

Definition at line 139 of file wn.h.

#define CAUSETO   14

Definition at line 76 of file wn.h.

#define CLASS   22

Definition at line 84 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 112 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 116 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 114 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 110 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 113 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 104 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 108 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 106 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 102 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 105 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 83 of file wn.h.

#define CNTLISTFILE   "%s/cntlist.rev"

Definition at line 39 of file wn.h.

#define COORDS   (LASTTYPE + 4)

Definition at line 93 of file wn.h.

#define DATAFILE   "%s/data.%s"

Definition at line 32 of file wn.h.

#define DBLICENSE_SIZE   (sizeof(dblicense))

Definition at line 523 of file wn.h.

#define DEFAULTPATH   "data/dict"

Definition at line 31 of file wn.h.

#define DERIVATION   20

Definition at line 82 of file wn.h.

#define DICTDIR   "/dict"

Definition at line 29 of file wn.h.

#define ENTAILPTR   4

Definition at line 63 of file wn.h.

#define FRAMES   (LASTTYPE + 3)

Definition at line 92 of file wn.h.

#define FREQ   (LASTTYPE + 2)

Definition at line 91 of file wn.h.

#define HASMEMBERPTR   9

Definition at line 70 of file wn.h.

#define HASPARTPTR   11

Definition at line 72 of file wn.h.

#define HASSTUFFPTR   10

Definition at line 71 of file wn.h.

#define HHOLONYM   (LASTTYPE + 7)

Definition at line 96 of file wn.h.

#define HMERONYM   (LASTTYPE + 6)

Definition at line 95 of file wn.h.

#define HOLONYM   13

Definition at line 75 of file wn.h.

#define HYPERPTR   2

Definition at line 61 of file wn.h.

#define HYPOPTR   3

Definition at line 62 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 150 of file wn.h.

#define INDEXFILE   "%s/index.%s"

Definition at line 33 of file wn.h.

#define INSTANCE   (CLASS_END + 1)

Definition at line 118 of file wn.h.

#define INSTANCES   (CLASS_END + 2)

Definition at line 119 of file wn.h.

#define IPADJ   3

Definition at line 145 of file wn.h.

#define ISMEMBERPTR   6

Definition at line 66 of file wn.h.

#define ISPARTPTR   8

Definition at line 68 of file wn.h.

#define ISSTUFFPTR   7

Definition at line 67 of file wn.h.

#define KEYIDXFILE   "%s/index.key"

Definition at line 35 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 86 of file wn.h.

#define LINEBUF   (15*1024)

Definition at line 45 of file wn.h.

#define MAX_FORMS   5

Definition at line 53 of file wn.h.

#define MAXDEPTH   20

Definition at line 51 of file wn.h.

#define MAXFNUM   44

Definition at line 54 of file wn.h.

#define MAXID   15

Definition at line 50 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 121 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 100 of file wn.h.

#define MAXSENSE   75

Definition at line 52 of file wn.h.

#define MERONYM   12

Definition at line 74 of file wn.h.

#define NOUN   1

Definition at line 130 of file wn.h.

#define NPADJ   2

Definition at line 144 of file wn.h.

#define NUMFRAMES   35

Definition at line 126 of file wn.h.

#define NUMPARTS   4

Definition at line 125 of file wn.h.

#define OVERVIEW   (LASTTYPE + 9)

Definition at line 98 of file wn.h.

#define PADJ   1

Definition at line 143 of file wn.h.

#define PERTPTR   17

Definition at line 79 of file wn.h.

#define PPLPTR   15

Definition at line 77 of file wn.h.


Definition at line 149 of file wn.h.

#define RELATIVES   (LASTTYPE + 5)

Definition at line 94 of file wn.h.

#define REVKEYIDXFILE   "%s/index.key.rev"

Definition at line 36 of file wn.h.

#define SATELLITE   5

Definition at line 134 of file wn.h.

#define SEARCHBUF   ((long)(200*(long)1024))

Definition at line 44 of file wn.h.

#define SEEALSOPTR   16

Definition at line 78 of file wn.h.

#define SENSEIDXFILE   "%s/index.sense"

Definition at line 34 of file wn.h.

#define SIMPTR   5

Definition at line 64 of file wn.h.

#define SMLINEBUF   (3*1024)

Definition at line 46 of file wn.h.

#define SYNS   (LASTTYPE + 1)

Definition at line 90 of file wn.h.

#define UNKNOWN_MARKER   0

Definition at line 147 of file wn.h.

#define VERB   2

Definition at line 131 of file wn.h.

#define VERBGROUP   19

Definition at line 81 of file wn.h.

#define VRBIDXFILE   "%s/sentidx.vrb"

Definition at line 38 of file wn.h.

#define VRBSENTFILE   "%s/sents.vrb"

Definition at line 37 of file wn.h.

#define WNGREP   (LASTTYPE + 8)

Definition at line 97 of file wn.h.

#define WORDBUF   (256)

Definition at line 47 of file wn.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Index* IndexPtr

Definition at line 176 of file wn.h.

Definition at line 235 of file wn.h.

typedef struct si SnsIndex

Definition at line 224 of file wn.h.

typedef struct ss Synset
typedef Synset* SynsetPtr

Definition at line 213 of file wn.h.

Function Documentation

char* bin_search ( char *  ,
FILE *   
int cntwords ( char *  ,
void copyfile ( FILE *  ,
FILE *   
int default_display_message ( char *  )
char* do_trace ( SynsetPtr  ,
int  ,
int  ,
char* findtheinfo ( char *  ,
int  ,
int  ,
SynsetPtr findtheinfo_ds ( char *  ,
int  ,
int  ,
char* FmtSynset ( SynsetPtr  ,
void free_index ( IndexPtr  )
void free_syns ( SynsetPtr  )
void free_synset ( SynsetPtr  )
void FreeSenseIndex ( SnsIndexPtr  )
long GetDataOffset ( char *  )
IndexPtr getindex ( char *  ,
unsigned int GetKeyForOffset ( char *  )
char* GetOffsetForKey ( unsigned  int)
int GetPolyCount ( char *  )
int GetPOS ( char *  )
int getpos ( char *  )
int getptrtype ( char *  )
SnsIndexPtr GetSenseIndex ( char *  )
int getsstype ( char *  )
SynsetPtr GetSynsetForSense ( char *  )
int GetTagcnt ( IndexPtr  ,
IndexPtr GetValidIndexPointer ( char *  ,
int GetWNSense ( char *  ,
char *   
char* GetWNStr ( char *  ,
char* GetWORD ( char *  )
unsigned int in_wn ( char *  ,
IndexPtr index_lookup ( char *  ,
char* insert_line ( char *  ,
char *  ,
FILE *   
unsigned int is_defined ( char *  ,
int morphinit ( )
char* morphstr ( char *  ,
char* morphword ( char *  ,
IndexPtr parse_index ( long  ,
int  ,
char *   
SynsetPtr parse_synset ( FILE *  ,
int  ,
char *   
int re_morphinit ( )
int re_wninit ( )
char* read_index ( long  ,
FILE *   
SynsetPtr read_synset ( int  ,
long  ,
char *   
char* replace_line ( char *  ,
char *  ,
FILE *   
char* SetSearchdir ( )
int strstr_getnext ( void  )
void strstr_init ( char *  ,
char *   
char* strsubst ( char *  ,
char  ,
char* strtolower ( char *  )
int StrToPos ( char *  )
char* ToLowerCase ( char *  )
SynsetPtr traceptrs_ds ( SynsetPtr  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int wnclose ( )
int wninit ( )
char* WNSnsToStr ( IndexPtr  ,

Variable Documentation

char* adjclass[]
FILE * cntlistfp
FILE* datafps[NUMPARTS+1]
int(* display_message)(char *)
char* frametext[]
char** helptext[NUMPARTS+1]
FILE * indexfps[NUMPARTS+1]
void(* interface_doevents_func)(void)
FILE * keyindexfp
char* lexfiles[]
char partchars[]
char* partnames[]
char* ptrtyp[]
FILE * revkeyindexfp
FILE * sensefp
FILE * vidxfilefp
FILE * vsentfilefp
char* wnrelease